the outer planets

The outer planets carry a more generational influence and while I always recommend looking at all of our placements I typically look to the outer planet themes + archetypes more in relationship to their house placements as this will be more personal to you, as well as how these transiting planets affect our life in the here and now through our personal cosmic weather. That being said, they are still absolutely worth exploring.


neptune | The veil

Neptune can represent illusion, imagination, anxiety, art, music, creativity + spirituality. Often times the places where we have Neptune placements require surrender and for us to allow for the unknown + mystery. It can feel perplexing, like a veil we can’t quite see through, but these are vehicles in our lives for spiritual growth.

Our Conscious Neptune is a world hidden away but one that can offer us a deeper spiritual experience in life when we can let go of control and journey into the unconscious realms from a place of grounding.

Our Unconscious Neptune or Design Neptune is a place where dreams + fantasy can get confused with reality. Be mindful of the low vibrational aspects here, that you don’t get lost in confusion. It can be all rose colored glasses or straight up deception.


uranus | individuality

Uranus represents the spaces where there is unusualness, uniqueness, transition, chaos, renewal + innovation/invention.

Our Conscious Uranus can highlight aspects of our personality that require freedom + individuality, places and spaces to buck the conventional, and go your own way.

Our Unconscious Uranus can represent places where we can bring innovation + spaces where one might feel uncommonly creative or a place where we feel chronic dissatisfaction or boxed in in some way.


pluto | power + transformation

Pluto represents the spaces where truth, transformation, compulsion, the unconscious + psychology rule. These are often places that require we bring awareness to the truth for us here, the theme of truth we need to face. It can also show archetypes associated with endings + beginnings.

Our Conscious Pluto can be directly connected to our fears around death + where it can be helpful to far our fears there and recognize it as part of the cycle, as the transformation of energy.

Our Unconscious Pluto can show places that require conscious development, archetypes that carry that kind of Phoenix, rise from the ashes, composting element. It may mean letting go of certain ideas, letting them transform + evolve.