the wounded healer

INHIBITING MINDSET | human in training



Your Chiron is said to be one of your biggest teachers. It is where wounding lives and where we can heal it. It is through Chirons influence that we learn to heal these respective wounds. Wounds that can hold us back, keep us small, stop us from taking action in our lives, where we often carry insecurities and limiting beliefs.

You can look it up through your natal chart on Astro to see what sign your Chiron lives in. Look for the key-like symbol above. You can also look up what gates you have in your Conscious + Unconscious Chiron for further wisdom + healing.

Your Conscious Chiron is an aspect of your behavior that is valuable but may be hidden to you. When you can be of service in this space, that service will also serve your own healing + help channel and transmute energy so that you can exist in a higher ocatave of its expression. It is a hidden resource to be tapped into much like your Core Wound.

Your Unconscious Chiron Gate (Body/Design) represents an invisible power that you carry, this can be a power that can also help heal old wounds. If you don’t have access to your Chiron gates in your software, you can look up the degrees here.

To go into more depth, locate the House as well. This will tell you the container of which it shows up most clearly for you.

by sign

in aries

Wounding: around inaction. You may struggle to assert yourself and therefore don’t speak up for what *you* want, choosing instead to be a champion of others.

Healing: Amplify your greatness, prioritize yourself and go after what you want with gusto. Be daring, you deserve it!

in taurus

Wounding: around self worth and prosperity. You often feel unworthy and/or dissatisfied with what you have, always wanting more, and then often feeling guilty once you get it.

Healing: develop a healthy relationship with your desire for security. Recognize your own value and worth. Be you. That’s enough. You don’t have anything to prove.

in gemini

Wounding: not able to communicate openly and authentically. You may over analyze even though you believe in the idea of free expression. You struggle to feel heard in the way you intend.

Healing: as Madonna said, “Express yourself” unapologetically! Trust that you have a unique voice that needs to be heard and as you speak your truth, you'll find and magnetize the right folks who get you.

If your someone who speaks too much and then feels guilty afterword or worry you misrepresented yourself then practice speaking with more mindfulness and intention.

in cancer

Wounding: emotional needs may have not been met as a child. You may find it hard now to let others take care of you, instead taking care of others. This can result in swallowing a lot down. You may also find it hard to feel comfortable in places that don’t feel like home.

Healing: receive, allow yourself to be taken care of. Forgive yourself and anyone who let you down in your past. Release so you can move forward. Offer yourself the same kindness you offer those around you.

in leo

Wounding: around your creativity and doubting your unique you-ness and expression. You always feel like there’s someone better than you.

Healing: awaken your unique expression and share it openly, releasing doubt. Pay attention to where you are self conscious. Be proud of who you are and what you accomplish. Allow yourself downtime guilt free. Be silly!

in virgo

Wounding: feeling like you’re not good enough in some or many ways, feeling like somethings missing from your life. You feel the need to be perfect and can be quite critical when you don’t have it all set like you think you should.

Healing: allow yourself to relax. Find gratitude for the ways your life is working and find a deep sense of self love that isn’t swayed. Stay away from “should-ing” on yourself or having unreasonable expectations especially when it comes to yourself.

in libra

Wounding: around partnership and really wanting that for yourself. You most likely don’t enjoy or are even afraid of being alone, feeling like someone else completes you. You may find you sacrifice what you need in a relationship out of your desperation to have one.

Healing: find that relationship you want with someone else with yourself. Date yourself. Connect and get clarity on what you really want and need first, finding wholeness on your own. Practice receiving. Find healthy ways to deal with interpersonal conflicts.

in scorpio

Wounding: around not accepting your shadow self. You feel deeply and can even be self destructive at times. You may find it hard to let others see your vulnerable side for fear of being misunderstood.

Healing: first have compassion for yourself, accepting and integrating ALL of who you are. Then share more of who you are, knowing we all have light + darkness. Pay attention to where you fear loss of self.

in Sagittarius

Wounding: feeling like your life doesn’t fulfill some grand purpose. You may find you’re always searching for greater meaning, unsure of what you should be doing with your life.

Healing: slow down and enjoy life. Be present with what is and stop searching so hard for specialness and the BIG meaning. Find a way to embrace your beliefs and ideas about the world rather than disconnecting out of insecurity.

in capricorn

Wounding: feeling the need to be in control and control everything around you as well as needing structure and feeling out of balance when you don’t have it.

Healing: release your need to control and practice going with the flow. Get outside of your comfort zone. Appreciate all you have to offer and how you contribute. Manage your expectations especially when it comes to yourself; tune in: do you need more accountability or to be more gentle. What comes easy and what’s more challenging?

in aquarius

Wounding: feeling like you don’t really fit in. You may feel like people don’t get you and therefore you disengage.

Healing: put yourself out there. The world needs your particular brand of you-ness and you will find your people when you shine. Trust yourself. When you stop tying to belong, you often find exactly where you do.

in pisces

Wounding: feeling like the world is out to get you, victim consciousness. You can also take things personally which taken to the extreme can result in you being suspicious of the motives of those around you.

Healing: look at the forest rather than just the tree and know that what may feel challenging along the way always has a lesson that’s meant to move you forward. Trust the process.

While forgiveness is a positive, everything has a low vibration, make sure you’re not allowing someone to take advantage or through it, continuing to hold onto things/people that that no longer serve you.

Are you practicing your own self care?