lunar cycle



Not just for Reflectors, although especially beneficial for them as the Lunar Cycle is their Strategy + Authority. This one is a little bit tricky but I want to offer you some DIY options.

Many of us feel deeply tied to the phases of the Moon. Transits are always a personal experience but one you can get to know for yourself through a Lunar Cycle Reading + the Sun Transits. You can begin a Lunar Cycle at any time, allowing you to get in touch with the energy you are experiencing in each moment and to know when you may be invited to greater connection and insight over the course of the month (a lunar cycle is about 28 days).

Reflectors may want to mark their calendars and take note when they have received and invitation or offering that they are attempting to make sense of or make a decision on so that they know when they have reached at least one full cycle. And, through mapping along the 28 days they will know which times offer extra potential and may be really supportive to tune in, journal, explore, and sound it out for greater insight.

Emotional authorities may want to take note of when they have some potentially intuitive activations. Through following our own transits for a few months we may begin to notice patterns, feeling in to how they influence our life + clarity.


This one really does require software I think. If you have found a way to pull up your mandala + a transit ephemeris elsewhere for free, let me know! Otherwise I will put at the bottom how you can kind of MacGyver it.

With Genetic Matrix software you want to pull your chart with the drop down menus saying:

Tropical : Foundation : Quantum Mandala

Print out a copy of this (or bookmark it). It should look like the image below. The numbers in the inner circle of your mandala are your Gates and we transit counter clockwise.

Human Design Mandala

Then pull your regular bodygraph (or you can look at the small one in the center here if you can clearly see your gates) and make note of all the Gates that are undefined on the other side of your hanging gates (black + red). So, the white gate on the other side of your definition. We are doing this because when the moon transits through those gates they are creating channels and activating Centers in our bodygraph.

For instance, starting at the top of Sandra Bullock’s bodygraph you can see she has gate 64 defined with gate 47 undefined on the other side. So when the moon transits through Gate 47 it would activate this full channel 64-47 which is an energy of clarity. This may mean that she feels a deeper connection to her inner knowing at this time (or that she experiences more mental chatter). It could be a great time to journal, to sound it out with trusted members of her community, and sit with it in contemplation or meditation. She would also have access with this channel to the energy of definition in her Crown + Head.

The easiest way to do this is to go through both columns (black and red) looking at the defined gate and then marking down the undefined gate on the other side. You may have some duplicates which you can disregard.

Once you have a list of all the Gates you want to pull up the Moon Transits. To do this on Genetic Matrix you would click on the little calendar icon and then on the lower left drop down where it typically says “month view” you would select “lunar month transition view”. It will pull up something that looks like this:

Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 2.10.42 PM.png

As you can see there are multiple gate transits per day as the Moon transits through all 6 lines of the Gate in about 10 hours. To look at the exact time of the transit you can pull up the day view and look at the little moon icon. You can even click on the Gate to get a short description.

If we were starting a Lunar Cycle chart on April 1st then you would note that the first lunar transit is through gate 34, then 9, 5, 26 and so on. Look for the first Gate on your list.

If we look back at the mandala we can see that 34 would be on Sandra’s list as it completes a channel with Gate 10 which she already has defined in her chart. This is also a good example as 10 is one of those funny gates that can meet up in multiple places. Therefore, when she was making her list and she looked at Gate 10 she would have put 34, 20 and 57 on her list as all three will be activated at some point through the month creating a channel. This Channel 34-10 lights up her Sacral + Self center. She may find on days when her Sacral is activated that she has more energy to burn, which she can use to get things done… and then rest. This is also an energy of exploration and following your convictions so this would be a time period that might be helpful for new insights, for getting clear on ones convictions, for deeper acceptance of self and/or aspects that may help in the decision making process or just in feeling extra empowered and riding and/or utilizing that wave.

*Genetic Matrix also makes it easier by highlighting all of the channels created by lunar transits in green. I still like making the list and marking it on the mandala because I think doing this helps us to see it but you can also just print out the month noting that the green highlights are when you would be activated and then paying attention to what centers are turned on and the channels energy you are playing in.

Continuing manually, from here you would move counter clockwise with the transits marking down any gates you listed that will be activated and on what date, bringing awareness to these times and taking notice. Notice she has a little cluster on the 4th of April with three gates activated consecutively and then one day off and another on the 6th. This will most likely be a more powerful time for her and one to pay attention to. Everyone is going to be affected by the transits differently based on a lot of factors. This is a tool of self awareness and one that can be extremely beneficial as well as connect us in more deeply with our own and nature’s cycles, which I think is always a good thing.

Not into DIY, or don’t have software (see MacGyver below.. I realize I’m aging myself with this reference)…. you can order a reading here.

Feel free to let me know what questions you have or if anything is confusing and I’ll attempt to address it in this months Support Call. (April 2021)


macgyver-ing it


So this is kind of piecing it together but is totally doable if you just want to take the time to peek at it every day and map it out. Remember this is not like the Suns transits over the course of a year, you are essentially repeating the same pattern every 28 days. It’s not exact but once you get the order you will know you are moving through a Gate every 10 hours and will have a fairly good idea what’s coming, seeing how the pattern shapes out for you.

You would:

  • take the same inventory of your bodygraph as above, noting all of the gates that are undefined on the opposite end of hanging gates. Make a list.

  • without the mandala you won’t be able to put them in order, marking them on the mandala to see what is activating next. Instead you will need to check the daily transit in the am and pm (notice when it switches) to see when the moon is in a gate that is influential for you. Start a list with the dates of when that Gate is activated, what channel it creates, what that energy is and what centers it defines.

  • Genetic Matrix has the energy of the now, “neutrino conditioning weather”, on its home page and you can even click on the Gate to read a little blurb about it. Look for the little moon icon to see where it’s at in each moment.

  • Once you get through one cycle you will have a bit of a template moving forward.

Not into DIY? Reach out to grab a Field Guide.