Barney + flo(w)

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When I first took a peek at my Astrocartography I had to laugh. I’m not living in the most supportive place and a lot of the places I’ve had my sites set on either for vacation or home goals for the future would also come with challenges.

Central Asia, the Middle East especially, is apparently a great place for me. Although I may not have plans to live there, every time I’ve logged into Mailchimp for the past couple months I’ve been greeted with the same advertisement for a short film about Kyrgyzstan which I found humorously synchronistic and finally watched today. It’s incredibly sweet and the location is stunning. It’s also inspiring to watch this one proud man determined to bring tourism to this somewhat undiscovered, under appreciated place of beauty. It was worth it just to see this gorgeous image, and who knows, after watching maybe I will visit at some point. It’s been interesting to me to shift my perspective. Instead of feeling disappointed that some of my go to’s were not on very supportive lines, I can focus on exploring places I’ve never considered before, to get to know cultures completely foreign to me.

That being said we don’t have to travel to or live in the places to harness their good vibes. Watching films, listening to music, cooking food, wearing an item inspired by the culture there and/or made there are all ways we can bring some of that good energy our way whether it’s Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury… vibes we may be looking for. I even started a Pinterest board of places that I’d like to go and/or energies I want to cultivate based on my chart.