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Feng Shui + Environments

Hello there! I thought this would be a fun post because over here at B+F I try to think about things as holistically as possible and there is already a lot of Feng Shui integrated into The Collective. Feng Shui which translates to wind + water, the movement of chi or energy, contains something that I resonate with strongly, and work with in my practice, which is the Cosmic Trinity. This originates from the Taoist tradition, and states that we have three forms of luck, which account for 33% each.

The first is Heavenly Luck which is about the karma we come into the world with, the inherited emotions, epigenetics, the tethered cords, the elements of our lives that are fated. I would include our Human Design, Natal Chart + Cosmic Timing here. I speak about this often obviously, and the ways in which I absolutely believe we have agency + choice, and I am forming more thoughts on this which I will share soon.

The second, which is also abundantly supported inside The Collective is our Human Luck which is associated with our mindset, limiting beliefs, default settings, our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

The third is our Earth Luck and has to do with how our environment affects us of which I would include AstroCarto, Local Space Astrology, our Human Design Environment + Feng Shui.

I want to make something super clear. While I am breaking these up by Human Design Environment for fun, each of these tips will benefit ANYONE, though you may find if you have a 5th Color Valleys Environment, you start experimenting there first. We each carry all of the archetypes in our chart, notwithstanding these tips are each advantageous for anyone wanting to bring greater health, ease, alignment and abundance into their lives whether it is listed under your particular environment or not, or whether you even know or care about your Human Design Environment. We also have resonance with the numbers of our Colors in other placements. For instance if you have a 5th Color High Sound Determination, you also have resonance with a Valleys Environment, even if your Environment is technically Caves. So maybe you explore that tip next. More on color resonance here. It can be overwhelming finding the place and motivation to start sometimes and this may just give you a little nudge to start somewhere.

The quantum physics of our space can affect 33% of our luck and can actually be the easiest to change. While I think working in each area of the Trinity is worthwhile and necessary it can be much quicker to support yourself by moving your bed vs. reprogramming a limiting belief (although I’m going to be introducing some quicker ways to decondition so stay tuned). All are necessary but why not take the easy “W” where you can while you work on the deeper aspects, supporting yourself to greater wholism. It can only assist and reinforce your work along your path.

caves + the power position

No one can benefit more from a power position than a 1st Color because the power/command position means you can see the door (but are not directly in front of it). For instance you would never want your desk with your back to the door where you cannot see opportunities coming your way, and a Caves person would especially not want this because their back is not protected and someone can sneak up on them which creates innate feelings of restlessness. This may also include a feeling of vulnerability with your back to a window as well.

Put your desk in an area of the room where you can look up and see the door from your chair. Make sure your back is to a wall where this is nothing going on behind you. Take note of what’s in your eye line. Does it inspire you? This is key for Caves kids as well if they have a desk in their bedroom.

*If you have to have your desk directly in front of (facing) the door, you can hang a Feng Shui crystal halfway between you and the door to help disperse the energy.

markets + specifications

Clear the clutter seasonally! Spend time often clearing out things that no longer light you up + rearranging based on the seasons. Make sure your space is well-organized and includes customizations that serve you and your unique style.

Markets are the gatherers. If you like to gather books like me, make sure they are all pulled forward on the bookshelf so that the edges of the shelf are not sharp and ‘cutting’. Make sure the books are upright and organized. I like to sort mine by color. Make sure all the books are still being used, and/or in alignment with your life currently.

You might also explore your personal energy number and integrating your quantum colors + and directions which are unique to you. I’m happy to work through this with anyone in a session.

You may find quite a bit of crossover with elements of your Design. For instance my number is 3, the Light Bringer, which has a lot of resonance with my 2/4 Profile and my Pisces Midheaven.

kitchens + well, the kitchen

Kitchens does not have to be about a kitchen, but it is a space of alchemy and when it comes to your home, it is most likely your actual kitchen that is associated most with this energy, though it could also be a ceramic studio or a recording space, etc..

The kitchen is actually a zone for prosperity in any home and one we spoke about often during the Being Bounteous journey. Members can refer back to those emails for more.

In addition, two of my favorite tips are to remove any broken or chipped items in your kitchen which lower the vibration + are said to bring bad luck and to place a clear quartz in your fridge to amplify the nourishment. When we make any Feng Shui adjustment, it is important to do it with our desired intention. You would want to clear the crystal of any energy first and then invite your intention. You can also practice the meditation in this module in the space before making the adjustment to give it a boost.

Kitchens folks also like to be in the mix of going’s on so support your relationship direction especially in your living space + kitchen kid’s bedroom!

mountains + clearing energy

Clear the space. Mountains is deeply tied to the breath + smoke so burning your favorite herbs, trees or resins in your environment daily to clear the energy is a great practice. Do so with the intention of removing unwanted remnants + vibes.

I also recommend bringing in live plants to your space. This can be particularly helpful in areas which may be affecting you negatively or just feel off. Open your windows often to let in fresh air and sunshine, I even do this in the winter for short amounts of time. Open your blinds every day!

valleys + mirrors

Valleys are about feeling spacious + about good communication, both of which can be influenced by mirrors. Mirrors facing your bed are a no go for easeful sleep + communication with your partner. Don’t go overboard with mirrors or have them reflecting each other, but use them strategically to create the illusion of more space, like placing one behind each nightstand.

Make sure all mirrors are clean + in tact.

shores + the boundaries of your home

Shores is all about the spaces that separate two different landscapes. This can also include the entryway of your home and I shared a lot about that here. The entryway, mudroom, indoor/outdoor patio, balcony should be places that you adorn with things that you love, not a forgotten stack of old shoes or run-down/broken furniture.

Tend to this area of your home often as it is tied to the energy of what you are inviting into your home, and therefore your life.

Have fun!

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