aligning + thriving in the new paradigm
The cross of the sleeping phoenix
There are MANY prophecies about this period of time and it is being talked about from many angles whether through spiritual intuitives, religious ideology, Indigenous predictions, the Hopi prophecy about the end of the fourth world, astrologers, what I would call energetic meteorologists who have been sharing about the solar storms, the shifts in the Earth’s frequency and ‘the Ascension’, aka the energetic purging and upgrades we are all moving through collectively. It is a wild time to be alive. And, your soul chose to come through for this.
In Human Design 2027 marks a major turning point as we anchor in to a new Incarnation Cross, the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, a time when we “culminate in Spirit consciousness”, and firmly exit the Earth cycle of the Cross of Planning. You may hear others refer to it as a move into the 5D reality or the 5th Dimension. The Cross of Planning built our world and has had tremendous influence during its time (1615 - 2027). It also created much that does not serve us. And, as you know, a Phoenix is known for rising from the ‘ashes’ which is why we are experiencing such a “Tower” moment right now. The Tower in Tarot represents the destruction of the old WITH spiritual renewal on the other side. It is actually one of the most potent cards for healing. Ziegler described it well…
“just as the extraction of a rotten tooth provides relief for the entire body, the destruction of stagnant situation and relations which hinder growth begins a healing process for your entire organism. Having a tooth extracted can be painful, but when the tooth is poisoning your system, there is no other choice”
We are currently watching poison be extracted on the world’s stage and much more will be brought to light. So much that had many of us labeled tin hat wearing conspiracy theorists is being openly talked about and revealed in even mainstream media like corruption (many leaders have stepped down or have been forced out with many more to come), trafficking on a mass scale by both celebrities like Diddy (with many more to be revealed) and corporations like Abercrombie + Fitch (with many more to be revealed), chem trails and weather modification, anti-life companies being exposed or going bankrupt, conversations about chemicals in the food, talk about tallow replacing seed oils, the list goes on and on… This is just the beginning and for many it will be very hard to wrap their brains around what is to come, especially if they are still myopically focused in the wrong direction.
That being said, I am not afraid, or worried. While I know there may be some tricky times ahead as things shake out and new systems, like the new financial system, come into place, I mostly see what’s coming as incredibly, INCREDIBLY positive and I’ve been intentionally sharing it in conversations like this one as well as episodes like this one and this one because I want you to have hope for what is coming, to be prepared, and because we are both creating it. How fast we move into better timelines is up to all of us, and it begins with your orientation. For much of my adult life I lived in the echo chamber of main stream media with its doomsday fear mongering and I bought into much of it. But if you really pay attention you can see the breadcrumbs, more like full loafs being thrown into the mix at this point, many of which are in the above paragraph. The poison is being rooted and there are also little trails toward where we are going, which is to a Golden Age. A time of healing ourselves and the Earth by getting rid of anti-life agendas and products and through the emergence of suppressed technologies that will be life altering. A time of great abundance.
The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is made up of 4 beautiful energies:
Gate 34: The Power of the Great aka Self Empowerment + Knowing Which Projects Are Worth Investing Your Energy
Gate 20: The Power of Now + Listening To Your Inner Guidance
Gate 59: The Gate of Sustainability, Self Sufficiency + Intimate Collaboration
Gate 55: The Gate of Faith + Abundance of Spirit
Sounds pretty incredible right?! And, Gates 20 and 34 make up the Channel of Charisma which is about manifesting thoughts into deeds. Bringing the vision and dreams down to the Earth plane and essentially creating Heaven on Earth through a consistent line of creative life force so that we are deeply resourced. It is also the most powerful channel in the bodygraph and illustrates how much quicker we will be able to intentionally manifest desires into reality.
This will be a time of much deeper connection to the people around you, to the things that you buy, to the ways in which we connect, to your day to day life which will feel at a much slower, easier, yet abundant, pace. When we will all have access to prosperity and will not need to focus on survival so much but really on what gives our life meaning and how we thrive.
what can we do Now
We can be an intentional architect.
I first read The Holographic Universe in my early twenties which sent me down quite a rabbit hole, now two decades and going strong, around the connections between spirituality and quantum physics, and the idea that we both create our realities individually and collectively. The more resistance and fear we stay in collectively, the longer it will take to actualize the magic of this moment. You are a ripple of the wave.
I’ve been asking you “what if”?
How much can you play in that frequency of how good could it get.
And, what might you do to prepare for the new paradigm?
These are questions you really want to marinate in.
What choices would you make if you were resourced to do anything?
What contributions would you want to make? What is your special sauce? What is the individuated journey your Soul came to have + share?
How would you want to spend your ideal days?
What deeply nourishes you, gives you pleasure, lights up your inner child?
*And if you are staying tuned in to the chaos and fear and resistance, with attachment, ask yourself why. What are you consuming? And what are you broadcasting? How is it serving you? How is it serving the energy of your family? Of the collective? Your energy is all the things and your attention is in large part your energy so do what you need to do to shift. Contribute your life force to a new world, a better one.
support for the times
I talk about some of this and more in the episodes I linked above.
get to know what truly gives you meaning through your chart, body graph + numerology and re-define success for yourself!
open up your detox pathways and support detoxification. I’m personally currently prepping for this cleanse with this cleanse.
drink more minerals and intentionally hydrate. I especially love both hydrogen water and Quinton seawater minerals.
move your body and your energy often
rest when you can + play, play PLAY. Do things that positively light you up.
ask for the correct information to find you. Ask your higher self, your Spirit team, your internal guidance system to align you with truth, truth you can feel in your bones + with your (and ours collectively) limitlessness.
eat nutrient dense foods and avoid processed as much as possible
follow, listen to, read people who inspire you and help you stay in the vision you want to cultivate for the future. And release that which does not.
ground by getting your bare feet on the Earth often and/or work with earthing shoes, sheets, pads.
work with frequency, sound and light to raise your vibration.
day dream best case scenarios, miraculous ones, expect miracles.
orient yourself to where you want to go and celebrate the abundance already around you and incoming.
tend to yoru relationship to abundance + receiving
practice this EFT daily to support yourself and the collective, a gift from me to you. See how much you can feel it rather than think it as you move through the practice.