Barney + flo(w)

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As I mentioned in last weeks share on Determination + Homogenized Diets, there are many places we can look to offer us insight into our personal well-being, the strengths and weaknesses we individually carry, and how to uniquely nourish ourselves. What is called medical astrology is one of those places and there are many astrologers who specialize in this field. As I mentioned in the last post, medical doctors were once actually trained in astrology because of the insight it brought them. In both astrology and Human Design there are lots of rabbit holes we can dive down, threads we can pull to see how to better support ourselves and gain greater clarity and insight. It has been really helpful for me. For instance, I know for myself that I have Jupiter (the planet associated with the liver) in detriment, a sign it doesn’t like, and this explains why no matter how healthy I eat, my liver chi + detox pathways always need a little TLC. I have Neptune, the planet of confusion, in my 6th House of health which has definitely resulted in some puzzles in my life + validation therein. There are a lot of ways to explore this and I want to introduce some things to look at to get you started.

As I write this we are in the middle of Aquarius season, following Capricorn season, which are both ruled by Saturn therefore the high and low manifestations of Saturn may be up more prominently in your life and/or it can be a supported time to check in with Saturns significations and associations. What is happening with Saturn, and to Saturn, can be significant ESPECIALLY if you are in a Saturn profected year (ahem, 🙋‍♀️) or maybe even a Sun year (b/c how the Sun moves through the zodiac would feel more influential to you), or you may find Saturn making an aspect in your chart that is challenging. When it comes to the planet, it is the WHAT and we look at the energetic qualities of that planet to offer insight. The signs are the HOW, they help to show us how the planetary energetics will be expressed and the House tells us the WHERE. Saturn + Capricorn both relate to the bones while Saturn and Aquarius both relate more to circulation. To continue with this very present example, Saturn is quite happy in the signs of its domain, Aquarius + Capricorn, as well as in Libra where energies may be more influenced by the seasons. It is in detriment in Leo (which is warm where it is cold) and Cancer (which is wet where it is dry). It is also weakened in Aries so this is an easy check in to see how agreeable your Saturn may be. If you think of Ayurvedic medicine and the qualities of Vata, you can see how they might be aligned with Saturn and the season of Winter.

Some Saturn specific support might be: taking the time to see the chiropractor, fascia exfoliation + release (coming this month), kidney support (also coming this month), being mindful to support your oral hygiene, shoring up your boundaries, adding more minerals to your diet like nettle tea with horsetail, warm mustard baths to increase circulation, using arnica gel or homeopathy to reduce inflammation. Comfrey is also closely associated with Saturn as it is referred to as the bone-knitter and can actually help repair broken bones as well as heal wounds.

In addition, there are several Houses which offer info specifically associated with your health.



The First House is associated with our Ascendent. In addition to our Rising Sign and its qualities, the ruling planet of the Sign of the 1st House (and where it resides) gives us information about our bodies physiology and how our container responds to stressors.

For instance if your 1st House is in the Sign of Taurus, meaning you have Taurus Rising, you would ask yourself what planet rules Taurus, which is Venus, and then you would look at where Venus lives (the House + Sign) and what info that additionally offers. Is it in a Water Sign, Fire? What part of the body does that Sign rule? Explore.

If you have any planets conjunct your AC, these will be more influential than your Rising Sign or the House of the ruling planet of your Rising.

What Gate(s) are in these Houses if any? What information might that offer?


This is the House of Health and what we do day to day to support and nourish our well being. This is our relationship to our nutrition, and our daily conscious and unconscious decisions around self stewardship. Look at the Sign qualities and the energetics of any planets here for information. What planet does that Sign rule and where does it reside?

What Gate(s) are in these Houses if any? What information might that offer?


This house of transformation can give us info around the deeper parts of self, chronic dis-ease, and deep set patterns either conscious or unconscious. Look at the Sign and any planets here for information. What planet rules the Sign and where does it live?

What Gate(s) are in these Houses if any? What information might that offer?


The house of the hidden includes those things we do that we may not want folks to know about. It’s also a house to look to for sleep issues and mystery illnesses. Look at the Sign and any planets here for information. What planet rules this Sign and what House does it reside?

What Gate(s) are in these Houses if any? What information might that offer?

in human design

In Human Design I would begin by looking in a couple of places. Your Unconscious Sun is directly tied to your vitality, well-being + how you stay radiant. Looking at the Gate that lives there can offer you some unique insight into nourishing your uniqueness. You can dive deep with all of your Gates in The Meeting Ground.

Your Earth Gates (both Conscious + Unconscious) have information for you on how you uniquely ground.

Obviously all Variables, especially Determination + Environment (+ Tone) help you to better align. Cognition can also be helpful. For instance if you have a Feeling Cognition but your emotional landscape is gummed up and there is no space, if you are running old emotional default settings, or if you are not taking care of your energetic field, clearing EMF’s, etc.. then this can especially affect your well-being.

The Centers. Where do you have openness? Are you moving energy through? Are you for instance clearing out your SACRAL daily? Even if you are a SACRAL being (Generators + MG’s) you are meant to use up all of your energy each day and if you have this center open then you don’t want to be hanging on to energy that is not yours. Here are some practices.

Support your Aura. If you are on my newsletter list (or a member), you can gain access to your free energy type workshop.

in astrocarto

Your Sun IC line is a great place to channel, especially in Winter to bring some warmth to your life. Channel the culture of this line for greater vitality. It is a great zone for healing as well + overall well-being, as well as healing masculine energies in your life. What are the resonant practices here for greater health?

  • Cook recipes and ingredients known to this place. Take a cooking class in the cuisine.

  • Buy art and hang it on your walls

  • Create a Pinterest board (I have one) or a separate Instagram account to follow people from, inspirations associated with or the general location tags. Let yourself be inspired.

  • Listen to music from there or by artists who were born there.

  • Find a way to connect with people from this place.

  • Buy textiles for your home.

in closing

These are just a few places to get you started, all of which can offer you some super helpful insight when you lean in, bring support, integration + embodiment.

wanna keep exploring?

Check out this post on Mercury + the Nervous System.

Members explore your MOON, the planet of the personal, of the body + how we nourish here.

Members find the PROFECTIONS workshop replay + handbook here.

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