cosmic bodymind

This is an offering combining many of my absolute favorite things. Like everything I do, I want to, one, offer you as much of your own sovereignty in your wellness + prosperity journey in all areas of your life AND two, provide sustenance that is holistic + uniquely tailored to you. The body, mind, emotions, spirit are all connected. Whether you are looking to increase your overall wellBEING, make more aligned choices, practice more intentional and supportive self stewardship, feel stronger, healthier or just better in your bodymind, decrease stress, create more ease, and/or focus on greater somatic integration of your human design + astrological imprint, we are all unique in how we approach these things. There is no one size fits all for living with greater ease and flow. We each have our own unique roadmap to thriving.

A true embodiment of your cosmic imprint begins with integrating the wisdom of your chart into your day to day life. And, it is the small steps, the day to day cumulative actions that often net the biggest transformations. The laws of nature, as within so without, indicate that the more flow we have in our bodies, minds and emotional bodies, the more flow we have in our lives.

I will utilize medical astrology, the primary health system in Human Design as well as other informative placements in your Design and natal chart, organ theory based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, health recommendations based on your personal Kua + Feng Shui cures, as we discuss supporting your (w)holistic wellness journey + goals through a plan. This may include things like working with your unique mind, honoring your energy + unique body, weaknesses in your chart/systems and how to bring balance, protein needs, exercise style, sleep hygiene + tips, tools + product suggestions.


What’s included:

  • a 1:1 45 min. intake session discussing your desires + goals, including frequency scan

  • a 1:1 60 min reading/session of how to support your well-being and goals through your unique blueprint with video recording

  • a follow up PDF 40 day PLAN with tips, tools + product recommendations

  • a 1:1 20 minute check-in within 40 days of receiving your plan for troubleshooting + support

Investment | $648

*Feel free to reach out if you require splitting up the payment.

*Additional follow up support/integration sessions, for this plan/reading, can be booked by the hour under In The Now.