21 days of deconditioning

thru Breathwork + MOON Manifesting

***If you’ve come to his journey after our collective start date of Jan. 3rd - NO WORRIES! ANY amount of intentional action and Breathwork will serve you. Get in where you fit in. I will leave access open through the end of the month. When you click the button to take the pledge, you will be directed to the module for this free support. Welcome!

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

The Guesthouse by Rumi

the why

This is an invitation. To empty + align. To lay down some weight. To release the old and make room for the new. To let go of outdated beliefs and obstacles along your path through cumulative action. To support yourself through the season you’re in and prepare to grease new grooves in 2023. To reconnect to your truth. To listen for the wisdom within, it’s there. To feel into your unique energetic signature. To make a commitment and honor your word. To show up for yourself and intentionally construct your desired future.

the when

We will start on the 3rd of January and actively breathe daily through the 23rd, the Human Design New Year.

Members will also be invited to gather as a group for the first New Moon of the year on the 21st of January for a special workshop and there will be other support rolling out following. Not a member but want to come craft your 2023 Vision - grab a spot here.

the how + the who

The full guided journey is for members of The Collective, however I will offer support and a short guided Breathwork for ANYONE interested in participating. Take the pledge below to gain access!! This includes an introduction video, 11 minute guided Breathwork to do daily on your own time, optional playlists, printable habit tracker, support for shedding + bonus somatic support.

For members, there will be various guided Breathwork audios introduced inside The Collective for the month of January with a variety of lengths so you can get in where you fit in everyday. There will also be multiple themes including the archetypes of the gates we move through (the Sun) in January leading up to a month of guided Moon Phase Manifestation beginning around the HD New Year with new meditations for continued deconditioning (emptying out and making space for something new) + coherence and alignment (supported co-creation for your desired + most nourishing future).

So all together there will be additional supports rolling out for the first two months of the year including guided audios, meditations, movement + pop up events like Moon Materializations: Crafting Your VISION for the New Moon 🌙 utilizing your personal directions. ✨