Shores Questions
Shores on Shores.
Contemplations for greater alignment with your Shores Environment:
What are the places in your life where two distinctly different things come together?
Notice: do you feel more supported when you orient yourself near windows when picking your seat? Is there an option on the patio where you can be in the ‘in between’? How does that feel comparatively?
Can you experience different settings in your environment?
What are the spaces in your home that are shores-like, that are places of transition, a cozy nook by a window, a mudroom, a sidewalk stoop, sunroom, balcony, indoor/outdoor patio or deck, an office that overlooks the river, an entryway, a favorite rocking chair, etc..?
Are there other areas of your life where you have can have a multitude of realities, thresholds, where you walk through portals…. like acting in theater, traveling to a different culture and back, paddle boarding along a coast line, canoeing, biking along a forest path, etc…?
Experiment with stargazing, moon gazing, sitting in front of an ocean + watching sunrises or sunsets on the horizon.
What is your connection to water and how does it feel nourishing?
Do you feel like reading fiction, playing a video game or watching a sci-fi movie feels nourishing, what ways are you pulled to exploring other worlds?
How are your boundaries? Healthy? What is Neptune up to in your chart and what insight does that offer you around boundaries?
Do you have an open floor plan where you live or work that allows you to see others spaces? Can you work by a window?
Do you have practices to transition between work and regular cozy life like clothes you change into when you get home from work to signal transition (and work specific clothes)? Do you have clear boundaries between work and the rest of your life? Any other boundaries that serve?
What are your natural cycles and rhythms?
Shores is tied to Light - what is your relationship to healthy light practices? What types of lighting feel good? Do you transition from day lights to night lights? Do you wear blue blockers? Utilize red light technology? Can you feel into it when something lights you up?
Does pacing, rocking, swimming laps help you clear your head, offer you a reset, feel restorative? Walking along a shore line or down a street that connects the Northside to the Southside, across a bridge connecting two bodies of land?
Shores practice for your entryway ‘shore’.
Do you carve out time to experience something new? To see where you’ve come from and where you’re going? To see the opposite of your current perspective? Do you actively seek that out? What are the ways you might be encouraged to see something completely differently? Are you open to other perspectives?
Are you tuned in to how you feel in your environment and around your community? Shores is tied to the Solar Plexus Binary and much like a Feeling Cognition - how you feel in a space. Also take note of how you feel around the people in your life. What is the vibration, the energetics, and what information does that offer you? What moves you?
What are the people, cultures, stories, places you feel drawn to, different from your ‘normal’
Who are the people in your life that fill your cup? That expand your perspective and bring you into exciting new worlds?
ASTROCARTO: Are you supported or challenged by the energy of the location you’re marinating in according to your Astro? Members find it here. AstroCarto is also an especially aligned tool for Shores as going to new places, experiencing new cultures, learning about yourself through a different lens, and then brining that wisdom back with you, is especially Shores.
Exploring your environment does not mean you need to pick up and move (though you can) but it’s more about how to utilize the resources in your environment currently, to lean in in the ways possible, to pay attention to how you feel. Our environment is not necessarily specific to an actual landscape/place but to resources, access to what we need, and how we uniquely thrive. Take regular inventory. Experiment.