intro to astro

Astrology is not a fixed map of one’s destiny, but a potential map of the unfolding of the authentic, higher self
— Robert Hand

workshop replay

PASSWORD: urstardust


house systems

As promised here are some links to information that guided me to the Whole Sign House system:

  • Kelly Surtees on her switch

  • Chris Brennan’s podcast on Whole Sign Houses + this handout

  • Chris Brennans debate with Deborah Houlding on Whole Sign Houses. His podcast is a WEALTH of information and a go to for me in general.

  • an interest in ancient/traditional/Helenistic astrology and the timing techniques within which are associated with whole sign houses (like Profections)

  • running my chart, and people I know well, through multiple house systems to see what most felt correct

I’m not advocating for Whole Signs, simply offering you some insight around how I came to land there after much deliberation, should you like to explore for yourself. I also share some of my experience in the replay.



CARDINAL - initiates, new beginnings, fresh energy, beginning of a season
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

FIXED - harnesses, builds, stabilizes, rhythm, dependable, mid-season
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

MUTABLE - disperses, lets go, fluid, adaptability, surrender, end of a season.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

*The modes are always the same in opposition. See graphic.


YANG - the Divine Masculine, action, expression, outward, linear, logical, doing.

YIN - the Divine Feminine, receptivity, spirituality, inward, process oriented, trust, present, open, being.


FIRE - passion, creativity, spontaneity, optimistic, life force, beginnings, dyanmics / dramatic, burnout, self-destructive, unfocused, impulsive
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

EARTH - stability, necessities + the tangible, practical, patience, presence, the now / stubborn, serious, narrow-minded, hyper focused, stuckness
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

AIR - the mind, logic, thinking, learning, communication, perspective, open-minded, social / spacey, flighty, aloof, scattered, indecisive
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

WATER - emotions, memory, intuition + psychic connections, sensitivity, bodymind, spirituality, ability to flow with life / overwhelm, addiction, escapism, illusion
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Fire + Air Signs are always masculine/yang in polarity.
Earth + Water Signs are always feminine/yin in polarity.

Elemental self care.

Because astrology maps the journey of the soul, it lifts the Earthly weight of right or wrong, good or bad- calming my inner critic, and empowering me to see my life symbolically, making space for imperfection, change and surprise. In illumination my soul’s map, my energetic journey becomes primary and my physical experience, secondary.
— Lily Ashwell
Understandably, some may question the connection between the positions of planets and the genesis of human DNA. However, when you understand the universe in which we live as holographic, then we see that all patterns within space-time are linked through a vast hyper-dimensional matrix. Therefore the patterns in the heavens always have a direct correspondence to emergent life. It is not that one influences the other, but that one is literally entangled with the other at a quantum level.
— Richard Rudd

some fave RESOURCES

  • for charts (the one I use most often as well as in the video examples)

  • Astro Seek for more interpretation as well as the Time Passages app

  • Lily Ashwell’s Heavenly Bodies Astrology Deck

  • An Intro to Traditional Astrology