Kitchens Questions


For greater alignment with your Kitchens Environment:

  1. Do you have regular connection with resonant community? Do you feel like your people are YOUR people? Have you outgrown anyone in your community?

  2. Does social media serve your kitchens vibes? Provide inspiration and raise your vibration or encourage comparison and low vibrations? Is there some digital community that feels aligned?

  3. Do you get out into the world into spaces that inspire you so you can have the opportunity to bump into folks, discover new things, get inspired?

  4. Does your current neighborhood feel aligned?

  5. Where do you work? Is it a space where you feel connected or are you stuffed away in a drab office alone that doesn’t feel good?

  6. Do you stay in the know about new cool/hot spots?

  7. Do you feel good collaborating with others? Do you have time in your life to exchange ideas? Work with or around teams?

  8. What kind of alchemy or transformation do you enjoy observing?

  9. Do you subscribe to social accounts, blogs or event sites to know what’s going on around you?

  10. Do you host people at your house? Into any clubs?

  11. Do you love your kitchen? Does it feel like a sweet, aligned, inspiring space?

  12. Do you have a variety of ingredients at play in your life? Is your space uniquely yours?

  13. Where else do people congregate in your house or would you like them to - need an upgrade in your living room or back patio?

  14. Are there places in your neighborhood you like to go to for inspiration whether a coffee shop, co-working space, creative hub or studio?

  15. Do you have a space where you feel like you can be super creative? Where you can cultivate greater feelings of aliveness?

  16. How do you cultivate alchemy in your life? Where do you experiment creatively? Do you allow yourself to get messy? To make magic?

  17. ASTROCARTO: Are you supported or challenged by the energy of the location you’re marinating in according to your astrology?

  18. Exploring your environment does not mean you need to pick up and move (though you can) but it’s more about how to utilize the resources in your environment currently, to lean in in the ways possible, to pay attention to how you feel. Our environment is not necessarily specific to an actual landscape/place but to resources, access to what we need, and how we uniquely thrive. Take regular inventory. Experiment.

amanda barnett