The Power of Sound
Artwork: Katrien De Blauwer
An excerpt from a recent newsletter (The Weekly Nourish)…
We are on Day 16 as part of my 30 Days of Nervous System Support Series (you can catch the entire series saved in my highlights). And, today, I want to share about THE POWER OF SOUND.
We are all made of vibrations as is everything. Sound can be incredibly healing and balancing to our physical bodies and our moods, it can be an ally in reducing pain, anxiety, tension, anger, and depression. We can use mantra to connect to higher vibrations and manifest desires. We can ease stress + boost creativity. There has been research that it can improve cognitive ability + strengthen neural pathways even in Alzheimers patients. I believe, we are only at the tip of the iceberg of what sound can offer in terms of research.
There are many ways we can experience the healing power of sound and I've done a lot of them myself. I've had multiple Sound Baths, even in an energetic vortex, had someone “tune me” with tuning forks, experienced the healing power of a digeridoo, chanted mantras in community and on my own (A LOT), coaxed people to scream in my Release movement classes, played in a drum circle, sat and listened to the sounds of nature (last weekend I cupped my ears as 3,000,000 bats flew out overhead…it sounded like waves crashing) + most of the suggestions within are part of my regular self stewardship.
Sound therapies are typically accessible and free of any negative side effects. Check out some of my favorites below. And, if you missed it, HERE is a video of me speaking about manmade sound and other environmental injuries. If you are Feeling Cognition, High Sound or Valleys Environment you may find Sound healing particularly beneficial (as these are all tethered to acoustics) for alignment though we can absolutely ALL benefit greatly.
In Human Design, Gate 43 in The Ajna is connected to the Inner Ear. It makes sense as this is the energy of insight through breakthrough and carries the shadow of deafness. Time alone is key for this energy.
I often have these sounds playing in the background though for many to get the full benefit headphones are helpful to immerse yourself in the resonance.
Members… find out more about mantra here.
and for clearing….
You can also use Sound to clear energetic imprints and low vibrations in your environment.
clapping is an easy way to break up stagnant energy and can be helpful to do in the corners of your rooms where energy tends to get stuck
I often play mantras in the background to raise the vibration in my environment and being.
bells, rattles + chimes are also a great tool for moving energy
rhythmic drumming clears and aligns energy in a space
sound + breath are SO powerful when it comes to clearing negative energy from yourself and can also be used intentionally in your environment.
*featured on Redfin with other tips for clearing energy!!
+ don’t forget…
Just being with the sounds of your environment as meditation. This is where I began my meditation journey… focusing on sounds. I had too much anxiety to sit with my thoughts or my breath so I would focus on sounds, near and far, even just the white noise of the room. You're not meant to interpret the sounds but just focus on and hear them as noise. I’d often listen to the sounds on the street, the traffic like ocean waves, the birds, conversations. The key is not to listen in an interpretive way as in ‘I’m hearing birds chirping’ or listening to the words of a conversation outside but just to hear them as vibration. Whenever your mind drifts and you notice... you just bring your attention back to what you hear.
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