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INTRODUCTION TO ZODIACAL archetypes - the how

+ scroll down for some Element Self Care + Mode Significations

Just like with Human Design we all access all the archetypes, some will just be more consistent than others based on our charts.

*Decans noted are Chaldean. See explanation here + how to work with
Traditional as well.



Cardinal/Initiates | Fire | Masculine | Mars | The Head, Face, Brain, Eyes, Muscular System, Blood (energy)| Hot + Dry

Quick. Beginning. Initiating. Resourceful. Powerful. Co-creators. Vision. Motivation. Warrior energy. Bravery. Independence. Self oriented. Authenticity. Self discovery + knowing what you want. Ambition. Leadership. Boldness. Passion. Physical form. Being mindful of chasing instant gratification. Instincts vs impulses. Success. Competition. Anger. Self Absorption/selfish. New trails. Action oriented. Overly competitive. Impulsive. Energy. Self-reliance. Autonomy. Strength. Vanity. Impatience. Survival.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: The Emperor


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): MARS / 2 OF WANDS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): SUN / 3 OF WANDS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): VENUS / 4 OF WANDS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: high vibes of Libra

  • GATES: 3, 17, 21, 25, 42, 51

  • MERIDIAN: Pericardium

  • BACH REMEDIES: Imapatiens, Agrimony, Oak, Larch

  • CELL SALT: Potassium Phosphate

  • limit stimulants


Fixed/Builds | Earth | Feminine | Venus | Throat/Neck, Ears, Nose, Taste, Thyroid, Cervical Vertebra | Cold + Dry

Slower to move or embrace change. Stability + security. Reliability. Practicality. Dedication. Cultivating self worth. Patience. Ownership. The material world. Art. Music. Self expression. Finding beauty. The Sensual. Experiencing life through the senses. Scent. Tactile. Money. Pleasure. Patience. Abundance vs. scarcity. Worth. Values. Consistency. Stubborn. Feet in the mud. Stagnancy. Contentment. Perseverance. Comfort. Gratitude. Relationship with nature + elementals. Controlling. Inflexibility. Satisfaction. Foundations. Dependability. Self acceptance. Attachment.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA : The Hierophant + The Empress



    2ND DECAN (10-19*): MOON / 6 OF PENTACLES


  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Scorpio

  • GATES: 2, 3, 8, 23, 24, 27

  • MERIDIAN: Spleen

  • BACH REMEDIES: Gentian, Oak, Holly, Star of Bethlehem, Walnut, Chicory

  • CELL SALT: Sodium Sulphate


Mutable/Adapts | Air | Masculine | Mercury | Nervous System + Breath/Lungs, Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Nerves | Hot + Moist

Communication. Sharing of information. Messenger of mundane + Diving realms. Influence. Social. Curiosity. Lots of choices + perspectives. Variety. Mental gymnastics. Nervousness. Intellectual. Adaptability + playfulness. Individuality. Quickness to move or change. Restless. Learning. Teaching. Networking. Dichotomy. Motion. Logic. Cleverness. Anxiety. Overly Mental. Short trips. Restless. Facts. Writing. Trickster. Indecisive. Gossip. Road/Short trips. Handy. Ingenuity. Witty. Siblings. Doubt/excessive questioning. Superficial/surface.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA : The Lovers + The Magician



    2ND DECAN (10-19*): MARS / 9 OF SWORDS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): SUN / 10 OF SWORDS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Sagittarius

  • GATES: 8, 12, 15, 16, 20, 35, 45

  • MERIDIAN: Lung

  • BACH REMEDIES: Cerato, Clematis, Mustard, Impatiens, White Chestnut, Mimilus

  • CELL SALT: Potassium Chloride


Cardinal/Initiates | Water | Feminine | The Moon | Chest/Breasts + Stomach, Pancreas, Uterus, Salivary Glands | Cold + Moist

Sensitive. Emotional landscape. Meaningful connections. Nurturing. Stepping into Vulnerability. Healer. Protective. Defense. Filling your Cup first. Intuitive. Overly cautious. Parenting + re-parenting. Family. Homemaker. Tribe. Roots. Ancestry. Nostalgia. Union. Homesteading. Defensiveness. Emotional reactivity/running old default settings. Martyr archetype. Over giving from an empty cup. Nesting. Retreat. Safety. Support. Growing. Moods. Security/insecurity. Belonging. Childhood conditioning especially 0-7. Empathy. Caring. Intimacy. Tenderness. Nourishment/consumption. Co-dependency/clinging. Fear of rejection.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA : The Chariot + The High Priestess


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): VENUS / 2 OF CUPS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): MERCURY / 3 OF CUPS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): MOON / 4 OF CUPS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Capricorn

  • GATES: 15, 39, 52, 53, 56, 62

  • MERIDIAN: Stomach

  • BACH REMEDIES: Clematis, Chicory, Walnut, Aspen, Honeysuckle, Holly, Larch

  • CELL SALT: Calcium Flouride


Fixed/Builds | Fire | Masculine | The Sun | Heart, Spine + Upper Back, Circulation, Marrow | Hot + Dry

Authenticity. The performer. Center of attention. Visibility. Spotlight. Courage. Highly creative. Play. Regal. Drama/dramatic. Charismatic. Happy. Magnetic. Fun. Dignity. Confidence. Loyalty. Pride. All or nothing. In love with life. Warmth. Healthy recognition + self validation vs needing external validation. Celebration. Arrogance. Out of integrity. Narcissism. Romance. Children + inner child. Artistic expression. Passion. Self actualization. Generosity. Loyalty. Radiance. Heart centered. Resolute.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: Strength + The Sun


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): SATURN / 5 OF WANDS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): JUPITER / 6 OF WANDS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): MARS / 7 OF WANDS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Aquarius

  • GATES: 4, 7, 29, 31, 33, 56

  • MERIDIAN: Heart

  • BACH REMEDIES: Vervain, Olive, Mimulus, Elm, Agrimony, Vine, Oak, Gentian

  • CELL SALLT: Magnesium Phosphate


Mutable/Adapts | Earth | Feminine | Mercury | Digestive System (Small Intestine) + Spleen, Solar Plexus, Liver | Cold + Dry

A great organizer. Productive. Structure. Healing. The Maiden. Purity/purification. Self growth. The editor. Simplification. Analytical. Detail oriented. Perfectionist. Lists. Being helpful/of service. Devotion. In the moment. In your body. Rituals and routines. Integrity + humility. Physical health. Work + routines. Critical thinking. Order. Efficiency. Planning. Adaptability. Discernment. Overly critical (including on Self). Workaholic. Purity of intent. Over analyzing to the point of paralysis. Lacking clear intention.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: The Hermit + The Magician


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): SUN / 8 OF PENTACLES

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): VENUS / 9 OF PENTACLES


  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Pisces

  • GATES: 6, 29, 40, 46, 47, 59, 64

  • MERIDIAN: Small Intestine

  • BACH REMEDIES: Centaury, Beech, Crab Apple, Pine, Rock Water

  • CELL SALT: Potassium Sulphate


Cardinal/Initiates | Air | Masculine | Venus | Kidneys, Bladder + Adrenal Glands, Skin, Lower back + Glutes, Hormone Balance | Hot + Moist

Partnership. Finding harmony. Mediator. Negotiation. Peacemaker. Fairness. Grace. Commitment. Balance. Consideration. The other. Values. Seeing both sides. Beauty + aesthetics. Artistic. Harmony. Teamwork. Diplomacy. Social. Co-dependency. Mutual ________. People pleasing + lack of considering your own needs. Marriage. Agreements. Counseling. Peace. Giving + receiving. 1:1. Luxury. Good taste. Indecision. Inner balance reliant on external factors vs. sourcing within. Confrontation avoidance.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: Justice + The Empress


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): MOON / 2 OF SWORDS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): SATURN / 3 OF SWORDS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): JUPITER / 4 OF SWORDS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Aries

  • GATES: 18, 32, 46, 48, 50, 57

  • MERIDIAN: Spleen + Kidney

  • BACH REMEDIES: Scleranthus, Red + White Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut, Agrimony

  • CELL SALT: Sodium Phosphate


Fixed/Builds | Water | Feminine | Mars | Reproductive System and Sex Organs, Large Intestine, Genitals | Cold + Moist

Metamorphosis. Depth. 6th sense. Intuition. Psychic. The deeper elements of being human. Transformation + alchemy. Probing. Investigator. Excavation. Not one for small talk. Purging. Letting go. Releasing. Manipulation. Soul mates. Self destructive. Intensity. Intimate connection. Death + rebirth. Controlling. The Phoenix. Eagle. Passion. Sex. Power dynamics/struggles. Fearing the unknown. Unhealthy cords/tethers. Lack of trust. Empowerment. Surmounting fears. Crisis skills. Baggage/identifying with the past. Forgiveness. Secrets. Obsession. Harsh judgments. Suspicion. Guilt. Magnetic.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: Death, The Tower + Judgement


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): MARS / 5 OF CUPS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): SUN / 6 OF CUPS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): VENUS / 7 OF CUPS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Taurus

  • GATES: 1, 14, 28, 43, 44, 50

  • MERIDIAN: Bladder + Large Intestine

  • Modern planetary association: PLUTO

  • BACH REMEDIES: Holly, Chicory, Rock Water, Water Violet, Cherry Plum, Willow

  • CELL SALT: Calcium Sulphate


Mutable/Adapts | Fire | Masculine | Jupiter | Hip, Thighs, Booty, Sciatic Nerve + Liver | Hot + Dry

Expansion. Exploration. Optimism. Endlessly seeking knowledge and truth. Desire to make sense of life. Perpetual student + teacher. Traveling + telling tales about their adventures (storytellers of the zodiac). Philosophy + ethics. Dogma. Judgement. Chronically dissatisfied. Experiential wisdom. Freedom. Healing. Bridging Divine and Earth. Narrow minded. Aloof. Faith. Solution oriented. Overcoming excess. Religion. Spontaneity. Law. Luck. Mentors. Self righteousness. Pollyanna. Honestly/directness.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: Temperance + Wheel of Fortune


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): MERCURY / 8 OF WANDS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): MOON / 9 OF WANDS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): SATURN / 10 OF WANDS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Gemini

  • GATES: 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 26, 34

  • MERIDIAN: Liver

  • BACH REMEDIES: Agrimony, Wild Oat, Elm, Impatiens, Vervain, Oak

  • CELL SALT: Silica


Cardinal/Initiates | Earth | Feminine | Saturn | Skin, Hair, Nails, Joints + Skeletal System, Teeth, Gallbladder | Cold + Dry

Motivation. Authoritative, though don’t always love being the boss. Achieving. Goal oriented. Ambition. Out of touch with emotions or masking. Determination. Mastering self esteem. Conservative. Hard work/sense of duty/contribution through steadiness. Adulting. Using humor to protect their squishy insides. The long game. Overly serious. Responsibility. Sensibility. Maturity. Competency. Respect. Tradition. Inflexible. Pessimism.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: The Devil + The World



    2ND DECAN (10-19*): MARS / 3 OF PENTACLES

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): SUN / 4 OF PENTACLES

  • BALANCING SALVE: High vibes of Cancer + Leo

  • GATES: 10, 30, 38, 54, 58, 60, 61

  • MERIDIAN: Gallbladder

  • BACH REMEDIES: Mimilus, Vine, Gentian, Gorse, Mustard, Wild Rose, Vine

  • CELL SALT: Calcium Phosphate

Freedom isn’t the absence of responsibility. It’s the ability to choose ours.
— Danielle Beinstein


Fixed/Builds | Air | Masculine | Saturn | Ankles and Circulatory System, Electrical System, Nervous System | Hot + Moist

Ideological and unique with an often distinct POV. Futuristic imaginings. Inventor. Innovator. Creator. Revolutionary. Independence. Being present + in your body. Objectivity. Detached from reality. Distant. Scattered. Idealistic beliefs. Eccentricity. Creating the future in the now. Want to make the world better. Philanthropy. Activism. Progress. Dogmatic. Revelations. New trends. Win win situations. Big picture. Unexpected. Objectivity. Coldness. Inflexible opinions.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: The Star, The Fool + The World


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): VENUS / 5 OF SWORDS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): MERCURY / 6 OF SWORDS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): MOON / 7 OF SWORDS


  • GATES: 13, 19, 30, 41, 49, 60

  • MERIDIAN: Bladder + Large Intestine

  • Modern planetary association: URANUS

  • BACH REMEDIES: Water Violet, Olive, Wild Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Vervain, Clematis

  • CELL SALT: Sodium Chloride


Mutable/Adapts | Water | Feminine | Jupiter | Feet + Lymphatic System, Body Fluids, Immune System, Pineal Gland | Cold + Moist

Intuition. Psyche. Creativity. Zen quality + 6 line vibe (encompassing all the other signs). Mystic. Escapism. Poet. Artist. Healer. Ethereal. Higher/Divine wisdom + connection. Compassion. Collective emotions. Intimacy. Confusion. Delusion. Psychic connections + Spiritual power. Sensitivity. Romance. Idealistic. Emotions. Chameleon. Fantasy. Dreamer. Lack of boundaries. Inner happiness. Spiritual healing. Ecstasy. Universal love. Gentleness. Acceptance. Victim mentality. Addiction. Surrender + trust. Primal Oneness. Trance. Regeneration. Recovery. Bottomless. Consciousness. Meditation + prayer. Non-attachment.

  • TAROT - MAJOR ARCANA: The Moon + The Cups Court


    1ST DECAN (0-9*): SATURN / 8 OF CUPS

    2ND DECAN (10-19*): JUPITER / 9 OF CUPS

    3RD DECAN (20-29*): MARS / 10 OF CUPS

  • BALANCING SALVE FOR LOW VIBES: High vibes of Virgo

  • GATES: 22, 25, 30, 36, 37, 55, 63

  • MERIDIAN: Spleen + Triple Warmer

  • Modern planetary association: NEPTUNE

  • BACH REMEDIES: Rock Rose, Pine, Holly, Aspen, Centaury, Willow, Clematis

  • CELL SALT: Iron Phosphate

  • Love, Pisces


some Earth element Self Care

Pragmatic + tactile. Goal Oriented. Dependable. Practicality | Cold + Dry | Prone to Physical Sadness | Season: Autumn

  • calm the nervous system

  • Venus rituals (good food, sex, naps, spa days, etc.. )

  • get your feet on the ground, earthing, practice presence

  • connect through the senses

  • weight training

  • garden and do physical labor

  • create healthy routines

  • break with old habits and patterns that do not serve you

  • move your energy to combat stuckness

  • avoid too much raw food, lightly steamed/cooked is the best.

  • laugh

  • No. 1

  • the Tarot suit of Pentacles

some water element self care

Emotional + Intuitive. Deep Feels. Private. Creative | Cold + Wet | Prone to big emotions or apathy | Season: Winter

  • empty out regularly

  • get your body in water, go for a swim, take a long bath

  • visit a river or waterfall

  • create flow, move your energy

  • get creative

  • non-linear movement, Mana Movement, dance! dance! dance!

  • follow your intuitive nudges.

  • practice emotional hygiene.

  • come back to your center, sense of Self.

  • bodymind exploration, awareness + connection

  • nest, create security and a nurturing home base

  • balance with more cooked foods in your diet + avoid processed sugar

  • No. 2 + No. 6

  • the Tarot suit of Cups

some Fire element Self Care

Instinctive + inspired. Enthusiasm. Drama + Fun | Hot + Dry | Prone to Anger/Irritation | Season: Summer

  • follow your passion, what lights you up?

  • get creative, go have some fun!, get into some healthy competition

  • follow through

  • candle gazing meditation

  • practice gratitude + generosity

  • light a fire at home or take a long bath with candlelight

  • The No. 4 + No. 3

  • take a break from your to-do list

  • go on an adventure, get physical + competitive sports

  • if too much heat, avoid spices and heating food and eat more cooling foods and herbs

  • the Tarot Suit of Wands

some Air element Self Care

Intellectual + Objective | Warm + Moist | Prone to getting caught in the Mental realm | Season: Spring

  • get curious, dive down a rabbit hole, learn something new that fascinates you

  • practice open-mindedness, do something to broaden your perspective

  • go for a drive, windows down

  • have great conversations.

  • team sports or ones that require mental quickness like tennis

  • ground yourself, get in your body + give the mind a breather

  • connect to your emotions

  • practice breathwork

  • connect to like minded, resonant community - meaningful connection

  • meditate

  • to bring balance eat grounding foods.

  • No. 1, The SPC

  • the Tarot suit of Swords


CARDINAL - initiates, new beginnings, fresh energy, opportunistic, leadership, forceful, active, ambitious, beginning of a season

FIXED - harnesses, builds, stabilizes, in rhythm, dependable, sustains, masterful, determined, persistent, stubborn, sense of purpose, mid-season

MUTABLE - disperses, lets go, transfers, transmutes, versatile, fluid, adaptability, surrender, serving, good communication, restless for change, sometimes chaotic, end of a season.