I’ve noticed a theme this week in readings and it’s no wonder as the world feels more and more polarized, more divided, that we may have trouble finding effective ways to express ourselves, to be heard, to share. We may even have fear around communicating with all of the cancel culture arising. We may find ourselves not wanting to communicate with people we normally do for differences in opinion that may feel permanently divisive.

I’ve had to take a major step back from social media because of all of the hate. I don’t care what you believe, if you’re criticizing someone or a group of people for being hateful while also posting hateful rhetoric, are you not part of the problem? Is it not the same thing? We need to think about what we’re sharing and how we’re sharing. What is the energy behind what we are sharing? Is it something we want to cultivate? Are we practicing curiosity? Are we speaking our truth?

We are living in challenging times. But also beautiful times. And there are always allies we can use to help us with all manner of obstacles in our life, a personalized toolbox within our own unique design at our fingertips.

MERCURY in our design

Mercury is all about communication, how we express ourselves, and how we translate our thoughts into language. Mercury is the energy of curiosity, and of the, what we consider, uncomfortable spaces in the in between. It is the process, not the destination. It is the expansion of our consciousness.

In Human Design Mercury in our Personality/Mind (the black column) tells us what we need to communicate in this life. In our Design/Body (the red column) it may be unsure of what it has to communicate but still has something to say. This is where we may find ourselves sharing something but we’re not really sure why. The Gates in our Mercury give us much insight into what we are here to share and how we think. Members, read about your gates here.

in our astrology

Look to your natal chart for additional information on Mercury. The sign Mercury resides in will tell you where your communication is focused, where you are an alchemist, where you can make magic; it will tell you about the energy itself.


Additionally we can ask is the sign fixed, mutable, cardinal? What additional information does that provide? If it is fixed that energy will be more of a slow build. If it is cardinal it will be an initiating energy. If it is mutable it will adapt.

Cardinal: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn

Fixed: Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo

Mutable: Gemini (ruled by Mercury), Virgo (ruled by Mercury), Sagittarius, Pisces


Is it a fire, earth, air or water sign? What information does that provide? A fire sign means your communication will be more instinctive. If earth, more practical. With Air it is more focused through your intellect. Water signs will be more emotionally intuitive.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo (ruled by Mercury), Capricorn

Air Signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini (ruled by Mercury)

Water Signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces


Which quadrant does it reside in when looking at your natal chart. If it is in the 1st or SW quadrant then your Mercurial energy will have more to do with your personal development. If it is in the 2nd or SE quadrant it will be more focused on outward expression. In the 3rd or NE quadrant it will have more to do with your relationships and in the 4th or NW, it will be focused trans-personally.


The House Mercury resides in will tell you what area of your life this energy will be expressed, how the energy will play itself out, the environment. Members read about Houses here.

harnessing mercury

If you want to utilize Mercury as your ally, you can draw support to you through your Astrogeography. You don’t have to move to a Mercury line to do so. Tapping into where Mercury was when you were born can support you in all manner of Mercurial vibes. While Mercury is considered a “positive” energy we remember that everything has a high and a low vibration.

Supports/High vibe: Energy, travel, quick wit, learning and knowledge, teaching, expression, communication, gathering and disseminating information, creativity, finding a mentor.

The liminal spaces.

Also the messages we see in signs around us (animals, universal synchronicities, 11:11, etc..). It’s all communication.

When living on the line you can watch out for these Shadows. Mercury is associated with the Magician in Tarot which can be helpful when unpacking it.

Low vibe: thievery, mischief, scattered energy. Balance with Saturn. 

Mercury is a fast energy so living on the line may feel like a lot for those with a nervous spirit or someone experiencing anxiety.

To find out where your Mercury lines live take a look at your chart for free at It is personal to you and your birth time and it never changes. It is a snapshot of where the planets were in the sky at the moment of your birth. When you create an account it will keep your information in the system and you can dip back in at anytime to go exploring. This is where I pull up my natal chart as well. From the homepage hover over free horoscopes and then scroll through the selections until you see Astro Click Travel (near the middle bottom). This is where you wanna go.

You can use the google scalable map (option at the top left drop down menu under your name) to look at where you were born, a place you’re thinking of taking the family on vacation (maybe avoid your Mars IC line), a potential relocation, how you may be supported or challenged in the place you are currently living, or to locate your Mercury on the AS, IC, MC and DS. The Mercury lines are neon green.

Use the (+) arrow at the bottom right to zoom in and then click and drag to move around.

You can visit a Mercury line and see how it feels, lead a workshop there, find a mentor there, listen to Ted Talks from someone in your field that lives there, read books by authors from there, listen to music from there, watch films made there, the possibilities are endless.

To get even more nuanced you can look to:

  • the AS Mercury line for how you engage with life through communication, how you perceive yourself and your own self image.

  • the IC line for deeper feelings of belonging and security in Mercury, for self reflection, for more focus on your thoughts and feelings.

  • the MC for Mercury in your career sector and social status, how people see you and your own recognition.

  • the DS is more about what you attract into your life. If you’e living on a Mercury DS line then be mindful of projecting your own issues around communicating and self expression onto others.

If this all feels overwhelming, feel free to schedule a reading with me where we can focus on Mercury and strengthening your communication and self expression. For those more into DIY, you can join The Collective to dive deep into your Chart or grab a free guide to your bodygraph to get started!