orient to possibilities.

It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.
— Bhagavad Gita
It’s not about self ‘improvement’ though that is a happy by-product. It’s about self-retrieveal. It’s truly knowing yourself through re-member-ing, so you can flow with life, so that you are living from your own intrinsic radiance + magnetism, rather than the wounds of your conditioning. So that you are the fullest embodiment and expression of your authentic, sovereign wholeness.

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more free support

+ when you sign up for The Weekly Nourish you receive free access to the AURA (HD Energy Type) WORKSHOPS

They will linked at the bottom of your first edition of the Nourish, which typically comes out each Thursday!


the cosmic trinity

concretizing change on the earth plane

In all areas of B+F I work with the Cosmic Trinity filtered through the lens of your Astrology + Human Design (Heavenly Luck) in order to share the most (w)holistic offering I can. I’m most interested in cultivating real support, transformation + authentic alignment through embodied integration. The Cosmic Trinity speaks to the relationship between mxn, the cosmos + the Earth plane and each accounts for 1/3 of your luck, the ease with which you flow through life. We can use Human Luck and simple changes in our Earth Luck to support our Design and use our Design to inform the correct, and most aligned supports in the realms of our Human + Earth luck so that we have a cohesive vision and blueprint for creating more flow and energetic callibration in all areas of our life, on our path to greater wholeness.


heavenly luck

Your Heavenly luck accounts for 33% of your authentic alignment with flow, ease + magic in the world. This is your karma that you carry through, your cosmic blueprint aka your life manual, including your Human Design Bodygraph + Natal Charts. I would also include timing here through transits, progressions, Profections, Solar Return, Saturn Return, etc… essentially the cosmic weather in your world in the present moment. At B+F we work with this not from a place of diagnostics, of fate without agency, but from a place of aspiration, of awareness, of transmutation, of leaning in to our magic, our gifts, the high vibrational expression + utilitarian offerings of our unique ‘playbook’.


Your Human luck accounts for 33% of your authentic alignment with flow, ease + magic in the world. This includes up-leveling in areas of your thoughts, default settings, habits, words, emotions, anything that encompasses your mindset, limiting beliefs, patterns you are working with, your emotional body, the actions you take, your capacity for abundance and joy. At B+F there is a big focus on deconditioning. We work to unwind old patterns, grease new grooves, rewire settings in our mental + emotional bodies as well as to unfurl the stickiness and stagnation in our physical container. We shift our vibration to align + resonate with higher vibratory matches so that we can intentionally cultivate our desired future.

your earth luck

Your Earth luck accounts for 33% of your authentic alignment with flow, ease + magic in your world. This is the Chi of your environment and how it affects you. I work with individualized Feng Shui based on your personal directions to optimize your space(s) + increase your magnetism. I would also place your Human Design Environment and your Astrocartography here (even though they can also be considered Heavenly luck) because they have to do with the physical place we’re in and whether it supports or challenges us.


about me

I’m amanda b


A bit about me if you’re new to this space:

With a Personal View in my Human Design and the channel to my Throat originating at my G Center, it’s no surprise I often share from and of my Self, my lived experience, transformation and lessons learned through personal healing + growth. My focus is always on your agency and sovereignty and the practical steps you can take to flow with the energetics at play. I’m here to help you come into coherence with the journey that your Soul came to have, the one most authentically aligned and abundant. One of my main gifts is distillation, taking the big concepts and turning them into manageable bites so you can integrate, embody, take action + thrive. As we move into this new paradigm, the most powerful things we can be doing are calibrating our nervous systems + exploring who we came here to be.

I’m a 2/4 Emotional Generator, a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Rising, Aries Moon and a complex web of many other archetypes and experiences. I’m more than the sum of my parts, and so are you.

I worked in the NFL for two years and the Film Industry for 14 while i was making my way here. Even then I was studying nutrition, training in Meditation, getting certified in Reiki and diving down all the wellness rabbit holes I could find. So, as a 2 Line, it’s no surprise this is where I landed.


I started B+F (named after my paternal grandparents) to share the tools that have been most helpful to me… mindfulness, embodied movement, integrated Human Design, the Gene Keys, utilitarian (over diagnostic) Astrology, AstroCarto, Feng Shui, tools for (w)holistic wellbeing, deconditioning + the energetics of balance, vitality, magnetism and co-creation. I pour it ALL (zero gatekeeping) into The Collective, the most sacred + abundant toolbox. These tools are the portal to remembering who you came to be, they are a conversation with your Soul.


Professional bio:

Amanda "B" Barnett has been studying wellness for the greater part of her life. She has a BS in Psychology and is a Human Design Embodiment Guide incorporating the Gene Keys + Traditional Hellenistic and Psychological Astrology. She centers (w)holistic bodymind practices with a focus on deconditioning and alignment for greater well-BEING, vibrational wholism + self sovereignty through the Cosmic Trinity.

Some of her additional trainings, low key obsessions + certifications include: Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP), medical astrology, astrocartography, TCM + organ theory, secular based Mindfulness meditation and Loving Kindness practice with Insight LA, yoga certification through SOLA School of the Contemplative Arts with an emphasis on somatics, advanced Reiki certification, Breathwork Healer Training with both Erin Telford and David Elliott, as well as Fascia Floss Training with Bonnie Crotzer, Feng Shui with Marie Diamond + Trauma Informed Nervous System Training with Irene Lyon + many others.

Amanda sees clients online and leads workshops abroad when traveling. See Groups for scheduled workshops or find out how to host your own.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T.S. Elliot

by your side…

 “I think of the awareness of my brain and myself in two phases: before Amanda and after Amanda. Working with her gave me a tremendous amount of awareness in my life that I simply didn't have before. With that awareness she gave me tools that I now use every single day. She gave me tools for recognizing what was happening every day, tools for creating space in my life, tools for reflecting on myself and my life and tools to be who I am. I feel so fortunate that I saw her card, sent her an email and worked with her.” -Dan

“Amanda is most definitely doing the work she was made to do. If you've been considering a reading with her, and have perhaps only dipped your toes into Human Design but want to dive in further, then I can't recommend her enough. She artfully unearthed so much helpful information for me in my chart, and her wisdom and experience has guided me to really start listening to and trusting in my inner knowing again. Understanding how we each truly work can seem complicated, but Amanda brings a sense of wonder and fun to the process and I am truly grateful to have found her work. I feel like I've got this new treasure trove of information to go through with this beautiful new map and it's allowed me to take a breath, take my time, and no longer rush or push simply because I know that's not how I work. I'm really grateful. I'm now most likely going to join her membership. Thank you again Amanda! ” -Natalie

“I can’t believe it, but today is one year since I reached out to you for help after struggling so hard, and we started working together a week after! It’s crazy to remember myself where I was this time a year ago vs. this year. It’s worlds apart. This year has been full of so much growth and transformation, and I know it’s still really only getting started for the rest of my life. Things have been both really challenging and super rewarding through it all. I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been in my entire life! Things can still be really hard, and it’s still a struggle to always make the right choices, but the difference is that I have awareness of that now and I have more tools and support, and only keep finding more. Thanks for being such an important figure of safety and support and solidarity through my journey! It means more than you could know!” - Abigail

"Working with Amanda has been very positive and life changing for me. Through this work I have gained some serious self confidence and self love. Amanda is very intuitive and her offerings are a beautiful balance for the Mind, Body and Spirit. She is very resourceful and responsive whenever I have had questions or comments. I feel very thankful to have found her as I move into this big transitional phase of my life." -Uta

“The Collective is FILLED to the brim with incredible and quite practical resources for deepening my understanding and practice around all things Human Design, Gene Keys, Astrology and much much more. I’m a Gemini who is deeply curious about all the things and this has given me what feels like a never ending amount of info and contemplative resources to play with. I’ve only been in it for a month and I LOVE it. More people need to know about Amanda. I am also grateful that it was an accessible easy yes for me during a time where my finances were tight but allowed me to continue to invest in myself.” - Melissa
