Barney + flo(w)

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VALLEYS questions

for greater alignment with your Environment:

  1. Do you feel good at elevation or does it feel discombobulating to your being? Do you honor this?

  2. Are you connected to the flow of information through your network or some type of resonant information source? This is often tied to sound for valleys and being in places where the acoustics carry to you. This may even be overhearing the conversations around you as you have coffee with a friend.

  3. Valleys are social people. In what ways do you have your “ear to the ground”? Valleys were where people originally settled. They were the spaces where you connected to people, took a respite and got the scoop on what was going on around you, what perils you may face along your journey, the latest gossip, or the next friendly outpost you should stop at.

  4. Do you have your own rhythms around how you take in information?

  5. Do you enjoy people watching? Allow yourself to do so?

  6. Do you have intimate connections in your environment that serve you?

  7. Where are the places you are drawn to for exchanging information? Do you enjoy taking classes or workshops, attending a book signing or a book group, hanging at your favorite coffee shop, etc..?

  8. Does your environment feel spacious + expansive?

  9. Do you live/sleep on the ground floor? Have you noticed how being either elevated or below ground like in a basement can create disharmony in your being?

  10. Open communication is key for Valleys. How are your relationships around communication? Do people keep secrets from you? Do the people you surround yourself with speak openly, including about how they feel? Notice how it affects you when communication is lacking or hindered.

  11. Like Sound Determinations, noise cancelling headphones can be a helpful tool for you to be able to control the acoustics in your immediate space.

  12. Do you find you learn better audibly or enjoy/prefer listening to content like your news, podcasts, books, Ted Talks, etc..? I know Valleys folks who totally unwind with TV and those that hate it but love a good resonant podcast.

  13. Valleys is tied to the Solar Plexus Binary and much like a Feeling Cognition - how you feel in a space. Also take note of how you feel around the people in your life. What is the vibration, the energetics, and what information does that offer you?

  14. Who are the people you like to cozy up to?

  15. What relationships feel nourishing and which ones feel draining? When you leave a hangout… how do you feel after?

  16. What are the topics you feel connected to, where are you the hub for other people to connect to?

  17. Where do you like to orient yourself in a room/ in space so that the acoustics are good, so that you can tune in and feel connected?

  18. Do you get your feet and/or body on the Earth regularly? How do you feel when you fly… can you take some time when you land to get your feet on the ground immediately, even after a long drive in the car? How do you feel supported by that connection? By grounding?

  19. ASTROCARTO: Are you supported or challenged by the energy of the location you’re marinating in according to your astrology?

  20. Exploring your environment does not mean you need to pick up and move (though you can) but it’s more about how to utilize the resources in your environment currently, to lean in in the ways possible, to pay attention to how you feel. Our environment is not necessarily specific to an actual landscape/place but to resources, access to what we need, and how we uniquely thrive. Take regular inventory. Experiment.