Your Follower Count Is Mostly BS


I said it. And, I don’t say that from a place of hating social media, I might have a year ago if I’m being honest. I did spend MANY days resenting the fact that I “had to be there”. Feelings clearly laid out in my chart with many placements emphasizing my “don’t tell me what to do” vibe, like Gate 21 in my Conscious Moon. ;) So much so that sometimes in my mind the GPS tells me to turn left and my subconscious goes “YOU turn left”. The force is strong in me. It led me to take over a year off social media in total glorious rebellion. Sometimes that energy serves, and sometimes it does not. I have spent years and years all but ignoring ANY strategy, trusting it would all come about organically. Pretending I don’t have a Virgo stellium begging me to pay attention to the details, analytics and insights (ahem… and intentional adulting). Our North Node is always a tough love place.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked about this or approached with confusion from clients or members once they dive in to working with me. I always know when they are about to say something because they start to get really careful with their words so as not to potentially offend, and they basically say some variation of “I don’t get why you don’t have more followers”. This is usually followed or preceded by incredibly sweet and generous gushing about my work, our session or membership which I’m always grateful for. And, the truth is…

It used to bother me. A lot. Let’s be honest you pour and pour and POUR yourself into something and don’t see (particular perceived) reciprocity, ESPECIALLY with a channel from your G to your Throat. It feels like a bit of a gut punch. If this was a partnership we would have broken up long ago. This can go to some confusing and dark places for many when seeing it through mainstream eyes. We can, and I did, start to grow resentment which then only creates energetics that actually block the thing you’re calling in.

The truth is, we are programmed this way, to equate reciprocity, your worth, to a number. Not to the lives affected and changed for the better. Not to the testimonials that flood your inbox. Not to the one grateful comment that they really needed that today. We are brainwashed to likes and follower counts. And, we are entrained to negativity bias, to focus on what’s lacking rather than what’s there. Do we even really care about the number or are we just molded to think that we do. That we have to.

Don’t let them make you care, if you don’t.

The same way society, family, friends, media and homogenized ideas should not define what success means to you, it should also not define what it looks like.

Social media is one of those places where many equate a number to a hierarchy. To status. As someone with both Gate 44 in my Conscious Sun and the Channel of the Alpha in my Culture, put into this human experience to see + share the way forward, this is also BS (someone’s feeling feisty today). Hierarchy is SHADOW energy that we are hopefully, as a collective, moving out of in this Age of Aquarius. We are done putting people on pedestals, and you definitely should not choose someone to work with based on their number of followers but based on those with which you have true resonance.

the downside of these spaces

Are there benefits to a large following? It really depends on what you want. I mean yes, more eyes on your work can equate to more money in your pocket. Much of business is a numbers game, but not always. You can absolutely build a thriving business with what many would deem a very small “following”.

There is also a flip side of growth. The posts I have had reach a much larger audience have sometimes come with trolls and real asshats as well. Do you have the capacity to hold this? Do you even want to? Do you have strong boundaries? Do you recognize it is your choice as well, who you engage with, who you allow in to your spaces? Set firm guidelines. Delete and block are both available to you. Growing an audience should be about finding the most aligned audience, people who find value in what you offer and are respectfully engaged. Just like you don’t have to work with every client or customer who comes your way, you don’t have to accept every follower either, and I think it’s important to remember.

Social media has many beautiful gifts. And it also feeds the worst of us. The distracted parts of ourselves. The needy attached parts. The parts of ourselves seeking our validation outside.

there are many pathways

Most people find me through internet searches and Pinterest. Those are two places I have no trouble. Or word of mouth, which is the best place for people to find you. I love my Weekly Nourish subscribers. An email list matters, those are people who are interested in your inner circle. Instagram has been my sticky wicket and much because I’ve refused to play their game thus far AND because of my own unique blueprint.

I talk a lot about the intersection of your natal chart + bodygraph because IT’S IMPORTANT. Because we do not all start at the same starting line in all areas of our lives, or desire the same things when we’re really honest with ourselves, our true core. Because I have Chiron (the wounded healer) in my house of social media. Because I am a Scorpio and a 2/4 who prefers quality inner circle vibes over quantity. Because the ruler of my house of social media also lives in Scorpio in detriment (delays and detours). Because I have Saturn (the planet of timing) in my 3rd House of communication. We each walk our own path. And I DO NOT say that as a victim of my chart. We ALL have agency. And, we all have different desires, things that we deem important or valuable, karma, and lessons and journeys in this life.

There are thousands upon thousands of people out there trying to teach you THEIR strategy to succeed but if you have been bumping up against similar issues for awhile, it is likely not a strategy issue but a not knowing and innestanding yourself issue. Their strategy works for them, it does not mean it works for you. Nothing is one size fits all. Though if your inbox is anything like mine, it is bombarded with masterclasses and courses telling you otherwise.

More likely it is a get out of your own fucking way issue. A see the the stories and structures that have been built around your limitations strengthening them and delete them. An invitation to learn YOUR unique path.

We can absolutely learn strategy. Instagram is a game. If we want to get existential so is life. We are all figuring out how to more intentionally craft our realities (at least we should be). You have to see it that way. You cannot be attached to outcomes, you just have to show up to the formula, which I’ve been spending time learning this season so that I can share it in Sacred Success Codes AFTER we integrate the juicy stuff first. Because, we often spend 100% of our time on actions like strategy that actually amount to 20% of our success. The other 80% is your energetics and that includes both YOUR unique cosmic imprint and timing + YOUR mindset and vibration.

to sum it up

Your follower count is mostly bullshit.

You can have a thriving business with a small amount of followers and I see accounts all the time with tens of thousands of followers and little to no engagement. Bots and bought many times, other times just people who hit follow and then never see your page again.

Strategy is great (she says reluctantly). No really, it is. A little strategy can go a long way. But first, the most important thing, is knowing yourself. Then you can filter some strategy through YOUR unique Design. You understand how you’re here to make an impact, your zones of genius, your soul clients and tribe, how you attract them, how you grow your capacity and create sustainability and then you layer over some strategy that is in resonance with YOU.

And then grow, grow because you believe in your work. Grow because you want to serve more people. Grow because you are an agent of change. But don’t forget that all it takes is one person. For you to affect one person in a way that leads them to go out and change lives themselves, and so on and so forth. That is the magic of life. You have NO IDEA your exponential ripples and an algorithm does not define your f@cking limitless magic. You do, in the fullness of your Wholeness.

amanda barnett