Human Design | High Sound


What do those arrows at the top of your chart mean?

They represent variables of tone and color associated with body and mind. They tell you if you’re someone who benefits from routine, if you have an active brain, how you digest life, your unique perspective, what your best environment is, strongest sense, the motivation you are meant to come from, etc..


Top Left Arrow = Determination

The top left arrow has to do with how we digest food and the world around us. It is the Primary Health System in Human Design. Mine is pointed to the left which means I have an Active Brain. It is processing ALL THE TIME. It’s very busy and it needs nourishment so I’m not really one for fasting or skipping meals. Active brains are On. This has nothing to do with the Ajna Center. While I have an Active Brain, I also have an undefined Ajna. This means I’m meant to literally have an open mind. Wasting energy trying to get people to see my POV or even have fixed opinions doesn’t serve me. And this doesn’t come easy. I have an open mind but I also love a good debate (I can most likely thank growing up with a father with a defined Ajna for my conditioning there). But the reality is it wastes a ton of my energy and doesn’t actually feel very good. Finding out about my open Ajna felt challenging but also like so much permission to not need to figure it out. With an active brain and an open Ajna it’s not about thinking less, it’s about using my active mind to focus on the things that are most aligned for my highest good (Personal Perspective). Positive thoughts, the topics I’m deeply interested in (Need Motivation), gratitude. We can use the focus to amplify the good.


high sound

To dive deeper…. I’m HIGH SOUND, the 5th Color Determination in human design which means I digest food (+ life in general) much better with a soundtrack. Validating to all those nights having dinner in front of the TV as a kid.

In general high sound is not about any sound; it’s about the sound that’s right for you. The sound that gets you going and excited and feeling like celebrating life or creating the ideal vibe for learning. As a Quad left it’s usually music without lyrics because I can’t really focus on more than one thing when learning. I’ll find myself reading the same paragraph for the fourth time. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I also have a lot of sensitivity written into my chart. Which means that while sound is good for me a lot of times, most times, I need to be in control of it. Many many years of not living my design resulted in burnout which only amplifies any sensitivity.

If i’m working at a coffee shop i can’t always tune out the conversation next to me or the out of alignment music playing.

Headphones are a BIG tool for me. And I finally invested in a noise canceling proper pair. I’m in love and they create so much ease and autonomy when I need it. Even for around the house when my partner and i aren’t on the same music page.

Want to know what you got going on, grab a Variables reading here.

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