family, Biz + group dynamics

Image: Silicon Valley


When three or more people get together in a small group in Human Design, it’s called a Penta. This includes families, teams, friend groups + businesses, basically any intentional gathering of more than two. I have heard more and more from people applying to jobs that some companies are asking for their Human Design. While they may be looking to add a specific energy type to the mix, or other qualities, they are most likely (and should be) looking to fill their Penta. A Penta is essentially its own vibe, much like with a Connections chart, and it influences the behavior of the group. It creates what is referred to as a trans-auric form, creating its own new energetic entity.

The same way a group that includes a Generator, Manifestor, Man Gen, Projector + Reflector will be stronger together and create a more holistic group/family/team, the fuller the Penta the stronger the foundation is to support and evolve the members + structure of the penta.

workshop replay

password: MINDTHEGAP


Click the image to download this blank copy from MyBodyGraph.


drawing your own penta

Though you can pull up a Penta in Genetic Matrix, you can also make one yourself by consulting all of the charts involved in the Penta and coloring in the Gates/Channels they each bring to the table within the Channels involved (see below). The Penta is specific to the relationship between three Centers in the Bodygraph. The spaces where no one in your group carries that energy represents a gap in your Penta. The less gaps, the more likely the energy of the group will operate harmoniously and function effectively within those archetypes.

The Penta is also more stable with 4 people or more, and particularly with 5 or a multiple of 5. Three and any multiple of 5+1 are considered less stable Pentas (6, 11, 16, etc..)


it’s not personal… it’s the Penta

Much like with a Connections chart, as well as looking at how our energies individually operate and can be honored, the Penta can offer us a lot of confirmation, validation + understanding in the ways in which certain group dynamics play out by recognizing the gaps in the Penta, as well as the strengths. Some of the challenges faced are by design and no ones fault. While we can find greater awareness, mindfulness, support + cures around the spaces where there are gaps, we can also bring understanding and compassion, we can appreciate the ways in which the group is designed, rather than casting blame or somehow feeling inadequate. We can offer forgiveness where needed, comprehending the energy at play. We can see it for the truth of what it is and also recognize our agency within. We get to choose how we perceive + respond. Do we lean into the high or low vibes?

The Penta is made up of specific channels that run from the G Center to the Sacral Center, back up to the G Center and from the G Center to the Throat Center. Some of these channels are more influential than others, but they all bring certain energies. Within these centers we are bringing life force via the Sacral to the G Center, our center for direction + love, and then expression through the Throat. The rest of the bodygraph sort of fades into the background.





The SACRAL center is all about life force energy. It is creation energy and the power to master and build resources that support the collective success of the group.


The SELF center is our center for direction + love. It houses the Magnetic Monopole which literally magnetizes life + experiences to us. This center is associated with how we love + accept eachother as well as with knowing where we’re going.


The THOAT is the center of expression, of concretizing desires into form. It informs how we take the energetics from the Self + Sacral into form in the world. It is how we take action, move forward and what we leave behind.


The gaps in the Penta, ie; where we lack definition are the spaces we want to bring mindfulness and agency. These are the places where there can be lack, stagnancy or tension, where there may be infighting or flat out fighting.

We can bring awareness here without over-identifying with the issues, knowing these are some of the spaces that require a little more consideration, effort or acceptance. In some cases it is about recognizing that it’s just not a consistent strength. We can bring understanding and also humor. We acknowledge that IT IS NOT PERSONAL. We give ourselves and others leeway.

We also lean into our definition, knowing these are our areas of stability within the penta. we recognize The Gates that we personally bring to the group can indicate what types of roles we naturally play within that structure. They are ways in which we can offer support.

We can also bring in cures to many of the places where we may be lacking… these are places we can bring in help and/or address issues individually rather than to the group as a whole.

Like any area of our Design, our openness is a space we get to explore, play and honor differences. Acceptance is key to cultivating ease.


The gates of the Penta

There is a shift in how the Gates + Channels operate within the structure of the Penta, their meaning addressing the collective energy of the group. When you have a Gate defined within the group, this represents a strength you can lean on. Many of them are less about the individual gate and more about the channel but we can look to what each one brings to the table + how they can naturally support the group.


sacral + g/self


This Channel is about rhythm and flow within. It has to do with the rhythms or lack thereof that flow within the group. Can you literally get to places on time with everything you need? Does the family have a rhythm to their mornings that feels easeful? Are the common areas kept in order? Is there a feeling of reliability?

Individually 15 can bring a magnetic quality, the ties that bind, building a solid foundation. Gate 5 is about how comfortable things feel when you're together. Does it have that kind of flow or feel awkward/stunted in some way?

This is tied to our internal rhythms and when we have this full channel defined in a group you may find a bit of that homebody vibe.

Amplify your Definition:

  • spend time together bonding in common areas

  • keep common areas clean + organized

  • host family dinners

  • create sustainable routines


  • check and double check you have everything + ample time to get where you need to go on time.

  • have humor when the beat is just not flowing.

  • spend lots of time with extended family or ‘framily’ to extend the penta

Work with a Cure:

  • for families: get a dog, seriously ;). This energy is tied to animals and a dog can bring rhythm to a family.

  • release the need to keep the family so closely together. If someone moves away, it’s ok. Understand it’s part of the families dynamic + not something to take personally.

  • bring in a cleaning lady, organizer or nannie to the group to fill in the gaps with the things that you don’t want to do or just don’t seem to get done (bonus if they carry the missing gate)


This energy has to do with stabilizing the auras, with literally getting along, like maybe you’d choose this family even if it wasn’t your bio family.

It also includes being out in public in a safe and presentable way, with the ability to have experiences outside of the home/office that flow and enrich the group. Wheres 5/15 can have more of the internal vibe, this one is more external, focused on going out in the world.

Without this energy it may be better to do things in pairs rather than trying to force the group to go out all together.

Amplify your Definition:

  • Travel with the fam or team. Explore different places + spaces together. Maybe look to your collective astro*carto for the next aligned vacation.

  • Expose the group to different cultures + experiences.


  • If you are going out in a group, be mindful of having everything you need + doing things safely… and that the kids are all wearing shoes and socks. ;)

  • Take a head count on the regular… think Home Alone.

  • When going somewhere new… what does the group need to know to be safe in unfamiliar places and experiences?

  • Use this gap to build resiliency within your Penta. I received a great email from a member following the workshop about the healthy ways in which they use this energy to engage with some discomfort therefore building more “grit and self-reliance” within the group.

  • For a business trip… double check everyone has their passports before you leave, do you have the right clothes for the big meeting, did you remember all of the items for the presentation?

Work with a Cure:

  • Don’t force group outings. Do things in pairs or test the waters with the group before venturing too far.

  • Check and double check.

  • Know how to keep everyone safe in outside situations to the best of your ability.

  • Have humor when a seemingly simple outing devolves into chaos.


This one can feel quite important and really is one of the more challenging ones to not carry. Without it the group can struggle to provide for themselves in the material world, especially without Gate 14. This is about the ability to generate wealth and have what you need to succeed. Without it, the group can be left feeling like there is never enough, like they are always scraping by.

Gate 2 has more to do with spending and allocating resources correctly. What direction does the money flow? How are resources used to support the group?

This can also show up as feeling a lack of support or worthiness within the group.

Amplify your Definition:

  • Get clear on where you want the money to flow.

  • Amplify abundance. Practice gratitude. Let money flow in and out.

  • Having this defined does not mean you will never want for money but it does mean where there’s will there is always a way. Ask for help when you need it and be open to creative solutions.


  • Be mindful of your money story.

  • Don’t spend what you don’t have + don’t bury your head in the sand.

  • Practice financial literacy + amplify the resources you do have to align with more abundance.

Work with a Cure:

  • Get some help outside of the Penta when it comes to advice around calling in more resources as well as managing them.


G/self + throat


Also an important and central energy to carry, this one too has to do with resources (like 14/2) but is more focused around the expression of those resources. Do you know where to direct your resources? How is financial planning?

How do you show up in the world? Is your presentation and that of your family/business socially acceptable? Does it respect the larger community you are a part of? Without it do you feel a pressure to be perceived as “keeping up with the Jone’s” or the opposite do you have resources but can’t manage your lawn, home, etc…?

What is the marketing and PR of your biz? Is it in alignment? Is it aesthetically pleasing?


  • Get out there and see and be seen. Get fancy and go out together.

  • Operate with integrity.

  • Utilize this energy to make things aesthetically pleasing and in line with the vision of the group. This may include social media or well executed videos campaigns, etc...


  • Don’t rely too much on materialism and appearances. It’s ok to want to look good but pay attention to when this becomes unhealthy or superficial. Don’t strain your resources trying to keep up with appearances.

  • It can also go the other way where you are unable to maintain your things, yourself, your home, etc.. no matter how much money you have. So be mindful of letting things go.


  • Hire someone to do your marketing and/or PR.

  • If you are a family without this energy you may want to hire help whether maintenance workers, cleaners, painters, landscapers, etc..


This one may feel more important to families as it carries the energy of ‘appropriate’ behavior in public, including discipline. Is there structure or is it chaos? Is there a recognized authority figure? Is the way authority is asserted aggressive or out of line? Are folks held accountable?

For businesses this can also include a respect of protocol, the administration + strategy of how you create success moving forward, of understanding and following best practices, proper etiquette, etc..

7 also really includes the plan. Where is the group going? Is everyone organized? Without it there can be a fundamental lacking in direction.


  • Craft a plan together.

  • Is everyone clear on their roles and “the rules”? Does everyone have input?


  • Ease up on yourself if you are parents lacking this one and you can’t get the kids to behave at the restaurant. Recognize this is inherent in the energy of the group. Have a plan for going out + resources like something for them to do. When the kids are young this may mean more meals at home. It’s important to not make this someones fault.

  • When members of the group are “out of line”, speak to them one on one.

  • If you are a business traveling to a new place or meeting with new people, get to know the best practices and etiquette prior.


  • Having a sitter or buddy to fill this gap could be super helpful for outings.


This energy is about tradition, memories, rituals, the roots. How does the past inform the future?

It is an energy that keeps and pays tribute to history. Therefore it can include record keeping, scrapbooking and tracing ancestral trees.

It can also be the ways in which we are tied to and honor the rituals, archetypes + mythologies of where we come from or for a business this could be staying true to your mission statement, building camaraderie with yearly retreats, etc.. It’s also how we do holidays, essentially all the ways in which we create + honor culture as well as learning from our past so we don’t repeat patterns that don't serve. This is the energy or our legacy.


  • Take pictures, document the family or group.

  • Tell stories + encourage your elders to share more about their lives.

  • Trace your ancestry + honor it with practices, rituals, medicine, cooking, etc..


  • Be mindful of feeling like you need to stick with tradition. Let shaking things up be your jam.

  • If there are actual gaps in the family, practice repair, healing, mending, reparenting where needed.


  • Create a new “tradition” each year. Let things flow. Have flexibility in the way you do things.
