Daily Check in

Daily Check In


What three things are you grateful for this morning?

Dig deep and do something different everyday. The people who picked your vegetables, the trashman, the ability to recycle, that account you follow that makes you feel good, those flowers you pass on your walk to the market, the way someone looked at you, your favorite cozy socks, the ability to see, the smell of the rain last night...




What would you like to create today?

Maybe you’d like to find a little more spaciousness in your day, try something new, get to bed earlier, take time to meditate, have more patience with your kid, do something nice for your partner or a stranger or have a bath at the end of the day. Maybe it’s something like being less defensive, being kinder to yourself, feeling more grateful for what you do have, standing in your power, etc...




What is something(s) you want to manifest/align with right now + what is one achievable actionable step(s) you can take towards that goal today?

(Check in with your body graph to see if you’re a specific or non-specific manifester at mybodygraph.com and read about what that means in the B+F Journal.)

Turn at least one of these desires into an affirmation you can check in with throughout the day.

For example: I choose peace instead of judgement today or work with something you’re calling in. If it’s not something you can believe then try re-wording it into being open to the possibility. Ie; I have a job I love where I make 100k/year. If this is something you want but cannot fathom it actually happening then change it to “I am open to the possibility of making 100k a year doing what I love” and love up on that idea, feed it until you can strengthen your belief/faith muscle.

Have a little extra time? Stream of consciousness write 2-4 pages. Whatever comes to your mind, just get it out on the page, no check-ins with grammar or re-reading, this is just a purge to get your day started from a clearer place.


Was there a time today when you didn’t feel your feelings?

If so write it out and then take some time to breathe; dance a song, do some push ups, run around your house, pound your fists on your bed, tap through it with EFT, feel where it lives in your body and bring some breath there, sing a song, write a letter you’ll never send, PROCESS + FEEL IT! Set aside a few minutes (a specific amount of time) for this and then choose to let it go.

What three ways did you feel abundant today?

Someone gifted you their time, bought you coffee, held the door, gave you affection or support, paid you a compliment, you had an abundance of time for yourself, etc.. Feel into that abundance, support, love, positive feedback, compliment, that feeling that you got it right, etc... Take a few moments to breath that into your body, really FEEL it.


