holding ourselves accountable
Commit to you. ❤️
Read here.
From Heart Roars //
“I hereby break all contracts I made unconsciously & consciously before I knew the depth of my own Spirit; the silent ones, the ones I inherited, passed down & accepted as my own from generation to generation.
I hereby severe all ties with that which holds me down & back, unable to see the glimmer of what I know to be true, whether by my own creation or by expectations tied like weights around my ankles by others lost in the sea of their own confused hearts.
I hereby reclaim my right to choose how my story unfolds, armed with creativity, a heart made of gold & reverent humility.
I hereby fully accept all of this living & what-is-yet-to-come with brash integrity & loving determination.
I hereby swear to use my superpowers for the love of all beings & I return anything that no longer serves my Higher & Lower Self (& the ones Caught-in-Between) with gratitude & consciousness.
I do this all with love, from the great source of it found in my very own beating heart.”
― Bryonie Wise
“I ___________________________________________ am unique and special because I was born. It is my birthright. I came to fulfill a sacred contract. One that I made with my intuitive self. There is no one like me now. There never was in the past. There never will be in the future.
If I begin to doubt
If I begin to compete
If I begin to compare
If I begin to judge
If I begin to feel superior
If I begin to feel inferior
If I begin to feel isolated
If I begin to feel overwhelmed
If I begin to feel anxious
If I begin to feel depressed
If I begin to feel not worthy
If I begin to feel I don’t belong
I am becoming a second rate version of myself and rob the world of my magnificence. The world needs me. I need me. I need me to “do me” because nobody else can. I release any stories that are keeping me small and are not allowing me to fully step into my magnificence.
The time is now to receive my life, surrender, allow nada most importantly, remember what the Universe has in store for me since the day I came into the physical world. I remember I am here to be humber, devoted servant to my own unique and special gifts.
I bow my head in reverence to my sublime sacred heart.
And so it is. And so it shall be forevermore and everlasting.