the what

What does it mean to align?

Artwork: Unknown

Artwork: Unknown



We are all literally made of stardust. We are energy. Everything around us is energy. And it all has a vibration.

We are always in a dance; co-creating with the Universe. A relationship. The Quantum Field responds to who we are being. What we want, what we believe, how we feel and the actions we take are all part of our process of creation. It’s not linear. It’s not one sized fits all. Knowing who you are, how your energy operates, your purpose, and reprogramming any patterns you have or old limiting beliefs are all keys to your own unique way of stepping into your most magnificent abundant self.

The laws of Quantum Physics say that where you place your energy is what grows and expands in your life. This can be super clear when we get up on the wrong side of the bed and we don’t take the time to reset or shift our intentions and literally everything is going wrong; we’ve spilled something on our clean clothes, the traffic is out of control, someone looks at us funny, the dog or the kid or both are being particularly difficult and before you know it we’re yelling at inanimate objects. It snowballs.

It’s also why when I’m low vibe or out of alignment I start working with meditations, affirmations or just listening to audio books or materials that open me back up and realign me with the energy I want to cultivate; checking back in with what and who inspires me. I will start noticing the synchronicities coming back through pretty quickly as a result. When we are emotionally inspired, we deepen our engagement, absorbing it into our cells. And reflecting that energy out.

Joe Dispenza has a been a leader in experimenting with heart coherence. When we have negative emotions our heart rhythms are erratic, and disorganized. By contrast feelings of joy and love produce highly ordered, coherent patterns. 

In these experiments when they tried to affect DNA using just elevated feelings of love and appreciation there was not much change. When they tired to affect change in the DNA by just holding a thought or intention to wind or unwind they couldn’t change it either. 

Another group did the same but instead of just creating positive emotions they held an intention (a thought to either wind or unwind the strands of DNA). This group produced statistically significant changes in the shape of the DNA samples. In some cases as much as 25% change in either direction. 

It changed with heightened emotion PLUS clear objectives in alignment.  It responds when feelings and thoughts are unified into a state of being. If a state of being can wind and unwind DNA in two minutes. What does this say about our ability to create our reality? 

There is a constant rearranging of vibrational patters to connect with our desires which already exist out in the quantum field. There are infinite possibilities and it’s important to always hold space for better than you can imagine. Our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions create our reality. They are the lens through with we perceive and build the world around us. It is not linear but a cycle.

Everything that happens in our life is co-created. In every moment we have the power of choice. We can choose to change, to shift our perspective, a better thought, how we react and what we want to create.

We co-create from an aligned space, through living our design + balancing our energetic centers and bodies.

The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.
— Joe Dispenza

the basics

There are really two steps to alignment. Ask and receive. However we’ve muddied it up by forgetting this + adding loads of conditioning layers along the way (think beautiful but complicated Russian dolls). So this adds some steps back on as we find our way back to our magic and authenticity.

Get acquainted with the basics:

  1. Get clear about what you want. How do you want to feel? Pen to paper.

  2. Believe you can have it and are worthy of getting it.

  3. Decondition and re-pattern any old beliefs or default settings keeping you stuck.

  4. Take actionable steps toward your goals through your unique Human Design and balancing your energy.

  5. What you pay attention to with your mind you feed. As you feed it it grows.

  6. Your throughs create feelings. Your emotions create an energetic vibration. Emotions are your superpower.

  7. You magnetize experiences that are in alignment with your emotional vibration.

  8. Practice Receiving.

  9. Reside in Gratitude.