How to pull a thread in your chart
I wanted to start giving some personal (and not so personal) examples of how to explore your chart, pull a thread and follow the trail as well as how to use The Collective to contemplate, deep dive, balance and potentially shift the energy when needed into a higher vibration.
Our unique blueprint is the perfect place for tapping into greater well-being, abundance, radiance, magnetism and self discovery through information that is uniquely tailored to you. This information is encoded in your DNA, it is specific to how you move through the world, how you get in flow, not one sized fits all. From there we can utilize tools that uniquely serve us in this moment.
one potential path
This week when I was putting up the Transits for the month, which are always there for you inside The Collective (Begin Module -> Transits), I noticed that the first gate was one that I had defined in my chart and quite an important one when it comes to my own ability to create abundance. I want to show you through some of my own personal work, how I am diving into this area of my chart, pulling a thread which is unraveling onto a path to lots of wisdom to unpack, contemplate and integrate. In exploring I can find ways of moving into its highest vibration through the energetics and practical tools available.
So… the transits are one of many doorways in to navigating your chart and The Collective. The Sun was transiting though Gate 7. As you can see from Rosa Parks chart below, Gate 7 is in the Self Center and she has it as part of her conscious definition (as the hanging gate is black) meaning she was well aware she was here to be a leader (as this is an energy of leadership and empowerment). Also, she had it located in her Earth energy as you can see from the arrow pointing to the second square from the top, in the black column, along the right side of her chart. This is made more powerful in her chart as it makes up part of her Incarnation Cross. Our Sun and Earth energies make up 70% of the energy in our charts and speak to themes like purpose, our life’s work and how we uniquely stay well, radiant and vital.
I actually have the full Channel 7-31 and it’s located in my Unconscious (it’s colored red) Jupiter. This was what I looked for first as the planetary energy it resides in tells us how it may be of influence, what it is here to teach us, how we experience it in our definition. Once we locate a defined gate in our chart we can scan the columns to see where it lives, locating the planetary glyph. You can explore this in an audio in Unpacking HD inside The Collective. Sometimes it lives in more than one planet. Jupiter is connected to our expansion, abundance and luck. It is also about creating, understanding and following our own personal laws around this energy. Very important. As well as following them.
Secondly, I looked at the Line, this adds another flavor. For me it’s in Line 6 (this is the number following the decimal point - for Rosa it would be Line 2) so this is part of that Role Model energy for me which is about really embodying this lesson once learned. It also means it may take time to manifest. Because it is in Jupiter, and empowerment is a theme in my chart + I have my own business, I feel like I can absolutely tap more into a higher vibration of this energy, so next I looked to my Saturns.
This means, so far, I researched what Gate 7 meant through the Gates Overview in The Collective + my absolute favorite resource which I recommend in The Meeting Ground (a step by step guide to greater authenticity + magnetism through your chart) as an ally for diving much deeper into these energies. I thought about how this energy has manifested in my life and where I have room to grow. I did some journaling around it. Then I looked at my Unconscious Saturn because Saturn has lessons for us and if we have yet to master them they can get in the way of our expansive Jupiter energy and therefore, how we co-create prosperity in our lives.
I immediately found work to be done in all of these energies. Gate 7 is about leadership and so I’m looking closely at all of the places I might still be playing small as well as clarifying how I want to lead. As I have my Chiron in Taurus I’m investigating the places I may still struggle to feel worthy of what I truly want to call in. My Unconscious Saturn has to do with emotional balance, not letting our emotions rule and being able to observe rather than be inside of the waves, to disperse tension in polarities. Despite being a Generator the energy in my Unconscious Saturn is a very penetrating energy. As an incredibly sensitive person this makes sense. And while I’ve made amazing strides in my life, these are definitely areas I’m still circling back around to peel back deeper layers.
This little example is EXACTLY why The Collective is at least a yearly membership. This is information we are not meant to rush through. Getting a reading and listening to it a couple of times and forgetting about it does us such a massive disservice. There are so many archetypes that exist within our chart, pieces to the puzzle of who we came here to be and we can utilize them to light our path, as a roadmap for the areas we will thrive, the places that may need some attention, our gifts and weaknesses, how we specifically get into flow and tap into our truest most authentic versions of ourselves. This is how you find the you’est you.
“Take your time!!!”
Through journaling and contemplating I gradually drew to me the exact tools I need this month to work with the Shadows within these energies and transmute any low vibrational energy or obstacles. I’m working with a meditation and an EFT and doing a lot of marinating. I will take the time to grease a new groove and continue to unpack this little corner of my chart until it feels like I’ve done some rewiring and am moving forward, and then, I’ll pull a new thread.
Some tools inside The Collective that would be supportive:
Deconditioning workshop for unpacking any low vibrations, shadows, openness and using tools to re-pattern like the Meditation or Shadow Nidra.
When it comes to leadership and empowerment I could look to the Solar Plexus Chakra Archetype Toolbox for standing more in ones power.
Because I’m an Emotional Authority and my Unconscious Saturn has to do with that emotional wave I could work with really utilizing this tool in a more mindful way.
I can explore journaling prompts inside The Self Center module as well as reading more about the Self
I haven’t gone deep with my Conscious Saturn yet so I will also explore that energy and see where that takes me.
Because Jupiter deals with expansion and abundance I could get into any of the tools that resonate in The Art of Magnetism (which has 8 modules). I’m working with one of the tools in Actionable Steps around shifting my mindset daily.
Because it’s in my Self Center I could explore the HD Definition Prompts inside Resource.
I could work with the Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale
I can look at what House these energies reside in to get a better idea of the container. Currently, as a member of The Collective I’m happy to send you a snapshot of all of your Houses.
These are just a few options. You get to choose your own adventure.
+ you will gain access to your complimentary energy type workshop in your first Weekly Nourish! <3