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Heart Center meets Kidneys


Will meets Water…

This workshop will combine two of my favorite things to bring more practical application to theory. We talk a lot in the spaces of Human Design about self discovery + contemplation. I love self discovery AND I’m always more interested in actionable steps and application.

One of my other loves which I often combine with the cosmos is organ theory, specifically Five Elements Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has some beautiful and useful ties + supports between the psycho-spiritual qualities of the Kidneys and the Water element as a whole (kidney and bladder) and the Heart Center in Human Design, especially when it comes to our access to willpower.

Join me for an exploration and leave with actions steps to strengthen + nourish both.

The link to join live (3/2 at 2pm CT) and the replay of this workshop will live inside The Collective.

If you are not a member of The Collective, you can purchase a discounted spot below. This will give you access to the live call and 72 hours access to the replay.

I love connecting, so hope to see many of you on the live!