the nodes

your compass in this incarnation


Our Nodes can offer up some of what I feel is the most helpful + valuable information. They offer us direction in life. An internal compass.

When it comes to our Nodes we gain clarity on the energies we want to move toward in this life. The South Node is the energy that gets us where we need to go, that helped us develop through our adolescence. It’s typically a real cozy vibe and we tend to want to stay in it, but the North Node is the direction we want to be heading in order to actualize our purpose more fully + be able to alchemize that purpose out into the world.

It’s often uncomfortable to embody this energy and sometimes even to look at which is why I refer to it as our tough love energy. It’s a place that asks us to get honest with ourselves, and to stretch past our comfort zone. It requires us to push our boundaries, to embrace qualities and attributes that may not come naturally. That’s kind of the point.

Look at it from multiple angles if you’re first reaction is… “that’s not me” or you are finding resistance.

This is one I really find supportive to look at the Signs as well as The Gates so I’ll offer some tidbits for each one below (adapted and shared from Jan Spiller’s lovely book Astrology For The Soul).

The North Node is often likened to the influence of Jupiter which makes sense as we can use this energy to move through challenges and expand into our true potential. 

NORTH NODES | human design

We begin by looking at our Conscious + Unconscious North Nodes. This is where you’re going on your journey, your destination. Incorporating the positive attributes of these energies will help you to fully realize your purpose. It will also create a lot more ease in your life, when we honor this energy + embrace it.

Begin by looking at your Gates in both your Conscious + Unconscious North Node.

  • What is the quality of these energies?

  • How do you relate or not to these energies?

  • What might be some ways to incorporate or raise the vibration of each energy?

  • What are the Shadows, Gifts + Highest Vibrations of both energies?


These shadows reveal the inner work we will repeat over and over until we have fully integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA. 

This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. This is the healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to reach. 

This is the the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality. 


As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and Highest Vibration) in the same container and to take step to move toward the Gift vibration.

The highest vibration is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not something we try to attain. When we reach for it, we are playing into Shadow.

Create an affirmation of the high vibrations of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into and to check in with regularly so that you stay present with your Gifts.

nor (1).jpeg

north node | astrology


  • What Sign does your North Node reside in your Natal Chart? Find in chart above.

  • What House does your Conscious North Node reside in? You can find this on your Natal Chart and it will tell you the container/environment this energy most plays out within.

  • Read about BOTH your SIGN + HOUSE placement below.

  • Go deeper with more tools, prompts + integration in the Field Guides.


Qualities to cultivate //

  • autonomy + independence

  • self awareness

  • trusting your intuition + instincts, following your Strategy + Authority

  • self stewardship

  • courage

  • balance in giving

Energies to Release //

  • co-dependent tendencies

  • seeking external validation + seeing yourself through others prism rather than your own.

  • being Mr. or Miss Nice

  • extreme selflessness

  • “tit for tat” mentality

  • unhealthy attachment to the need for justice/fairness

Some Support //


Qualities to cultivate //

  • loyalty

  • healthy boundaries

  • a strong sense of self worth

  • honoring your needs + those of others

  • Venusian vibes (pleasure, connection to nature/feeling held by Mama Earth, tuning in to the five senses, slowing down/patience)

  • gratitude

Energies to Release //

  • draw to crisis/chaos/intensity + getting into others business or obsessing over their motivations

  • judgement (unless you have this in your chart ;) in which case there can be healthy discernment

  • overreacting

  • OCD tendencies

  • impatience

  • worrying about what others think of you

Some Support //


Qualities to cultivate //

  • staying curious + seeking an understanding of different POV’s; childlike wonderment

  • optimism

  • finding ways to discuss perspectives that deescalate, open people up, ways that can be heard + digested

  • active listening

  • seeking logic + facts

  • playing devils advocate, understanding both sides

Energies to Release //

  • self righteousness or aloofness

  • needing to be right

  • waiting to speak rather than listening or thinking you already know what they’re going to say or their perspective.

  • taking oneself too seriously

  • leaping carelessly from “intuition” without having the facts

  • making judgments based on the past rather than the present

Some Support //


Qualities to cultivate //

  • empathy

  • nurturing and supporting others (+ yourself)

  • building home/foundation/feelings of safety and security

  • emotional intelligence (the awareness, the ability to share, the ability to process, the ability to stay with, to understand the truth of your emotions + speak about them clearly)

  • accepting the emotional waves of others without judgement

Energies to Release //

  • needing + seeking control, taking charge w/o all the info

  • a focus on the destination instead of the journey

  • compartmentalizing or hiding fears, feelings and truths from important people in your life.

  • not putting your own oxygen mask on first, neglecting your own needs

  • seeking approval rather than following your truth

  • thinking things have to be hard to be meaningful

  • taking on too much responsibility

Some Support //

  • cultivate healthy emotional boundaries and the ability to recognize what’s not yours (especially if you have an Open Solar Plexus)

  • what is your Human Design Environment + Sense determination and how you utilize this info to create a more aligned home?

  • what gates do you have defined in your Solar Plexus? What does this tell you about your emotional life? The fears that reside there?

  • module no. 8 in The Meeting Ground


Qualities to cultivate //

  • individuation + rocking your uniqueness

  • being willing to be in the limelight

  • following your heart, joy, FUN! and enthusiasm

  • strengthening your will power + self confidence

  • taking healthy risks

  • cultivating childlike wonderment + connecting to that energy in others

Energies to Release //

  • going along to get along

  • being aloof or avoiding emotions

  • looking for others to show you the way

  • that low vibration energy in the 1 line of not moving forward b/c you don’t feel prepared enough

  • excessive daydreaming

  • avoiding confrontation

Some Support //

  • explore your Heart Center and the Gates defined to see how to strengthen your willpower

  • Heart + Solar Plexus Toolboxes

  • do you have an open Solar Plexus… do you avoid confrontation?


Qualities to cultivate //

  • distilling complicated ideas, bringing order and organization to chaos, simplifying

  • focusing on the present

  • being of service

  • building confidence through experience

  • moderation

  • leaping, even in the face of fear

  • playing attention to the details

  • sustainability

Energies to Release //

  • victim consciousness

  • staying in confusion

  • avoiding planning

  • addiction to bad habits, thoughts, anything that doesn’t serve your highest good

  • over sensitivity and self doubt

  • giving up, hesitancy to commit, being vague

Some Support //


Qualities to cultivate //

  • cooperation + diplomacy

  • giving without expecting reciprocity

  • sharing and keying in to others needs

  • seeing the other perspective

  • creating win win situations

  • when thinking of what you desire, always include how it will benefit others

  • recognize that by helping others you help yourself

Energies to Release //

  • impulsiveness

  • self centered focus

  • irresponsibility with finances

  • reactionary outbursts (anger/rage)

  • obsessiveness around survival

  • unwillingness to compromise

  • insensitivity to others lack of self discipline (~70% of the population has inconsistent access to willpower) or other differences

Some support //

  • Loving Kindness practices

  • manifestation through mutual benefit; always including positive affects on others, the benefit of the highest good for all concerned, when co-creating

  • Root Toolbox

  • anger support


Qualities to cultivate //

  • self discipline

  • moving though stagnation and low energy, choosing right change - follow your Strategy + Authority

  • clearing out the things that don’t spark joy

  • accepting help + support with gratitude from those around you

  • willingness to partner + share power with others

Energies to release //

  • buying into the homogenized idea of productivity, success + comfort in the world

  • needing to own things rather than just enjoy them and/or being possessive with people

  • confusing or questioning decisions that are already made

  • taking the hard path

  • a refusal to take good advice or listen to others

  • excess Venus energy, indulging

Some support //

  • release, release, release the things, people, situations that do not bring you joy, serve you, or keep you stuck.

  • practicing gratitude for what you have

  • work with others


Qualities to cultivate //

  • your intuition + inner knowing

  • a feeling of freedom and spontaneity

  • a deep trust in self

  • connecting to nature solo

  • patience

  • active listening

Energies to Release //

  • using your Strategy + Authority to combat confusion + indecisiveness

  • over consumption/hoarding information

  • gossipping

  • allowing logic or what others say to invalidate your inner knowing

  • little white lies and manipulation

Some support //

  • Third Eye Toolbox + Knowing By Design

  • Know your strongest sense in Human Design and your acoustic Gates. How do you uniquely hear?

  • Cultivate a relationship with your Guides


Qualities to cultivate //

  • adulting

  • setting goals and following through

  • taking risks / leaping

  • only committing if you’re going to follow through

  • releasing the past/learning the lessons + letting go

  • self stewardship + nourishing you

  • celebrating your success and acknowledging your contribution

Energies to release //

  • letting your moods get the best of you/drive the bus

  • freezing due to fear or lack of belief in yourself.

  • co-dependency, looking for security in others or manipulating them through your emotions

  • unhealthy hermiting / isolation

Some support //

  • pay attention to the definition or lack thereof in your Will Center + Root Center when it comes to making commitments and following through.

  • Solar Plexus Toolbox

  • If you have defined Solar Plexus get to know your emotional waves and their effect on those around you. If you have an open Solar Plexus learn what’s yours and what’s Not Self.


Qualities to cultivate //

  • seeing the forest for the trees

  • willingness to share innovative ideas - pay attention to your definition to know if you need to wait for recognition to do so.

  • participating in groups, developing friendship and community

  • following your heart rather than expectations

  • recognizing how others are special

  • advocating for others and/or humanitarian causes, recognizing our equality and oneness

Energies to release //

  • being right, the need to get your way

  • stubborn vibes

  • unhealthy attachment to risk, patterns or addictive behavior

  • needing approval or validation from others

  • extremes

  • acting from fear or pride

  • being dramatic

Some support //

  • Release all the “should’s”. Notice when you say or think you should do something… it’s usually a sign you’re not following your Strategy + Authority but caught up in the mind.

  • Get clarity on what you want to call in. Practice going to sleep in that feeling.

  • Addictions meditation


Qualities to cultivate //

  • compassion

  • spiritual connection + cultivation

  • mindfulness + meditation practices

  • trusting the Universe has your back

  • welcoming and embracing change + impermanence

  • releasing judgement (unless you have this variable in which case using it for good ;)

Energies to release //

  • anxiety

  • overanalyzing and obsessively worrying

  • monkey mind

  • looking to find fault in others

  • perfectionism and beating up on oneself or feeling anxiety over perceived mistakes

  • being rigid or inflexible

  • not knowing when it’s time to quit or leave situations that do not serve you.

Some support //

  • Crown + Aura Toolbox. As this is an energy of Higher Consciousness all of the Toolboxes will serve you especially the Crown/Aura, the Sacral for going with the flow, the Heart for connecting to compassion, the Third Eye for mindfulness.

  • Let things be a bit messy.

  • Down-regulating your nervous system to rest + digest.

Reading about the Tarot associated with your North Node can offer new insight and allow you to lean in in new ways.

Reading about the Tarot associated with your North Node can offer new insight and allow you to lean in in new ways.


south nodes

When looking at our South Node energy we recognize that it can be a bit of a default for us, where we feel comfortable. There are high and low vibrations to every energy so even though there are qualities of this energy that do not serve you in this life, that may bring challenges, there are also gifts that you bring through and we can move toward that energy as we release the elements that do not serve us in this incarnation.

Look at the Gates of your South Nodes and create an affirmation around the gift of this energy. This is a good practice for all of your gates (creating a simple affirmation to keep consciously connecting to the higher vibration of that energy).


Get the lay of the land in Shadow Support inside if you haven’t already. 

  • Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?

  • Get clear on your Shadows here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Shadow module. 

  • Explore other potential Shadows in the center where this gate stems from in Shadow in Your Definition.

  • Bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.

  • What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish.

  • Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.

  • Take good care of yourself.


  • Get your Field Guide

  • Tools for deconditioning and processing our emotions

  • How does this tie into your purpose (module 4) and life’s work (module 1)? How can your North Nodes support your Sun + Earth energies?

  • You can also look to your Moon Node lines on your Astrocartography map to help push you toward your purpose.

Conscious North Node is Gate 25, Line 5 Conscious South Node is Gate 46, Line 5 Unconscious North Node is Gate 17, Line 6 Unconscious South Node is Gate 18, Line 6

Conscious North Node is Gate 25, Line 5
Conscious South Node is Gate 46, Line 5
Unconscious North Node is Gate 17, Line 6
Unconscious South Node is Gate 18, Line 6