Barney + flo(w)

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Mental Health Tools

After sharing a bit about my journey with mental health here, I wanted to share some of my favorite tools and resources in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. If you found your way here, I hope you find somethings that serve you. We can look to our charts to see what tools may serve us best with things like: Moon placements, Earth Gates (how you ground), Determination, Environment, Cognition, Houses of Health placements, where we need emptying out, etc… For instance someone with a Mountains environment may need to get away to gain some perspective or particularly benefit from breathwork (4 lines as well) or someone with a Sound determination may be super supported by sound baths, binaural beats + frequencies. Someone with a fire sign Moon may need to process healthy aggression. Folks with Smell cognition may be helped by essential oils. Two lines, Kundalini. That being said we can always look to what we most need in each moment. Here are some of the practices I have found most useful for myself + clients.

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - The Tapping Solution app.

  • TRE (Trauma Release Exercise)

  • MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)

  • Nervous System Support

  • Flower Essences

  • Herbal Medicine

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine + Acupuncture

  • Acupressure

  • Daily Sunshine On Your Skin

  • Daily Varied Movement Including Strength Training

  • Walking Outside

  • Journaling (Morning Pages + Positive Aspect)

  • Consistent Sleep Hygiene + Naps

  • Consistent Emotional Hygiene

  • A Consistent Spiritual Practice

  • Music

  • Hydration With Quality Water

  • Whole Nourishing Foods

  • Getting Out in Nature + Fresh Air

  • Going Barefoot As Often As Possible + Get Your Full Body on the Earth

  • Dancing + Non Linear Movement

  • Mantra

  • Joe Dispenza’s Work

  • Reducing EMF Exposure

  • Consistent Emptying Out + Deconditioning

  • Biomat

  • Getting Your Eyes In The Sunrise

  • Using Blue-Blocking Glasses + Candlelight After Sunset

  • Therasage Infrared Sauna

  • Hyrotherapy +/or Cold Showers

  • Gratitude

  • Gemstones + Crystals

  • Breathwork

  • Visualization

  • Meditation

  • Ritual

  • Routine

  • Kundalini

  • Decluttering

  • Bibliotherapy

  • Vagus Nerve Support

  • Essential Oils

  • Binaural Beats, Sound Baths + Frequencies

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