Getting Started With FENG SHUI

I have received a lot of good member questions this week and one of them was: “if you’re new to FENG SHUI, where should you start?” First, there is no perfect FENG SHUI just like there is no perfect Astrology or Human Design. Everything is a dance and we do what we can. That being said there are great places to start and fundamentals. FENG SHUI is really 33% of your Luck, it’s your Earth luck (I put your Human Design Environment + AstroCarto in that bucket as well). And our Earth Luck, is often where we can make the easiest changes that net swift, big results and support.

number one + most important

Is clearing clutter. It cannot be underestimated how powerful it is to clear the clutter and excess and as Kondo says “things that do not light you up anymore”, or even things that are not getting use. It’s not good to have 10 water bottles in the cabinet and only use one or two, or to not be able to really open a drawer because it’s so crammed with stuff. You don’t need 3 can openers, that kind of thing. Get rid of the excess! I often work with clients who feel “stuck”. When we feel stuck internally in some way, moving energy externally is also incredibly helpful. If we’re working through mental patterns that don’t serve us clearing clutter can help with our mental health as well.

As within so without, as without so within. It’s all connected.

It’s also not good to have things around that you do not use. If you have crystals gathering dust, or you never wear the jewelry, pass it on to someone who will treasure it. My general rule is typically a year or two. There are also extenuating circumstances, like the little black dress that you keep around for the right night, or some family heirlooms (though even this can get out of control).

I love the idea of having ongoing bags for donations, gifts, resale, and even things that need repair. It keeps the energy moving. It’s also a great practice to do seasonally (ahem, every season, not just Spring).

While I feel that a home needs quite a bit of spaciousness and air, this is because I have Libra on my 4th House of home. I also have the ruler of said House in detriment which is often why home is inconsistent for me. I’ve been nomadic for almost four years though I do plan on planting roots again soon (when + where it’s in alignment). I also am a Markets Environment so I have very specific preferences (aka I’m picky AF). I like what I like and for those Markets folks in your life, it’s intrinsic to their health that their home is a reflection of their style (obviously we can have some compromise, but important to note). A Caves Environment with Capricorn on their 4th House might feel very different.

A fun AI prompt might be: As a (insert your Human Design Environment) Environment and with (insert Sign on your 4th House) on my 4th House, what might be some fundamental needs I have for my home?

*I always say with AI (one: it’s still learning so double check it with your intuition and trusted resources (I’ve had it be wrong); and two we are parsing out pieces of you when we do this and you are more than the sum of your parts. That being said, we can still often get some inspirational and thought provoking information). Let me know how it goes!

use your nice things

This is kind of in line with don’t keep things around that are not in use. China or things that you only bring out for special occasions, which means they actually hardly ever get brought out, if at all, are things that should go or should be brought into your daily rotation. When we keep certain things “special" like we’re worried we will ruin them, this is a scarcity pattern that keeps us stuck. Use them. Wear your fancy clothes. Life is short!

command is fundamental

If your couch, desk and bed are not in command position, this is one of the first things I would remedy if possible. Meaning when you sit on the couch you can see the door, when you lay in bed you can see the door but you’re not so lined up that your feet are going out the door (this is called coffin). Typically, if possible, we want our bed on the right or left wall, if I’m standing at the entryway looking in. If you are in coffin position meaning your bed is opposite the door then you can hang a FENG SHUI crystal halfway between the foot of your bed and the door, and have a strong foot board.

If you are sitting at your desk, you want to be able to look up and see the door, at least out of your peripheral, you do not want your back to the door, or to be facing a wall. These are fundamental. Following command, which should be prioritized, if you can get yourself facing one of your personal directions as well, fantastic (see below)!

from here

From here it can go a couple of ways. Like everything I work with, I value individuation, so the FENG SHUI I practice incorporates your personal directions, and current needs, which can be your next rabbit hole. What are your four personal directions and how can you honor them?

You also might be working on something specific in your life like success, or your health, or partnership and want to hone in on that direction for a period of time. We do this through activations and cures. For example, if you find your directions and you stand in the middle of your house and find their location in your home, and you notice in one of your directions it is a really cluttered closet, or dead plant, or trash can, or piece of chaotic or sad art, you want to get rid of it, clear the clutter, move things around, so that those areas in your home are activated with support. We can always go deeper on this in a session with items and recommendations specific to you and your Kua, but you can start by just clearing the clutter, clearing the energy, placing something there that represents what you would like to achieve in that area of your life. Maybe you have a bookshelf there and you pull all of the titles forward to the edge of the shelf and add some books about financial success or role models in your field. If it’s health, maybe you put your workout equipment in that corner. There are lots of options.

You can look at your home as a whole, but also specific rooms like your office, your bedroom + your living room should be a focus.

Facing your directions as much as possible is very supportive. This means when you are sleeping, the crown of your head faces one of your directions. For everything else it means when you sit you are looking in that direction. The direction you work is important, however, if you cannot be in command AND facing one of your directions then prioritize command and see if you can face one of your directions in another area (like sleeping or when you sit on the couch). In partnership this also often requires compromise. You might put your bed in command in a direction that supports your partner and when you watch TV at night on the couch together, you’re facing one of your directions. Again, no perfect FENG SHUI, we do the best we can.

I hope this gives you some places to get started!

going deeper

The front door is instrumental when it comes to FENG SHUI, as well as the bedroom (because we spend so much time there) and I have great shares on these for members. Members can dive deeper HERE.

Here are some other free Earth Luck resources:

amanda barnett