Lines + your profile
maya angelou
6/2 Splenic Manifestor
the lines
Our lines make up our Profile as well as offer more nuance to the energy of our defined gates. Each of the 64 Gates has 6 line variations within, and when you were born dictates which flavor is present for you. When you’re looking at your chart you can see your defined gates in the red and black columns. In each planetary box the Gate is the first number and the Line follows after the decimal point.
The Line is always going to give you a bit more information around how these energies will express themselves in your life. But, especially the lines associated with your Sun Gates (conscious + unconscious) at the top of each column, as they make up your Profile. You may also find that you have quite a few, for example, 5 lines in your Unconscious Design (within the red column) meaning the thematic energy of that line will be more dominant in your life in general.
There are over-arching themes to each Line as well as how each may interact with the energy of the specific Gate, and in The Meeting Ground, you’ll find additional gradation around the planetary energy we’re looking at.
Lines 1-3 have a more self focused, personal, internal energy and Lines 4-6 are more about our experiences and relationships with people and the world around us. When it comes to profile some combinations are harmonious while others can be a bit more challenging to balance. When we can master and balance the dissonant energy (if we have it) we create more ease in our life. It’s not meant to feel negative and sometimes can be pretty clear. For instance, I am a 2/4 Profile. The 2 Line is often called The Hermit because we need a lot of solo time but the 4 line is The Networker, the one who thrives in community and typically finds all their best opportunities from their people. So it’s really just about finding our own balance between these energies and honoring both. The ‘challenges’ in our chart are always there to serve us. They are catalysts for change and growth as we understand and truly grasp them in a way that is reflective but also embodied.
gazing inward
”The very nature of a Hexagram, the very construct itself, cannot survive without a solid foundation.” -Ra Uru Hu
This energy is foundational and introspective and wants to get to the bottom of all the things that interest them, this includes their partners. They are investigators, creators, anchors. They like and need to study before moving forward. Although it’s good to check in that you’re not staying stuck because you feel like you’re not prepared enough. This can be a bit of a theme and one that can get in your way or keep you stagnant from fear of “not knowing enough” or fearing the unknown.
My dad is a Line 1 and he LOVES to read the manual of any new ‘toy’ or study a guide book before traveling to a new place. You may find that you always have your nose in a book, are particularly empathic, that you study other peoples behaviors or tend to be a bit of a chameleon.
These folks tend to know A LOT and others will look to you for info. Sharing your knowledge is part of why you’re here.
Element: Earth
Physiology: Bones, Structure, Skeletal System
Chakra: Root - Self Empowerment
Yoga: Hatha
Archetype: Mystic
Tools for Line 1:
build a solid foundation
create a sense of inner security by doing your research
take your time to prepare and give yourself permission to study and also know when it’s moved into a low vibration and you’re using it as a crutch or it’s holding you back
embrace your ability to be a chameleon
allow yourself the time to go inward, for self study
follow your Strategy + Authority to enter into the correct ‘investigations’
focus on one thing at a time
be truthful
transmute any Not Self feelings of inferiority if needed
additional support: Root Chakra Workshop
healthy boundaries as 1 Line’s are deeply empathic
get in your body.
contemplate: What are you here to create?
the gates that have one lines may have associated fears that need to be explored, accepted, processed.
Line 1 is a harmonious combo with Line 4 and can be a bit challenging with 5 or 6.
”Just sit by the river; sooner or later something will come by. This is readiness for the unknowable, whatever it may be.” - Ra Uru Hu
This energy is fluid, just over here doing our thing - being, whatever that may be. There can be a bit of loneliness or aloneness with this energy as Line 2 can be quite self contained. Solitude serves you. There’s a funny counterintuitive vibe here as the more time you spend alone or pulling back the more people want to call you out. In that way it’s great of Projectors (feeling recognized) and Generators (responding). We often nurture our talents in our alone time. 2 lines need to follow their innate talents, and find their unique form of self expression.
That being said 2 Lines are always paired with one of the transpersonal outwardly focused relationship seeking energies of the upper Trigram (4-6) so they are always going to be seeking balance between wanting the known (Line 4) and getting comfortable with the unknown, that side of them that wants to hide away and the one that wants to be out there getting involved. And it can be important to check in now and again that you’re not hiding away too much and missing out.
It can be helpful, and I speak from experience, to find partners who love as much alone time as you do or at the least respect your need and don’t take it personally. Maybe you also find ways to be alone together.
“Just sit by the river; sooner or later something will come by. This is readiness for the unknowable, whatever it may be.” - Ra Uru Hu
Element: Water
Physiology: Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive Systems
Chakra: Sacral/Splenic - Passion + Relationships
Yoga: Kundalini
Archetype: Seer
Tools for Line 2:
wait to be called out into the right + correct circumstances through your Strategy + Authority and Divine timing. Be ready when you are called, guided, inspired to take action.
pay attention to your ‘inner’-getics. Are you focusing your energy on what you want to create with your thoughts and feelings or on what you don’t want (creating more of that). Get in flow with high vibrational energy/Source.
prompt: What projections are being placed on you? Do they serve you?
listen in for and cultivate your innate talents, what do others recognize in you, follow what feels natural, what do you lose time doing, what comes easily to you and doesn’t feel like work
create a sanctuary in your space. your home should feel nourishing.
dance and/or non-linear movement
Support: the energy of the 2nd Chakra Workshop would be nourishing for 2 Lines
read the book The Artists Way
the gates that have two lines may be places where you have blindspots, associated patterns that show up in relationships as projections.
Line 2 is a happy with line 5 and can be a bit challenging with 4 or 6.
”Whatever comes their way, there is always a message with important information. They are the weavers of the Maia.” - Ra Uru Hu
You learn and experience the mundane material plane through trial and error, through experimenting, through falling down and getting back up, through energy in motion. Sometimes this a bit through the school of hard knocks, of stumbling around, of bumping into things that sometimes bump back. You find out and share with others what works through your own lived experience.
This line really benefits from embracing impermanence and understanding their life may not look like the “stability” they see in others. There is a lot of mutability and change in this energy and one will cultivate more well-being and ease in finding comfort in that kind of Uranian energy. Know that there is often a calming down of all the experimentation as you enter your 40’s. It’s not that the energy isn’t there anymore you’ll just be clearer around what are the right experiences for you. A good time to focus on leaning into your North Node.
Element: Fire
Physiology: Cardiovascular System, Belly
Chakra: Solar Plexus - Energy + Experience
Yoga: Karma
Archetype: Fool
Tools for Line 3:
recognize that you don’t make mistakes, everything that happens, every success and “failure” is exactly what you need/needed to move you toward what is in alignment for you. you are not ever “failing”, you are discovering, you are clarifying.
listen for the messages inside your experiences. what are they here to show you? to teach you?
notice when you’re shutting down out of fear of making a mistake and take action anyway. you’re gonna need to try it to know if it’s right for you. embrace this part of you that is experiential and know there is great wisdom there.
take your relationships slowly. know that you need time and space to suss out if it’s right for you or not.
recognize that though you may feel alone sometimes, you have a great resilience about you.
get in and ground into your body with whatever tools and practices work for you. (Root Chakra Support)
prompt: how do you catalyze change?
Recognize that you are a warrior, read about the Hero’s Journey
the gates that have three lines may have associated commitment issues or shame that needs to be explored, accepted, processed.
Line 3 is harmonious with Line 6 and can be a bit challenging with 4 or 5.
relationship focused
”The 4th line is about the human resources of the material plane; people are the biggest decisions and investments they make in their life.” - Ra Uru Hu
Relationships are very important to 4th line energy. I’m a 2/4 and I can honestly say all of my best jobs and places to live have come through people I know, not an advertisement or me scrolling the classifieds. And, the majority of my relationships I’ve met through friends and often developed a friendship to some extent before moving towards something more. We not only benefit from our relationships by finding our next great home but we also learn most deeply through relationship. We also have a gift for networking in a real authentic way.
We can be a bit stubborn to change and like to have solid foundations (this is partially why this energy is in harmony with 1st Line). It is said that we like to move from one foundation to another. Like we don’t like to leave a job till we have another one lined up or even a relationship. I haven’t always found this to be true, I have leapt many times in my life without a foundation to step onto. And, I tend to be single for awhile after a relationship. However when it comes to moves and career changes, while I’ve leapt without the net, it hasn’t always been healthy for me. I definitely do better when I have some footing. And it is said that when we make moves without the foundation we can lose our feeling of security and opportunities, which can affect our well-being. In general, we are typically pretty uncomfortable with the unknown and we really like to know where we stand.
Element: Air
Physiology: Respiratory System, Chest
Chakra: Heart - Love + Community
Yoga: Bhakti
Archetype: Prophet
Tools for Line 4:
Locating healthy, quality community is imperative for a 4th Line. It is directly related to our well-being. It is not about creating it but about aligning with it through your Strategy + Authority.
Make sure you also take time away to recharge your batteries + be mindful of people burnout.
Focus on your established + resonant relationships rather than strangers or casual encounters.
Lean into your gifts of influence, friendliness + networking
Invest in the people in your life, in your community.
Root Chakra Workshop for foundations works.
Throat Chakra for speaking your truth
Breathwork + all Pranayama
the gates that have four lines may be places that require tenderness + gentleness, that can only be opened through your heart, through softness.
Line 4 is an easeful combo with Line 1 and can be a bit challenging with 2 or 3.
”Whatever you’re going to do in this life, make sure it has a practical application. If that’s the case, you will be a success, whatever it is. But if it’s not, then you have the reputation problem. It follows you wherever you go.” - Ra Uru Hu
Line 5 have a bit of a predestined quality to their life. They are here to help but often that’s not though a doing, but just by standing in front of someone acting as a mirror. They reflect back to those around them healing + aligning energy. It’s not a conscious action but simply a positive commodity resulting from your energy.
They can also be the out of the box thinker who comes in and saves the day. People often project on to you a savior complex. And often you can help but it’s up to you to decide who you want to offer that to because when you enter into the wrong situations or with the wrong motivation you can end up with a negative reputation.
You are charming and can seduce a person or an entire room with your personality, ideas, etc..and this can make 5 lines great at sales. You can wield great influence in any area. Use your powers for good.
Understand that others aren’t always seeing you for you either because they are projecting onto you or because you are hiding, not allowing yourself to be fully seen or vulnerable.
Element: Ether
Physiology: Nervous System, Throat
Chakra: Throat - Power + Projection
Yoga: Mantra
Archetype: Avatar
Tools for Line 5:
using your Strategy + Authority is SUPER important for you to know when you want to step in and offer a solution, when it is the right place, right time and when to enter relationships.
cultivate self awareness so that you don’t buy into others illusions about you.
be mindful of feeling you have to save everyone
be clear and deliberate in your communication, it may bear repeating for others to truly hear it/get it
cultivate strength in your own container
Support: Throat Chakra Workshop, Solar Plexus Chakra Workshop
Read Seductress
the gates that have five lines may have associated old stories that need transmuting. These may be places that require forgiveness - of others and/or yourself.
Line 5 is harmonious with Line 2 and can be a bit challenging with 1 or 3.
”Every 6th line being carries the magic of the future, it carries the magic of what’s possible for a human being, what’s possible for any human being if they’re fortunate enough in this life to come in contact with this knowledge and they get to experiment with it and see for themselves.”
- Ra Uru Hu
Line 6 energy is unique in that it has three distinct stage and that it is in some ways separate from the others. It is often said this energy sits up on the roof (especially in Stage 2) with the birds eye view. It is the archetype of the teacher, the role model, the peacemaker. Their gifts are many but it can take time for them to fully emerge.
In the first stage of a 6 line’s life they operate very similar to a 3 line (read above) with the process of trial and error. They experiment and try things out and on to see what works. They don’t necessarily have the same resiliency for all that bumping around that the 3 line does so they need to be careful not to let life leave them jaded or pessimistic, to trust that like Line 3 they are not making mistakes but learning what works and doesn’t and it’s all to serve their highest good and greater purpose. Time of retreat whether physical or emotional can be helpful.
In the second stage (around their Saturn Return/age 30) they pull back to lick their wounds, integrate all they’ve learned through that trial and error, and observe what others are doing that’s working or not. Life will most likely have less of an edge. They take an evaluative approach and take stock of resources, settle in a bit, maybe choose a career, start a family. 6 Lines usually desire a soul mate but they don’t always find one until around their Chiron Return, entering their Stage 3. They may feel aloof but are also beginning to be seen more for the experiential wisdom they have to offer. Small tasks may seem tedious as they’re more focused on learning or even just craving more down time to restore.
*You may not start to really feel into this phase until 35.
In Stage 3 (around age 50 and their Chiron Return) they are reemerging in the world in a new way, in a more embodied, authentic and optimistic way. There can be a lot of change during this time of their life and it’s important to follow their Strategy + Authority to lead them along the right paths. 6 Lines are here to show us what self mastery, awareness and acceptance look like through being their embodied wisdom.
There is a destined quality to your life. You typically have something that you want to leave, create or manifest in the world. Trust in its divine timing. If you don’t know what that is yet pay attention to where you’re being led.
Element: Earth in the next realm
Physiology: Endocrine System, Head, Meridians
Chakra: Third Eye + Crown - Education + Surrender
Yoga: Raja
Archetype: Magus
Tools for Line 6:
focus on the energetics and feelings you want to create, use the tools in The Art of Magnetism to stay in alignment with high vibrations as much as you can.
have patience, soften and allow it all too unfold.
commit to be the truest expression of your authentic self.
read the other 5 lines, contemplate your chart, clear the shadow and low vibrations
Support: Throat Chakra Workshop for self expression, any self study, The Collective.
the gates that have six lines are places where you are invited to bring a higher reality to the earth plane as well as spaces you want to be mindful of presence vs. the times when you check out. Observe.
Line 6 is harmonious with Line 3 and can be a bit challenging with 1 or 2.
If you meet someone who’s super into Human Design or in that world they’ll often introduce themselves, for example, if they were Maya Angelou, as a 6/2 Splenic Manifestor. It’s because you can tell quite ALOT about someone by their Profile. Some believe more than anything else.
We always read our Profile right to left. The Line of your Conscious Sun (black column) / The Line of your Unconscious Sun (red column)
As stated above, Maya Angelou’s Profile is 6/2 which you can see below. She has her Conscious Sun Gate in 21.6 and her Unconscious in 54.2.
Our Profile is associated with our personality in the world, our primary way of existing. It is how you are perceived, how you learn and experience, the character you are playing in your life movie. The first number is an energy you probably recognize and relate to easily. The second is a bit more unconscious but still a big part of who you are.
Knowing our Profile can help us navigate our life with more ease offering understanding about how to approach each area of our life energetically.
putting it together
“No man or woman is an island. We travel through life in complex, orchestrated geometries.””
The profiles are divided into three geometries.
right angle | rax
If the first number of your Profile is smaller than the second then it is part of the Right Angle of Personal Destiny. This means you have a more self absorbed destiny in life, you are here to create karma. It does not mean that people will not affect you but they will not change the general direction of your life. You are here to dive in, to research, to explore, to have experiences and re-experiences to shift your perspective and when it comes to building self worth it is an inside job. Using tools like Positive Aspect Journaling to build up, focus on + amplify the things that are great about yourself is a great practice.
This include profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6
left angle | lax
If the first number of your Profile is larger than the second then it is part of the Left Angle of Trans-Personal Destiny (with the exception of 4/1 - see below). This means that you do not fulfill your purpose on your own, you are here to observe and engage with life and the people in it. You do not need another person but it is absolutely possible that an interaction or connection can shift the course of your life quite profoundly. You carry with you a deeper awareness of connections to others (including past lives and karmic connections). This also means that how you build self worth includes really taking notice of your effect on others, paying attention to how you bring light, love, support, positivity to others, really seeing that reflected back to you and taking it in, breathe it in, amplify that feeling.
This includes profiles: 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 6/3
fixed fate/juxtaposition | jx
If you have a 4/1 profile you act as a bridge between the Left + Right Angles. You are neither personal nor trans-personal. This is a fairly rare Profile at 3% of the population. You have your own path and anything that crosses it (and sticks around for any extended amount of time) becomes part of your destiny/direction. For you, you really innately know your worth. It’s not about you figuring something out but a return to self.
dive deeper
Dive deeper into the energies of your Conscious + Unconscious Sun through modules 1 and 3 in The Meeting Ground.