North node

field guides

the direction we’re meant to go


The Lunar Nodes are points calculated as the intersection between the Moon's orbit and the Ecliptic. Our Nodes can offer up some of what I feel is the most helpful + valuable information. The fact that they are not actual celestial bodies does not mean you should underestimate their influence + importance. They offer us direction in life. An internal compass of what your Soul came to experience in this incarnation.

The North + South Node are always directly opposite each other in your natal chart. The North offers information about the energies we want to move toward, what we want to cultivate. The South Node is the energy that got us where we needed to go, that helped us develop through our adolescence, and if you believe in past lives, an energy we have been repeating for some time, that we have mastered in some way. It typically feels like a real cozy vibe and we tend to want to stay in it. We do bring gifts + talents through from our South Node but also low vibrations that we want to release as they do not serve us this time around, obstacles to our growth and evolution.

The North Node helps us to step into the lessons we are meant to learn, the direction we want to be heading in order to actualize our purpose more fully (along with our Incarnation Cross and other placements) + be able to alchemize that purpose out into the world.

It’s often uncomfortable to embody this energy and sometimes even to look at which is why I refer to it as our tough love energy. It’s a place that asks us to get honest with ourselves, and to stretch past our comfort zone. It requires us to push our boundaries, to embrace qualities and attributes that may not come naturally. That’s kind of the point.

This Guide will offer support through:

  • bringing awareness to the qualities you most want to cultivate + the ones you need to release

  • journal prompts + contemplations for unpacking your North Node

  • affirmations to amplify your gifts

  • many tools and practices to find support + lean into this powerful key in

Need help finding the Sign of your North Node? Scroll down to see the chart below.

The House offers the container in which your North Node energy will most prominently play out AND we also want to lean in to the supportive qualities of the House + release the lower vibes. While I don’t come from the camp which explicitly links Signs + Houses, there is much crossover and in this case I find helpful information in the Guide associated with your House placement, as well as looking at the House in the context of environment. I recommend grabbing both your Sign + House. If you do not know the House of your North Node you can pull up a natal chart for free on (if you need guidance on how, scroll down). So if for instance you have a Cancer North Node in the 1st House then you might grab both the Cancer/4th House guide and the 1st House/Aries guide. Each will offer you helpful tips for leaning in. Or you can just grab your Sign and look to the significations here to bring insight.


To find the House of your North Node look for the little horseshoe symbol with the arc at the top. The arc at the bottom would be your South Node. I use whole sign houses but you may choose another house system that resonates with you. See example below. This chart has her North Node in Cancer (symbolized by the outer Cancer glyph) in the 2nd House of money and wealth from the number 2 inside the inner wheel of that pie slice.