gates of the Ajna

”A restrictive and adverse state as a result of internal weakness or external strength or both”
Virgo // Earth // Projected // Ajna // Collective // 64-47 Channel of Abstract Thinking // Neocortex


  • needs to be mindful that it is relaxing into a trusting state, knowing that the answers they seek will come, they just need to be patient.

  • attempting to figure out everything in their head ahead of time could make them lose sight of that trust and quit before they receive their epiphany.

  • take the leap of faith, trust in, marinate in infinite possibilities.   

  • don’t succumb to pressure too act on every “solution/realization” 

  • watch for the solution that stands out

  • wait for recognition to share

SHADOW: Oppression

GIFT: Transmutation

HIGHEST VIBRATION: Transfiguration

“Her chalice of fullness and nourishment is depleted and the lake bed is dry. Depletion and burnout dominate of the moment; after filling there is emptying in the Wheel of Life. Once the bottom of the chalice is reached, the lake fills again.

A woman’s cycles follow the courses of the moon. As the moon reaches her full, wanes to darkness and then waxes again, a woman’s womb waxes and empties in her menstrural cycle. Her lunar pattern of filling and emptying follows the Wheel of Life.”


Line 1: Parsing out beliefs and ideas that you can release to make space for what is correct.

Line 2: Ambition + aligning with resonant causes.

Line 3: Be mindful of restrictive or limiting thinking.

Line 4: Staying true to your view even in others confusion.

Line 5: Making sense out of confusion.

Line 6: Go beyond the mind.



  • What thought patterns do you run on default? Do they serve your highest good?

  • Notice how the thoughts we repeat, create emotions (and then the emotions create more thoughts), which create our energy which attracts our outer circumstances. How have you witnessed this play out in the past?

  • Do you expect solutions to come to you? Are you able to hold that space?


  • My mindset creates my world.

  • I trust the Universe to match or exceed my expectations.

  • I thrive when I take leaps of faith.

  • I relax with confidence into the unknown.

  • I am open to creative solutions.


  • Use a tool to redirect when you find yourself caught up in unhealthy mental loops.

  • Release the need to know how your desires will make manifest.

  • The work of Abraham Hicks.

  • Vibe high. Begin each day by getting in the right mindset.

  • Marinate in the abundance of beauty in your life and the world.

  • Totems: Raven, Donkey, Swordfish

  • Programming partner: Gate 22

”The natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal”
Taurus // Earth // Projected // Ajna // Individual - Knowing // 24-61 The Channel of the Thinker // Neocortex


  • the energy for rationalizing.

  • giving yourself the time to come back to an idea and review it.

  • releasing control to allow the solutions to come to you (often in moments of silence).

  • a positive outlook and understanding that two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward.   

  • the fear of being seen as ignorant or not knowing for sure.

  • releasing mental anxiety through following your Strategy + Authority

SHADOW: Addiction

GIFT: Invention


“The Wheel of Life is a circle of returnings. She is the timeless instant before action, the moment before the newborn’s first cry. She is the center of the Wheel, who is the Wheel herself. In the Kiva there is silence, fasting and deep meditation. From the core and height of darkness comes new light.” 


Line 1: Not living your truth because you are distracted by your thoughts.

Line 2: Learning through adversity.

Line 3: Being indecisive or relying on old mental concepts that don’t serve you.

Line 4: Paying attention to your own mental clarity even when in the presence of others.

Line 5: Releasing the past.

Line 6: Not being limited in possibilities by your past missteps.



  • How does addiction most clearly show up for you?

  • What thoughts, modes to thinking, habits, emotional default settings are you addicted to?

  • Are there any ways you may feel stuck in fight, flight, freeze?

  • All of them do but this one particularly calls for contemplation. This is kind of the Shadow of Shadows. All Shadow for the most part stems from our addiction to some thoughts, default setting, homogenized way of doing things, pattern or habit. Spend time really contemplating how this exists for you and how you can lean in to the high vibration.

  • How can you tune in more to the gaps of your awareness?


  • I am open to creative solutions.

  • I find truth in silence.


  • Meditating on the space between. Hanging out in the liminal spaces.

  • Mindfulness and breaking the habit of thinking in circles, of default settings negative thought forms and loops.

  • Addictions Meditation

  • Time in silence.

  • Carve out new neural pathways - I love Joe Dispenza’s work + meditations for this. You can also work with the Shadow Nidra.

  • Third Eye Toolbox

  • Totems: Nightjar, Hare, Flying Fish

  • Programming partner: Gate 44


  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza

”The energy to beguile and succeed despite ignorance. Freedom from retribution.
Leo // Fire // Projected // Ajna // Collective Logic Circuit // 63-4 Channel of the Logical Mind // Neocortex


  • feels under pressure to have all the answers.

  • often not so easy to see the answers for themselves, more around helping others.  

  • through acknowledging inexperience you can find the possibility for something new.

  • take time for the right answer to come

  • understanding there may always be a feeling of doubt, let your Authority guide you to the correct questions

  • allow the “answers” to come and go, to pass through the mind like clouds until you align with the right answer, called out of you at the right moment.

SHADOW: Intolerance

GIFT: Understanding


“A child asks until her curiosity and understanding are satisfied. Thus she learns what she needs to know at last. Real learning is success. This hexagram refers to the Mother who teaches, as well as to the Daughter show seeks learning and is taught.”


Line 1: The art of timing.

Line 2: Seeing the strengths + weaknesses in others with kindness.

Line 3: Be mindful of attachment to solutions that don’t actually solve problems.

Line 4: Be mindful of validating/justifying solutions beyond logic.

Line 5: Stay open minded to solutions.

Line 6: Avoid being overly clever with your solutions.



  • What new insights do you have? How do they more effectively come to you? Do you allow yourself time to just sit and think? Do you meditate? Do you have thoughts through experiences? What knowledge have you gained?

  • Does your logic get mixed up with emotional reactions? Are you defensive? Offensive?

  • Do you identify with your emotional state? How might this get in your way?

  • Journaling can be a great practice for a busy brain, do a morning or evening dump to clear you mind.


  • I allow time to see if the answer is correct.

  • I release the pressure to have all the answers.

  • To truly understand is to be outside of my mind.


  • practice mindfulness + acceptance of the “monkey mind”, watch your mind

  • be mindful that just b/c an answer comes, it doesn’t mean it’s the right one.

  • meditate on, read about, contemplate The Fool in Tarot + Zen Koans

  • practice forgiveness

  • seek the understanding that is visceral, that is with the entirety of your being.

  • Totems: Diver (Loon), Monkey, Grub

  • Programming partner: Gate 49

”The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve”
Aries// Fire // Projected // Ajna // Collective // 17-62 Channel of the Organizer // Pituitary Gland + The Third Eye


  • gift to know the proverbial needle in the haystack of opinions worth trusting

  • needs to be careful not to give their opinions unless they're asked for them as they won’t be well received or impactful.

  • when they wait to be asked, their opinions can be game-changing.

  • an energy of curiosity, but not certainty.

  • these folks can be aided by bringing mindfulness to the fact that they are often prone to just blurt out their opinions      

  • the right eye, seeing patterns

  • without 62 it can be hard to translate what you see/know into language

  • fear that you won’t be understood and valued  

  • attuned to mammals

SHADOW: Opinion

GIFT: Far-Sightedness


“By continuing the positive and good, the Superior Woman grows in her skills. She follows her Mothers and Sisters and learns from them, and she who follows is also followed in turn. “One thing becomes another” is the Goddesses’ law*, and only under this principle does following or leading take place in balance.”


Line 1: Staying open minded to the potentials in all.

Line 2: Finding meaning though resonant community.

Line 3: Fostering views that cultivate growth.

Line 4: Humility, seeking what’s best for everyone.

Line 5: The recognition that we are all interconnected.

Line 6: Tuning to the higher mind.



  • When have you expressed your opinions without invitation and had it backfire? Are you able to recognize your opinions as such, one perspective?

  • How might you share your ideas from a place of curiosity rather than rightness? Can you simply propose a hypothesis?

  • Do you wait to see if your opinions pass experimentation?

  • Are you self critical? How does this create obstacles and lower your vibration?


  • I choose to cultivate curiosity over certainty.

  • I have a gift for opening us up to new possibilities.

  • My insights are valued when they are invited.


  • The Third Eye Toolbox + Heart Toolbox for truly seeing.

  • Recognize that your truth (in each moment) is not everyones truth (arriving at the same moment).

  • Cultivate your gift of seeing patterns, work with numbers, study sacred geometry.

  • Look for similarities, for resonance, rather than differences.

  • Hold the intention that when you connect with the right ideas, the right people will find you to help grow the seed(s).

  • Look through your right eye and practice opening your vision up: what do you see close by, what do you see far away, what do you see in your periphery, can you open up your vision, widen your lens, what patterns do you see.

  • Totems: Peregrine Falcon, Giraffe, Silkworm

  • Programming partner: Gate 18

”In order for achievement to be maintained a new order must be fairly established”
Scorpio // Water // Projected // Ajna // Individual/Knowing Circuit // 23-43 Channel of Structuring // Inner Ear


  • the energy to see a new way of doing something; this isn't backed by facts, it's more of an inner voice, related to the inner ear.

  • a genetic predisposition to protect you from influence that does’t serve you which can make it difficult sometimes to really hear others.

  • new perspectives which may require courage to stand behind when they are hard to explain

  • need to wait for the right timing to share insights or they can feel rejected.

  • their health and wellbeing depends on having time alone to think.    

  • fear of rejection, fearing your ideas are “too out there”

SHADOW: Deafness

GIFT: Insight


“In Letting Go, her duality and outcome, success occurs by release of effort and persistence. She gives of herself, let’s go of her powers, her joys and her skills. The season of spring flowering is short, as is any time of fulfillment and letting go. The Superior Women recognizes this and makes good use of her prospects.”


Line 1: Patience + vigilance. Don’t rush blindly into implementing new insights.

Line 2: Having fortitude in your insights.

Line 3: Resolve rather than succumbing to insecurities.

Line 4: A restlessness stemming from indecisiveness, cultivate objectivity with your insights.

Line 5: Being thorough when putting your insights into place.

Line 6: The objectivity to foster growth from your insights.



  • What needs to be reframed in your story?

  • Morning pages to make space and see if any patterns emerge.


  • My insight is of great value and I trust the right invitation will come for me to share my new ideas.

  • I am open to new perspectives + creative solutions.

  • I listen internally for what is correct.


  • Times alone in quiet and calm so that you can hear new insights, like a steady meditation practice, time alone in nature, etc..

  • Practice mindfulness. Be mindful of making space in your mind for the new to come in.

  • Wait for the right timing to find the correct ways to articulate and express your insights.

  • meditate on, read about, contemplate the archetypal ally: The High Priestess

  • Totems: Sparrowhawk, Moose, Electric Eel

  • Programming partner: Gate 23

”A harmonic condition in the individual or society that permits assessment before renewed action”
Sagittarius // Fire // Projected // Ajna // Collective/Sensing Circuit // 11-56 Channel of Curiosity // Pituitary Gland


  • filled with more ideas than they'll ever be able to pursue.

  • possibilities conceptualized into ideas

  • parsing out what from your experiences is worth carrying forward, ultimately influencing your belief systems.

  • your ideas are not meant for solving your own problems but for reflection + sharing.

  • may sometimes feel like someone stole their idea. Not all of their ideas are meant to keep, some are meant to be given to others...but only when the timing is right and through invitation. If an idea is truly meant for them to act on, it'll show up in a very obvious way through your Strategy.

  • the left eye       

SHADOW: Obscurity

GIFT: Idealism


“This is a time when women are at one with the universe. The women partake of the Goddess’ light, of her promise, and know that her goodness extends to all living things.


Line 1: Aligning with right people + environment to progress.

Line 2: Independence and resolve when its comes to fostering your ideas.

Line 3: Allowing for things to shift when needed, mutability.

Line 4: Cultivating the ability to covey your ideas in ways that can be received.

Line 5: Expanding what’s possible.

Line 6: Adjusting your beliefs when needed.



  • Take notice in your life how small cumulative efforts bring about big rewards.

  • Contemplate the hero’s journey, the process not the destination, and your predisposition to always be seeking.

  • Can you get comfortable with uncertainty? With not always having clear answers?


  • I create my outer world from my inner world.

  • Harmony is created within.

  • All of my life experiences serve a purpose for my (and the) highest good.


  • Be willing to always be learning + evolving.

  • Allow ideas to move through you in a relaxed space.

  • Keep an ideas notebook to get them out of your head + to save them in case you come across the perfect person for that idea, or the exact right time to implement it.

  • Totems: Pheasant, Polar Bear, Carp

  • Programming partner: Gate 12