Authority - Sacral + Emotional
Artwork: Unknown
Your Authority is one of the most important and transformational parts of your Human Design when you start putting it into action (combined with your Strategy + Energy Type). There are so many facets to your body graph. It’s not as simple as just knowing your type because there are lots of things that additionally influence and flavor how that manifests for you; purpose, variables, gifts, challenges, planets and lines, etc.. but your Strategy + Authority are your first (and most important) steps to finding your path, authenticity, ease and magic.
generators + manifesting generators
These two energy types which make up around 70% of the population run on Sacral energy which means they have a defined Sacral Center (it’s colored in). It also means they either have a Pure Sacral Authority, a Splenic Generated Sacral Authority (Sacral + Spleen defined), or an Emotional Authority (over half the population). So even if you don’t have an Emotional Authority, odds are there are several people in your life who do. The Sacral Center and the Emotional Center or Solar Plexus are two of the four motors in Human Design. They are both v powerful!
The most important thing to note is that your mind is not your Authority and should not be used to make decisions. We are very conditioned out of listening to our bodies but this is our compass; this is where our truth really lives.
To have an Emotional Authority your Solar Plexus center will be defined. This means you have a fixed quality in your emotions that pulses in waves. While you can still be empathic you are mostly riding your own emotional wave in your body. And those with this center undefined are riding the emotions of those of us who do which can be intense because we can be pretty moody. One minute we can feel happy and the next sad for no apparent reason. Which is why those of us with Emotional Authority are not really designed to make decisions spontaneously unless it’s something we’re vibe-ing on and going to do in that moment. If it’s a decision for the future we can easily find ourselves committed to something we don’t actually want to do.
In order to live correctly we must accept that to make the right decision for our highest goods we must rely solely on our emotions. And we must understand that there is no absolute truth in the now. Someone with Emotional Authority may never get to the 100% truth but when we take the time to find the calm in our emotions we can see things from multiple perspectives and a greater depth in order to make the most informed choice from a clearer place.
Time is your greatest ally.
Time is an Emotional Authorities greatest ally and a good would be: “Can I get back to you tomorrow.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve committed myself to something in the moment only to get home, or wake up the next morning and regret it. Your present is colored by where you are on your emotional wave in that moment. So if you’re feeling really good you may be inclined to say yes to things you normally wouldn’t, or the flip when we’re feeling low. We EA’s need to be patient and listen to our Authority instead of anyone around us pressuring us to make decisions before we’re clear.
Like anything, it’s a muscle that we work. The more we wait and honor our process the easier it becomes and the more our life naturally flows. Every time we do it and it works we build evidence and trust.
The founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu said:
When emotional beings start operating correctly, and when they start honoring their emotional authority, when they start being patient, not only does their process change because they get to make decisions correctly as themselves, but they change the lives of everyone around them.
Some folx waves will have higher peaks and valleys than others. As you start to tune in you’ll become clearer on what your unique waves typically look like. There is no need to attach stories or yourself to these waves; knowing this is part of who you are can allow you to be without judging or criticizing or feeling frustrated with your waves. And it can be helpful to remember they are impermanent.
I still find clarity or confirmation through my Sacral once my wave has mellowed. I tune into my body to see if it feels right. You’re not going to get a 100%…but when you feel about 80% sure in your body, you can move forward.
I also have a defined Spleen which means I get those intuitive hits. And I absolutely listen to them. I just don’t act on them till I’m through my wave, which can vary greatly. Sometimes I need to sleep on it other times I need many sleeps.
With a pure Sacral Authority and an undefined Solar Plexus you’re still going to have feelings. They just don’t rule your decision making process and you don’t need to wait to ride out the wave. You can observe them (or process them if needed) as you tune into your Sacral response. When someone asks you a question listen in for that initial and knowing response. This is how we know if it’s something that will serve us, if it’s something we even have the energy to complete.
You can read about the Sacral Uh huh and Uh uhn responses all over the internet. And I agree, obviously, that we can hear these Sacral sounds when we tune in. I love doing charts for kids and helping parents raise their Generator/MG children using these sounds, learning how to listen in for them. That being said, if we’ve been conditioned our whole lives to make decisions from our heads, disconnected from our Sacral, it can be pretty challenging. It may not feel easily accessible. Take time to play with these sounds and bring them back into your life.
I think it’s also important to learn what your own response is. If the sounds don’t work for you or resonate it’s more important to tune in to the feeling. Maybe a yes for you is leaning forward, feeling butterflies, listening more deeply, an internal smile, a feeling of expansion. I often tune in to my higher self once my emotions have steadied (b/c Emotional Authority here 🙋♀️) and then I ask the question and just notice how I feel. It’s often very subtle; a light opening in my heart/chest or a slight hunching into myself.
I’ve found this through experimenting. Take some time to sit with yourself and feel into how you’re feeling in the moment. Then begin to think about something that brings you a lot of joy (mine’s usually something to do with my pup) and see what changes occur in your body. What do you feel?
Now think about something you did that you didn’t want to; a commitment you made that you followed through on but that didn’t feel good or work out well. Or just something that generally makes you feel negatively, like a no thanks. And see how that feels in your body. Did your heart contract, do you feel resistance or tension somewhere, a tightening in your jaw, a sigh, an internal no, an emptiness.
For Emotional Authorities this may have more of an emotional tinge. For Pure Sacral folx stick to the true somatic response in your body. What are the sensations associated with your decision. Get to know what yes and no or uh huh and uh uhn feel like in YOUR body. And go from there. Tuning into yourself somatically everytime you make a decision, while also honoring your Strategy. For Manifesting Generators especially this can feel more like movement in the body rather than sounds.
Getting in tune is so important and can create such amazing, positive shifts in your life. Let your mind take a break. Listen to your body. It’s one of the most beneficial steps you can take.
Wanna go deeper? Schedule a reading here.
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