
what you are here to do

conscious sun

your conscious sun

This can be found in the right black column of your chart at the very top, the number before the decimal point is the gate of your Conscious Sun. The number after the decimal point is the line. You can read about it below as well as the same line number associated with your Gate. The lines adds flavor and context in your life. This line is particularly important because it is part of your Human Design Profile. The line of your Unconscious Sun is the second number in your Profile. Scroll all the way down if you would like help identifying your Conscious Sun Gate + Line. Once you’ve identified you can read about it here and read the key in the Gene Keys book (if you have it). .

Your Conscious Sun is where your deeper purpose in life meets the outside world. This is masculine, yang energy. It is how you express yourself and it is one of your four primary gifts in this life. Our four primary gifts are seeds for our transformation. Bringing them into our awareness, integrating our shadows, unlocks their gifts and our higher purpose. This is something we allow rather than force. We take them in, contemplate, bring greater awareness, marinate in them through practice and self study and embody their truth. In doing so we are fully integrated.

Your life’s work is part of your conscious design, these are traits you are most likely aware of + what you are here to do in this incarnation.


The SUN in your chart has to do with your personality, your life force, how you express yourself, first impressions, ego, leadership and ultimately how + where you shine. It is a big part of our self individuation + finding self and we express our Sun when we are creative whether that is through art or our unique self expression in the ordinary.

“Our fear of death grows in direct proportion to the absence of a life fully lived. If we do not express the Sun we pass into the future looking back over our shoulder, regretting what we have not done and who we have not been.”

- Liz Greene


The Shadow here can block us from finding the community + work that really suits our authentic selves and from standing fully in our power and authentic identity.

It also reveals the inner work we will repeat again and again until we have integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA.

This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. These are the cyclical themes we face. The healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to unearth. 

This is the the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality. Sit with the discomfort and find gratitude for the gift frequency these energies have to offer. 


When we no longer allow ourselves to play victim to our circumstances we begin to more clearly see (and become) the gifts. As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and its Highest Vibration) in the same container. 

The highest vibration is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not about something we are trying to attain.

Create an affirmation of the high vibration of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into and to check in with regularly so that you stay present with your Gifts.


The line for this energy is the number after the decimal point of the gate. So if the number in your uppermost right column says 44.2, then your life’s work is in gate 44, line 2 so you would read about The Dancer below as well as read Line 2 of your Gate.

In general, with our Gates, I also recommend reading all the lines and seeing what jumps out at you. They are all facets of the energy you carry.

*These specific lines are also tied to your PROFILE. Visit here for more insight into each line.

1 - The Creator | The Anchor | The Investigator

Here to create something new. Discover. Your idea. Something that emerges from deep inside you. Original with vital creative element. Without that you will never feel fulfilled in life. Gets down to the core of things. Transitions from insecurity to security.

2- The Dancer | Fluid | Natural Talent

Self expression. The gifts in life that come to you naturally and easily. The things you’re best at. That you LOVE. The things you can do without even thinking. Inherent natural gift that emanates from you. The thing you do with the most grace and ease. Do you, your thing.

3- The Changer | Adaptability | Trial and Error

Experiment and adapts. Don’t often manifest the kind of stability the other lines have. Colorful, but when in shadow, it can be chaos. Learn to let go of what you think of as normal. Embrace the different chapters/people/experiences that come and go. impermanence. Think with the lenses dynamic, changing, adaptable to get closer to your life work. 

4- The Server | Opportunist | Networker

Innate ability to influence people. Shares and spreads. Depending on your attitude you can draw folks in or repeal them. Your life’s work is most healthfully expressed through service. Maybe that means actual service maybe it means courtesy or refinement or quality work. Giving your gifts for the sake of others, to make them smile. You gain opportunity through community.

5- The Fixer | Heretic | Projection

Pure practicality. Decides whether something is really going to be helpful to people or not. Capacity for great success. Creating greater efficiency in the world. Your gifts are well organized and needed by people. Can challenge the norms of society and connect to people easily, even strangers.

6- The Teacher | The Role Model | Embodied Wisdom

Lives by different laws. Always asking why? Capacity to be the wisest. The archetype of the teacher. you understand how to allow for the emergence of others gifts with the right environment. Good to understand the other 5 lines approaches + have patience. Your gifts are ample but can take your lifetime to fully emerge. 

The house

If you want to dive deeper into the environment or container this will most play out in your life, visit here.

You can look at your natal chart at to see the House your SUN SIGN lives in.


Get the lay of the land in Deconditioning Support inside if you haven’t already. 

  • Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?

  • Get clear on your Shadows here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Shadow module. 

  • Explore other potential Shadows in the center where this gate stems from in Shadow in Your Definition.

  • Contemplate and/or bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.

  • What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra toolbox would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish + be supportive within The Collective and without.

  • Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.

  • Take good care of yourself.


  • Meditate on these energies. Sit and breathe. Let it roll around in your mind like a marble.

  • Get creative. Write a story or poem, collage, sing, choreograph, dance, cook, daydream, walk in nature, sit with the trees, start a convo, paint, create from this energetic space.


Take a look at the energy that lives in your CONSCIOUS MOON (black column with New Moon symbol/5th block down). The Gates of our Moons also push and pull us toward the lessons and gifts carried by our Sun Gates. They’re always trying to drive us back to the wisdom our Sun Gate’s have for us. They also represent the why behind our Strategy. Contemplate how they motivate you.


Where are your SUN lines in your astro*carto chart. Bring in some influence from those energies to support you on your journey through your Sun + to amplify the qualities of Life Force + Personality Expression in your life. Y

sample conscious sun