Artwork: Jeffrey Simmons

This is a way for me to list the gates numerically for ease of finding them and their associated center, to offer a shorthand, as well as give a frame of reference for non-members. Members can scroll down to access the full Gates module below or click here + find the Fear Gates here.


C = Crown / Head
A = Ajna / Mind
T = Throat
G = Self Center
W = Heart / Will
SP = Solar Plexus / Emotional
SC = Sacral
R = Root
SE = Spleen

Gate Piths

01 – (G) The Creative | Self-Expression | Co-creation
SHADOW: Entropy | GIFT: Freshness/Beauty

02 – (G) The Receptive | Inner Guidance
SHADOW: Dislocation | GIFT: Orientation

03 – (SC) Difficulty At The Beginning | New Ways | Establishing Order
SHADOW: Chaos | GIFT: Innovation

04 – (A) Youthful Folly | Answers + Solutions | The Limitation of the Mind
SHADOW: Intolerance | GIFT: Understanding

05 – (SC) Waiting | Universal Timing | Natural Rhythms
SHADOW: Impatience | GIFT: Patience

06 – (SP) Friction | Diplomacy | Emotional Balance
SHADOW: Conflict | GIFT: Diplomacy

07 – (G) The Army | Finding Shared Interests | Meritocracy
SHADOW: Division | GIFT: Guidance

08 – (T) Holding Together | Contribution + Promotion
SHADOW: Mediocrity | GIFT: Style

09 – (SC) The Taming Power Of The Small | Details | Attentiveness
SHADOW: Inertia | GIFT: Determination

10 – (G) Treading | Self Love | Love of Life + Yourself
SHADOW: Self-Obsession | GIFT: Naturalness/Being

11 – (A) Cultivating Peace | Harmony | The Left Eye
SHADOW: Obscurity | GIFT: Idealism

12 – (T) Standstill | Caution | Right Timing
SHADOW: Vanity | GIFT: Discrimination

13 – (G) The Fellowship of Man | The Listener | Discernment
SHADOW: Discord | GIFT: Discernment

14 – (SC) Possession In Great Measure | Prosperity | The Harvest
SHADOW: Compromise | GIFT: Competence

15 – (G) Modesty | Love of Humanity | Balance Between Extremes
SHADOW: Dullness | GIFT: Magnetism

16 – (T) Enthusiasm | Selectivity | Harnessing Skills
SHADOW: Indifference | GIFT: Versatility

17 – (A) Following | Opinions | Being Far-Sighted | The Right Eye
SHADOW: Opinion | GIFT: Far-sightedness

18 – (SE) Work On What Has Been Spoilt | Improving | Integrity
SHADOW: Judgement | GIFT: Integrity

19 – (R) Approach | Finding Inclusion | Sensitivity | Wanting
SHADOW: Co-dependence | GIFT: Sensitivity

20 – (T) Contemplation | The Gate of the Now | Healthy Detachment
SHADOW: Superficiality | GIFT: Self-Assurance

21 – (W) Biting Through | Control | The Hunter | Power
SHADOW: Control | GIFT: Authority

22 – (SP) Grace | Adorning | Openness | Attunes to Mammals
SHADOW: Dishonor | GIFT: Graciousness

23 – (T) Splitting Apart | Assimilation | Releasing the Non-Essential
SHADOW: Complexity | GIFT: Simplicity

24 – (A) Returning | Spiralic Solutions | Truth in Silence
SHADOW: Addiction | GIFT: Invention

25 – (G) Innocence | Acceptance | Universal Love
SHADOW: Constriction | GIFT: Acceptance

26 – (W) Accumulation | Accomplishments | Attunes to Birds, Reptiles + Fish
SHADOW: Pride | GIFT: Artfulness

27 – (SC) Nourishment | “Put Your Oxygen Mask on First” | Balance Between Give + Take
SHADOW: Selfishness | GIFT: Altruism

28 – (SE) Preponderance Of The Great | The Game of Life | Fear of Death Before Truly Living
SHADOW: Purposelessness | GIFT: Totality

29 – (SC) The Abysmal | Right Commitment | Perseverance Through Difficulties
SHADOW: Half-Heartedness | GIFT: Commitment

30 – (SP) Clinging Fire | Desires | Feelings | Gate of Fates
SHADOW: Desire | GIFT: Lightness

31 – (T) Influence Through Your Unique Vision | Natural Leadership
SHADOW: Arrogance | GIFT: Leadership

32 – (SE) Duration | Change As The Only Thing That Endures
SHADOW: Failure | GIFT: Conservation

33 – (T) Retreat to Assimilate + Recharge | “I Remember” | Mindfulness
SHADOW: Forgetting | GIFT: Mindfulness

34 – (SC) The Power Of The Great | Power Through Inner Balance
SHADOW: Force | GIFT: Strength

35 – (T) Progress Through Change | Adventure | “I feel”
SHADOW: Hunger | GIFT: Boundlessness

36 – (SP) The Darkening Of The Light | Crisis Resolution | Experience
SHADOW: Turbulence | GIFT: Humanity

37 – (SP) The Family/’Framily’ | Friendship + Community
SHADOW: Over-sentimental | GIFT: Equality

38 – (R) Opposition | The Fighter | Remembering Oneness
SHADOW: Struggle | GIFT: Perseverance

39 – (R) Obstruction | Provocation | Moving Through Obstacles
SHADOW: Provocation | GIFT: Dynamism

40 – (W) Deliverance | Aloneness | Liberation vs Struggle
SHADOW: Exhaustion | GIFT: Resolve

41 – (R) Decrease | Imagination + Potentials | Emptiness As Possibility
SHADOW: Fantasy | GIFT: Anticipation

42 – (SC) Increase | Detachment | Growth | Maximizing Potential
SHADOW: Expectation | GIFT: Detachment

43 – (A) Breakthrough | Insight | Reforming Old Habits | The Inner Ear
SHADOW: Deafness | GIFT: Epiphanies

44 – (SE) Coming To Meet | Patterns | Intuitive Smell | Cellular Memory
SHADOW: Interference | GIFT: Teamwork

45 – (T) Gathering Together | The King/Queen | Dominance | Manifestation
SHADOW: Dominance | GIFT: Synthesis

46 – (G) Pushing Upwards | Serendipity | Self Determination | Love of Body
SHADOW: Seriousness | GIFT: Delight

47 – (A) Oppression | Realization | Distillation/Editing For Meaning
SHADOW: Oppression | GIFT: Transmutation

48 – (SE) The Well | The Source | Depth | Instinctual Memory | The Sense Taste
SHADOW: Inadequacy | GIFT: Resourcefulness

49 – (SP) Revolution | The Rebel | Sensitivity | Attunes with Mammals
SHADOW: Reaction | GIFT: Revolution

50 – (SE) The Cauldron | Values | Stability | Equilibrium | The Guardian
SHADOW: Corruption | GIFT: Equilibrium

51 – (W) The Arousing | Shock to Awaken | Recognition + Adaptation
SHADOW: Agitation | GIFT: Initiative

52 – (R) Keeping Still | The Mountain | Perspective Thru Inner Quiet | Restraint
SHADOW: Stress | GIFT: Amplify Stillness

53 – (R) Organic Development | New Beginnings | Abundance
SHADOW: Immaturity | GIFT: Expansion

54 – (R) The Marrying Maiden | Ambition + Drive | Cosmic Relationships
SHADOW: Greed | GIFT: Aspiration

55 – (SP) Abundance | Spirit | Freedom | Emotional Waves
SHADOW: Victimization | GIFT: Freedom!

56 – (T) The Wanderer | Traveling | Stability Through Movement
SHADOW: Distraction | GIFT: Enrichment

57 – (SE) The Gentle | Intuitive Clarity | Clairaudience
SHADOW: Unease | GIFT: Intuition

58 – (R) The Joyous | Vitality | Zest For Life | Finding Beauty
SHADOW: Dissatisfaction | GIFT: Vitality

59 – (SC) Dispersion | Intimacy | Sexuality | Sacred Union
SHADOW: Dishonesty | GIFT: Intimacy

60 – (R) Acceptance of Limitations | Restriction | Realism | Boundaries
SHADOW: Unstructured or Rigid | GIFT: Realism

61 – (C) Inner Truth | Sincerity | Inspiration | Pressure to Know | Truth thru Silence
SHADOW: Psychosis | GIFT: Inspiration

62 – (T) Preponderance Of The Small | Clarification | Details | Being Impeccable
SHADOW: Intellect | GIFT: Precision

63 – (C) After Completion | Doubts | Inquiry | Constantly Reevaluating Your View
SHADOW: Self-Doubt and/or Suspicion | GIFT: Inquiry

64 – (C) Confusion Before Completion | Diverse Possibilities
SHADOW: Confusion | GIFT: Imagination + Illumination


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