Artwork: Vincent Tantardini
The Sacral Center is the the second square from the bottom of the bodygraph, it will be either white (open) or red (defined). The Sacral Center is what fuels the life force of the planet and definition here means by default you are either a Generator or Manifesting Generator. It is the energy to create and carry humanity forward.
As with the Sacral Chakra it corresponds with the reproductive organs and is connected to our sexuality and reproduction, our creativity, movement + flow and our vitality. Generators + MG’s living in their lane, following what lights them up are incredibly magnetic beings. We are always drawing things, people and experiences toward us to respond to.
The Sacral is the most influential and complex motor, it is pure power and literally generates energy. However, it can also be degenerative if we’re not operating correctly, leaving us feeling frustrated, dissatisfied and even burnt out and/or ill . It requires, as with all energy, that we honor its cycles. This is why Generators and Manifesting Generators need to exhaust all of their energy each day. We don’t sleep well if we go to bed before we’ve run it all out. But once we have, sleep is incredibly important for our restoration.
In Human Design, the Sacral Center is that gut knowing. It is a moment to moment responder and why those with definition here have a Strategy - To Respond. It is asking us to shift from this idea that our minds know best and instead listen within. You can read about the Sacral sounds here. This can obviously be varied depending on your Authority. For instance, if you have an Emotional Authority that trumps all but it doesn’t mean you’re not still tapping into wisdom here. We tend to be good with yes and no questions (those that connect us to our inner uh huh and uh uhn). If our response feels murky then the question may need refining or maybe it’s just not quite the right timing in this moment.
Any connection between one of the Motor Centers (Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart/Will or Root) and The Throat is moving energy out, toward something or someone, because it is moving through our Manifestation Center. This can feel initiatory but those of us with a defined Sacral are still meant To Respond and initiating will likely not turn out the way we wished. However, channel 34-20, The Channel of Charisma, specifically has the potential for initiating energy. This is said to be the most powerful channel in Human Design. Those with this defined will often move faster, think faster and even respond at a more clipped pace through their Throat.
Any connection/channel between Sacral + Throat makes a Manifesting Generator. These folks in particular can experience their Response as more of a movement toward or away from something rather than the sounds. Definition here means really taking responsibility for what we commit to and only committing to things through our Strategy + Authority. Once we commit we can have a hard time getting out. We also need to be mindful that there will be plateaus, when we’re feeling stuck, and that often we just need to persevere. We are playing a long game of mastery. And we can’t take that first step if we’re not responding.
We need to also remember that our Responses are pure. It’s not something we’re necessarily meant to be able to logically interpret. It’s ok to trust that you just know.
“Generators often describe it as life making a decision through them, and that’s exactly what happens. It doesn’t matter what they ‘think’ their life should look like, as the life force knows what is correct for them, and what they have energy for. This is their truth. Their patient and expectant waiting allows the universe to bring life to them, while their responses attune them to the ebb and flow of the unique path and purpose they are here to live.”
Because we wake up each day with a full tank of gas (assuming we’re living by Design), we need to expend that energy. We can feel anxious or restless if we don’t move that energy through (lifelong foot tapper here 🙋♀️). We talk a lot about deconditioning in Human Design and often for those with Sacral definition physical movement can be a great way to empty out excess, and other people’s, energy each day.
It also means finding work that inspires you and lights you up, work that feels like a healthy way for you to express yourself as well as nourishing creative outlets.
The GATES defined from the Sacral Center give us a lot of information about our life force, about how our energy operates in the world. As with all energy there is a potential high and low vibration.
If the Sacral Center is white then it is open or undefined. This means you do not have consistent access to this energy. It doesn’t mean you do not have energy or life force. It does mean that you are most likely sensitive to the Sacral buzzing around you coming from people and environments. As with all open centers, this means you are capable of taking in and actually amplifying that energy, feeling it more potently than those with the definition. And, it’s not just energy you can magnify but feelings of fatigue or burn out. As with any open center, we always want to check in and see if what we’re experiencing is in fact our own.
Healthy boundaries are important, especially for our openness. And this isn’t just about energetic autonomy but also healthy boundaries with yourself, knowing when enough is enough. It means not ignoring your energy levels. It means taking time to REST! If you have this center open you are not meant to do it all, to work long hours, to take on too much, to do a lot of manual labor. You are literally not made for it.
We live in a world that conditions us to work, work harder, push through the exhaustion, put in a full day, work weekends. Because of this it can be one of the most conditioned centers and often when those with this center open really check in they don’t actually want to do the hard work or the long day. Obviously we don’t all have the privilege or ability to cut back hours or change careers. But there are always ways to begin the deconditioning process, even small changes can influence great transformation. We can always begin by creating more work life balance in small ways. Even an 11 minute nap can be deeply restorative.
It can be helpful to gain understanding and self awareness around how you particularly connect into others energy and how it serves you and doesn’t. Because this center is also the home of our sexual energy, it is the center for good, healthy sexual boundaries as well. This includes how we enter into relationships. Learn to look to and utilize your Strategy + Authority. Have patience as this can take some experimentation at first.
For those with the center open, going to bed before you’re tired will aid with better sleep. You need time to wind down and empty out.
Prompts for unpacking:
Do you allow yourself to rest?
Do you feel like you push yourself to keep working even when you don’t have the energy? (If you have an open Root this can be particularly potent.)
Are you drinking a lot of caffeine? Those with this center open especially can have a hard time processing caffeine.
Are you able to say no? Set boundaries? Release FOMO?
Are you putting others before your own wellness?
Do you know when enough is enough?
Do you listen to your energy and honor it?
Are you entering into commitments through your Strategy + Authority?
Are you responding to life or trying to initiate?
+ you will gain access to your complimentary energy type workshop in your first Weekly Nourish! <3