Detox + Determination

There is a very juicy + abundant portal inside The Collective for Spring Cleaning + supporting the Wood Element. The Wood element in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is associated with the liver (yin) and gallbladder (yang) + feelings of stagnation or flow, with pent up aggression/irritation or the expression of healthy aggression, with contraction vs. expansion, confusion vs. decisive action, with our capacity. Working with this energy bring us into greater aligned movement. It helps us to make clear decisions and bring them forward to fruition.

The Liver is responsible for SO much and we really want to love up on it as often as possible, but at the least, in the Spring time.

The Liver in Human Design is associated with the Self Center and the Gates of the Self, therefore it is directly tied to our ability to magnetize life, to come into resonance with our core desires. In Astrology, the Liver is associated with the signs Virgo + Sagittarius as well as the planet Jupiter. When we have Jupiter in detriment or fall, we may need a little extra TLC on the regular when it comes to our livers.

When our Wood element is in balance we have more flexible stability. We feel we have foundation but we can also move, change direction, and flow with life with ease. We can make plans and get organized around a clear vision. We can tap into the courage to leap.

As the Liver is aligned with Spring, it is the most supported time to bring some awareness, intention and action to stewarding and resourcing the Wood element.

the importance of individuation

The other day I was speaking with a friend who was doing a Kitchari cleanse, which many of us have done, and she had been really excited to begin, but was about halfway through and not feeling well, not like detox symptoms not feeling well, but feeling like it wasn’t supporting her. We looked at her Determination and she actually has COLD, so it wasn’t supportive. She was eating only cooked food and a lot of warm lemon water which was completely antithetical to what her body needs, which is food + fluids that are below her body temperature. Ideally, she would do a raw food cleanse with supportive green juices and LOTS of hydration, maybe even including herbs like marshmallow root which is a demulcent, actually soothing and lubricating the tissues.

The point is when it comes to supporting our bodies whether in our daily choices or an intentional detox, individuation matters. NOTHING is one size fits all.

Below are some tips for supporting detoxification through Determination. Determination is part of the Primary Healthy System in Human Design associated with your top left Variable arrow. If you have a left facing arrow, in general it is more important that you are well fed and not depriving yourself. Your brain needs nourishment on the regular, have snacks on hand. It’s not about what we’re not eating but the plethora of healthy, whole foods that we can enjoy. With a right facing arrow, you may feel better with lighter small meals spread throughout the day, grazing may be your vibe.

*Note Environment resonance listed as well.

detoxing by design


*You may also find some resonance here if your Environment is CAVES.

For both ALTERNATING + CONSECUTIVE I would recommend checking out one of the Mono cleanses in Cleanse To Heal. If this feels like too much for you then I would really try to SIMPLIFY as much as you possibly can. Really take this time to experiment with eating one thing at a time. Have 2 papaya for breakfast or a big bowl of melon, a LARGE simple salad of greens for lunch and steam one or two veggies for dinner. When eating this simply your portions should be quite big, make sure you are getting enough calories, eat until you feel satiated. This article has some suggestions as well. Or limit yourself to 3 or 5 ingredients. Let this be a time when you are really intentional and see how you feel.

Additionally you may bring some awareness and support to your ROOT.

Fasting is NOT recommended for this energy, you want to nourish yourself with lots of whole foods.


*You may also find some resonance here if your Environment is MARKETS.

For both CLOSED + OPEN you want to focus on natural foods, on lots of plants, and shopping the outer aisles of the grocery store. If you have access to local farmers markets or CSA boxes, this is ideal. Experiment during your detox with really focusing on eating what’s in season which is perfect for Spring as many of the foods we see in Spring are aligned to support cleansing of the liver and gallbladder, like bitter greens. Pick up a seasonal cookbook to bring in more intentionality, I love this one. You also want to keep things SIMPLE. If you have Open, this may be a time to try some new healthy foods and see if you like them. For both Open + Closed, notice what you’re in the mood for, allow yourself to be picky and honor your own specifications. What “taste” are you craving, honor it within the confines of the program. For example, if you are craving sweet, have some fruit.

Contemplate what other ways you can honor the seasons. So much support for this here.

Fasting is NOT recommended for this energy, you want to nourish yourself with lots of whole foods.


*You may also find some resonance here if your Environment is KITCHENS.

For both Hot + Cold, hydration is key! Make sure you are getting MINIMUM half your body weight in fluid ounces of high quality spring water. If you don’t have access to a reputable one like Mountain Valley Spring Water then use a good filter and make sure to structure and add minerals to your water. Eat water rich foods. When we eat foods like melon or cucumber we are essentially getting hydration structured by nature.

This is where we begin to significantly diverge. If you have HOT THIRST as your Determination you want to focus on a lot of yummy soups, steamed vegetables and warm herbal infusions and water. If you really want to eat a salad, make sure to add some cayenne or ginger to your dressing to warm it up. However, on a dedicated cleanse I would especially recommend experimenting with honoring ‘Hot’. You might also add some infrared sauna sessions to boost your detox, this is my favorite personal sauna. You can get 10% off with code: BARNEY.

For COLD, you want to, as I said above, focus on fresh vegetable juices, like straight celery in the mornings, smoothies, salads, and water rich foods below your body temperature. You might add hydrotherapy, cold showers, swimming, or cold plunging to increase benefits. Even ending your shower on cold can have big benefits.

You can find addition aligned support in Vibration Toolbox No. 2.


*You may also find some resonance here if your Environment is MOUNTAINS.

You can incorporate a lot of the resonant tips from the other colors above because for you it is less about what you eat, but in what environment you eat it. You want to focus on all of the detox tips, practices, omit vs eat food list inside Spring Clean, but be mindful of honoring your circumstances here as well.

For CALM, really take this time to experiment with eating alone in an environment that feels calming to you, that feels like sanctuary. Clear the clutter and make space to find stillness. Chew your food. Eat with your senses. Tune in to your mealtime and tune out the world around you. Cleanse your dining space with sacred herbs to tend the energy before eating. Put love into the food that you cook, run a resonant frequency while you eat or use the MagHealy to add soothing frequencies to your water. Make meal time a sacred act.

For NERVOUS, get a group of local friends together who are all cleansing. Get together and cook and share food. Meal prep so that you can take nourishing meals on the go. Bring your social circle into this experiment and connect with inspiration and creativity. Try new cleanse friendly cafes. Go for brisk walk after you eat to aid digestion.


*You may also find some resonance here if your Environment is VALLEYS.

You can incorporate a lot of the resonant tips from the other colors above because for you it is less about what you eat, but in what environment you eat it. You want to focus on all of the detox tips, practices, omit vs eat food list inside Spring Clean, but be mindful of honoring your circumstances here as well.

For both it is really about what acoustics are aligned for you. What sounds in each moment bring you into greater coherence. Have control over the auditory vibrations in your environment when you are eating. I always recommend a good pair of headphones for 5th Colors. Utilize sound for healing during your cleanse: mantra, Solfeggio frequencies, whale sounds, sound baths, tuning forks, etc…

For HIGH SOUND, we often like to enjoy our meals in front of Netflix or listening to a podcast; while you are cleansing be mindful of the content you consume. How does it serve you energetically. Take a break from shows of a low vibration, including the news. Enjoy content that feels inspiring and nourishing. Make a playlist that gives you energy and makes you smile. It is also about variety. Check out this podcast on what I’ve been doing to add more variety to my diet.

For LOW SOUND, slow things down and simplify, much like 1st + 2nd Colors above. See if you can make your meals a bit more focused on a few quality ingredients and enjoy them in spaces where you are not inundated with a lot of stimulation. Make a playlist that bathes you in soothing resonant soundscape. Enjoy meals in a quiet corner outside amongst the birds and chimes. If you’re stuck eating out in public, be sure to have your noise cancelling headphones on you.

For both, get to know what sounds feel supportive for you.


*You may also find some resonance here if your Environment is SHORES.

You can incorporate a lot of the resonant tips from the other colors above because for you it is less about what you eat, but in what environment you eat it. You want to focus on all of the detox tips, practices, omit vs eat food list inside Spring Clean, but be mindful of honoring your circumstances here as well.

For both, I recommend getting outside every morning to get your eyes in the sunrise first thing (before checking your phone) and take a walk around sunset to align yourself with nature’s rhythms.

For INDIRECT, we obviously want to eat our biggest meals after sunset and maybe even have a healthy bedtime snack to nurture our liver for all the work it will do while we are sleeping.

For DIRECT, you want to consume the bulk of your food while the sun is out, having heavier meals at breakfast and lunch and keeping dinner simple. Maybe you have a smoothie which is easier for your body to hold on to, to digest in the morning, than a heavy meal.

For BOTH, I also highly recommend getting yourself a pair of blue-blocking glasses (my favorite, code is BARNEY15 for 15% off) and to take breaks throughout the day to get outside if you mostly work indoors. You might also experiment with red light therapy, especially while you are detoxing.

Join The Collective or access Spring Cleaning a’la carte here. If you’d like a more personalized approach you can book a Cosmic BodyMind 1:1.

More on Diet + Determination.

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