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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT or emotional freedom technique is also known as tapping. This practice is such a lovely compliment to Breathwork. Whereas Breathwork works from a subconscious somatic level where you don't need to know the story or what's associated with the release and often are along for the ride of what your body and spirit need in that moment; EFT is a tool to go right for your conscious feelings, fears, emotions, triggers around a specific thing and dismantle their influence on your well being and balance. It is a powerful tool for addressing a range of issues from anxiety, chronic pain, fear, relationships, financial scarcity, stress relief, etc... clearing challenges in your life. I've used tapping for lots of things, for big things and small. One example - I have used it often before auditions, big meetings or public speaking to deal with nervousness. I would run through all the potential "future projecting" scenarios causing me anxiety so I could clear them before walking into the room.

what is it

EFT is based around the principles of acupressure and modern psychology. The tapping concentrates on specific meridian points while focusing on negative emotions or uncomfortable physical sensations. Combined with speaking phrases it helps to rewire the brain to respond in healthy, balanced ways.

Our stress response in our bodies begins in our amygdala, a component of our mid brain. It is our alert system for when we're in danger. Back in the day this often meant we were actually running from a tiger instead of the flight or flight response we often get stuck in in todays society where our bodies are constantly responding like we are. Tapping helps to turn off the alarm.

With EFT we can work with the neuroplasticity of the brain and develop new ways of thinking and perceiving in the world. This is another great tool for releasing fears, thoughts, limiting beliefs, patterns, holding you back from your most authentic self. The reality is our symptoms always stem from deeper issues. That's not to say that sometimes we can't simply tap on a symptom and get relief. We can. But the bigger payoffs come when we explore below the surface. What are the emotions around it? What events have happened to cause or reinforce it? What are the embedded limiting beliefs at the root of it? Dig in and tap on all of it.

finding clarity

What habit, pattern, belief, emotion, default setting would you like to shift?

Eg; You’ve been experiencing a lot of anger. Start by journaling I am angry. Why am I so angry? And keep asking yourself why until you feel you’ve distilled it to the smallest little seed it began from. 

Unresolved pain or tension in the body? Anxiety? Depression? Ask what these symptoms are here to teach you. What is the lesson to be learned? What is underneath the symptoms?

In his book, Emotional Freedom Technique, Nick Ortner speaks about how to identify your targets in terms of a tree. The leaves are the symptoms/side effects; the branches are the emotions; the trunk is the events and the roots are the limiting beliefs. This can be helpful in breaking down and getting to the central issue. It may also work to just dive into the symptom but in free writing you can find more clarity. See below.


Symptoms: addiction, ptsd, self sabotage, pain, tension, illness, clutter, procrastination, feeling stuck, lack, etc.. 

Emotions: shame, guilt, remorse, rejection, anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, depression, powerlessness, fear, anxiety, stress, numbness, etc.. 

Events: detached parents, bullying, trauma (big and micro), betrayal, abuse, discipline, criticism, family fighting, violent communication, physical violence, unsupported, unloved, alcoholism, etc..

Limiting Beliefs: I can’t do anything right, I’m not safe, I’m not okay, This always happens, I attract this, I’ll always be stuck, I don’t deserve xyz, I’m different, I’m not worthy, I don’t believe in myself, I’m not lovable, I’m not good enough, I don’t have value to offer, I’m an imposter, etc.. 

putting into practice

- Choose something to focus on: a block, fear, phobia, anxiety, limiting belief, emotion, physical pain etc..

- Rate the intensity on a 0-10 point scale. This is important because it's easy to forget how painful or uncomfortable something was before. So rate your discomfort so you can be aware of the shift.

- Repeat the setup statement (3 times); tapping the karate chop point (not shown above: but basically exactly where you think it is; you can tap it with your index, middle and ring finger of the opposite hand; or sometimes i just tap karate point to karate point)

- Perform the negative tapping round; through all points shown above

- Perform the positive tapping round; through all points shown above.

setup statement

You can choose setup statements for each of these. For instance:

Setup statement: I am stressed out about my finances.

Say the statement out loud and then rate the intensity. How true does it feel? What level is the discomfort? How upset do you feel about this? How anxious are you?

For the 3 karate chops you would say: Even though I am stressed about my finances, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

tapping through

Then you would create or just freestyle negative statements associated with the target. You can create statements through journaling around the trigger and asking yourself questions like the ones above around digging deeper. Here are some examples:

I am so stressed about money.

I never have enough money.

I'll never get out of debt.

I feel like I'm stuck in scarcity.

There's not enough money to go around.

I have to work hard to make money.

More money means more responsibility/stress.

Money is the root of all evil.

Money doesn't buy happiness.

I am unlucky with money.

I don't deserve money.

Having money isn't spiritual.

You can also just use the setup phrase you started with and tap through on that. After a full round re-evaluate the intensity. If it still feels strong then tap through a couple more rounds with the negative statement(s).

positve statements

Then you would tap with positive statements reflecting your desired outcome. Here are some examples:

I am open to the possibility of feeling calm about money.

There are many times when I've had enough money.

There is plenty of money for everyone.

Being calm about money feels good.

Money can be easeful.

The more I have the more I can give.

I am worthy of what I desire and ready to receive.

I choose to feel relaxed about my expenses.

I choose to release this anxiety now.

I am grateful for all that I have.

tell the story

You can also do something called Tell a Story devised by EFT founder Gary Craig where you would just tell the story that's triggering a reaction either out loud to yourself, your friend, partner or therapist while continuously tapping through the points. For this exercise you don't need "setup statements" for a positive or negative round; you just tell the story. You can do this several times until it no longer elicits discomfort; it has lost its charge.

Check IGTV @barneyandflow for video reference.

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