Slow Rolling into 2023

I spoke a bit about the Human Design New Year with some support in this post. Check it out if you haven’t read it already, or you may want to revisit it if it’s been a minute, or a year. I wanted to focus in this post on the energy leading up to the Sun moving into Gate 41 which this year will be on January 23rd, when we truly begin a new cycle of the human experience together. And, it means… you don’t have to have it all figured out January One. You don’t even have to have it all figured out January 23rd. ;)

This year the Sun enters Gate 38, The Gate of Opposition, on january 1st…

It’s fascinating that this is when most folks celebrate the New Year, following the Gregorian calendar. People all over the world set resolutions within an archetype that does not really carry the energy to complete anything. And, things feel not yet finished even though there is more pressure + tension on New Years Eve + day than almost any other holiday to “really make it count”, to celebrate it, to do something that feels important + to hit the ground running.

More than anything, this is really a time to look back and take inventory. Some questions to ask yourself might be:

  • Have you been moving toward things that feel purposeful?

  • Do you feel clarity around where you want to go?

  • Have you taken steps this year toward your dreams?

  • What was this year about for you cosmically, did you lean in or fight it every step?

  • Did you feel fulfilled?

  • What worked? What didn’t? What was missing?

  • Are you honoring your unique energy and what you want to offer or have you been stuck in comparison or doing it everyone else’s way?

  • What would you like to leave behind?

The sun enters Gate 54 this year, the gate of the Marrying Maiden, on january 6th…

This is an energy of ambition, and also transformation + connection. It is a time when we should, just now really, begin to look forward. Based on our feels from the contemplations above we might ask ourselves:

  • Who are the people in our lives that feel most supportive?

  • Are we in resonant community? Partnership? Do we want more out of these areas of our lives?

  • Who do we trust? Who can we rely on?

  • Are our actions aligned with our vision?

  • Have you been taking actions toward your big dreams, showing Source you’re ready? What needs tweaking?

  • Do you feel worthy and believe what you desire to be possible?

The Sun enters Gate 61 this year, the gate of inner truth, on january12th…

If while we move through 38, it is a time we take outer inventory, this is a time when we take inner inventory. Gate 54 is in our Root but 61 is in our Crown, our connection to Spirit. We evaluate our connection to ourself, to Source, and to our Higher Self. We are invited to spend time in silence, in our own energy, checking in.

This is not a logical energy where contemplating your purpose will serve you. It is not about figuring it out with your mind. It is one of getting quiet, connecting to your intuition and deep inner knowing. It is not a time to “try and understand”, but to let yourself be and see what comes through. If you join us for 21 days of Breathwork this year, we will be focusing on some inquiry meditation, tapping into Spirit, into connection, into magic. We will surrender to our own Higher guidance + Divine inspiration.

The sun enters Gate 60 this year, the gate of limitations, on January 17th …

At its heart this is really an energy of acceptance. There is a great kind of contradiction that exists when it comes to manifestation which is acceptance of what is, and not just acceptance but gratitude, while also striving (often times) for something different, better, more easeful, more abundant, more supportive, more loving, etc.. But without acceptance and gratitude for where we are right now in this moment, we will struggle to create anything “better” because without acceptance, we are trapped in frustration, resentment and other low vibrations and we continue to resonate with more of the same. And, ironically, when we can accept our limits, they cease to exist.

Gate 60 is not about rapid reactionary change, but intentional deliberate acts. It is not about setting a bunch of resolutions that are so far from where you are now, they do not feel attainable. It is about one step at a time, small cumulative action steps toward your dreams and desires. This does not mean we cannot take the big moonshots with our goals, we absolutely should, but we should also take daily deliberate steps toward those goals that feel realistic and accessible. Even in taking the big moonshots we move incrementally towards them. We wait for the next right step to present itself, following our Strategy + Authority, making a commitment to our vision and therefore, to ourselves. And whether or not it comes to fruition in the exact way we see it, we learn much along the journey. It is stretching, inviting expansion, but also knowing what you will realistically commit to and show up for because keeping our word is oh so important, not just to others, but to ourselves.

take the pressure off

January is a time to check in, to make some space, to tend your garden and pull up those last weeds that need to go, do some composting, so we can plant seeds in rich fertile soil for the new year.

On the 21st we will have our first NEW MOON of the year and then the Sun will enter Gate 41 on January 23rd, while we still marinate in that energy. As the Sun moves into Gate 41, which you can read all about here, the Earth (how we ground) moves into Gate 31, the Gate of “Influence Thru Your Unique Vision”. In The Collective we will dive into some guided manifestation work together this year. You can join us for 21 days of Breathwork at the beginning of January followed by a month of co-creation support beginning around the Human Design New Year.

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amanda barnett