Barney + flo(w)

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Markets Questions

Contemplations for greater alignment with your Markets Environment:

  1. What do YOU LIKE specifically? What is your unique style? Your personal preferences? How do you like to customize your life? What makes you feel safe?

  2. What is the aesthetic of your home? Does it reflect your taste? Is it eclectic/include different textures, colors and influences? Do you invite in other cultures you may be drawn to?

  3. What do you like to gather (items, ideas, etc..)?

  4. Where do you like to sit? What side of the bed do you prefer to sleep on? Do you allow yourself to be picky or are you judgmental of that side of yourself?

  5. Are you in relationships, especially when it comes to home, that allow you to follow your needs and desires when it comes to the specifications, curating, and details of your space?

  6. Are you aligned with the seasons? What ways do you allow yourself to shift seasonally whether that’s with food or changing out your bedding? Can you be more tuned in to the Earth’s seasonal changes?

  7. What are your own unique seasons + patterns?

  8. Does shopping feel therapeutic to you? In what ways… online? In person? Do you like to browse? Sometimes I just put a bunch of stuff in my online cart but I don’t actually make the purchase.

  9. What do you like to collect, create or harvest based on what is around you? How do you like to exchange? Have you experimented with bartering/trade? Does it feel good to trade or share things you love?

  10. Do you try new things to find what you like? Do you allow yourself to stick with the things you love?

  11. Do you let yourself play favorites in healthy ways?

  12. Do you honor yourself when you just know something isn’t for you?

  13. If you live in the county, are you actually thriving there? Markets folks need access - so are you living somewhere where you have access to what you need, what lights you up, resonant community, muses, etc…? Does the space you primarily exist allow you to exercise your refined selectivity? To make exchanges? If you feel drawn outside of cities we have much access now b/c of the nature of the world and the internet you can utilize to stay ‘in the market’.

  14. Are you drawn to entrepreneurship or owning a small business?

  15. Does it feel good to bring people in to your environment to do business, like having your own shop, working from home and/or online for Internal Markets? Or for External, how do you head out into the marketplace having different experiences?

  16. How are you designed to make money? Is there abundant reciprocity in your exchanges? Can you monetarily support your taste?

  17. Do you spend time in aligned marketplaces? Because Markets is part of the Splenic Binary it is most about concentrated and condensed experiences that serve you, that you can imbibe and marinate inside - this can include patterns, seasons + carved out times.

  18. Have you ever tried or do you enjoy foraging/harvesting/collecting?

  19. What is your relationship to the internet, the online marketplace? How might it serve you?

  20. How do you honor + cultivate your sensitivity?

  21. Who makes you feel comfy + closer to your own authenticity? Who do you prefer? Do the people in your life feel resonant?

  22. ASTROCARTO: Are you supported or challenged by the energy of the location you’re marinating in according to your astrology?

  23. Exploring your environment does not mean you need to pick up and move (though you can) but it’s more about how to utilize the resources in your environment currently, to lean in in the ways possible, to pay attention to how you feel. Our environment is not necessarily specific to an actual landscape/place but to resources, access to what we need, and how we uniquely thrive. Take regular inventory. Experiment.