Artwork: Unknown
The Throat Center is the third shape down from the top, a square (either white (open) or brown (defined). It is quite a special center as all of our energy is trying to get there for expression, for creation. This is where our energy from every other center is given a voice. It is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands and the Throat Chakra. I’ve found as someone who struggled to clear stagnation in my own throat energy, and still can get stuck there, that I’m very aware of it in others. It can be an easier one to spot when out of balance and I’ve watched clients go from barely audible or unable to really use their voice to being what we call a release valve in Breathwork. Someone who opens the door for others to express themselves because they are crying so loudly. From someone who I couldn't get to sigh, to someone who will scream with me, and actually look forward to it. It’s quite powerful to watch someone open their throat and truly express themself. And it’s one I’m quite passionate about. There is so much power in our voices and so much potential release of what we’re holding through this center, through our voice.
In Human Design it is all about communication, manifestation, and transformation. It’s pure alchemy. It matters not if it is defined in your chart. Regardless, it is major player when it comes to self expression and how we co-create with the world around us.
In our charts there is a lot of pressure to get the energy to this center for expression. Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, compared it to a town square. It functions as our center for manifestation, we create through our expression, our words, our feelings, our contributions to the world.
Any center connected to our Throat center through a defined channel is given voice. If you have one of the channels connecting your Ajna center to your Throat then you are literally here to form a point of view and speak your mind. It is healthy for you and it serves the greater good. If you have a connection from your Self/G Center then you are probably more sensitive to criticism or getting your feelings hurt when you don’t feel validated or understood when sharing, because you are literally speaking, writing, expressing yourself, from your soul, from your personal identity and it feels very vulnerable. Whatever defined connections you have through centers or hanging gates are great to understand because these are your most consistent voices. Understanding our voices can give us more confidence in doing though it’s always important to listen to our Strategy + Authority when it comes to sharing as well as pay attention to projected energy, where we all need to wait for recognition in order for it to land and potentially have our intended impact. We can find great wisdom connected to our own personal transformation as well as what we have to offer the collective in these defined energies in our charts. You can explore the voices of the Throat Center here.
The GATES defined from your Throat Center, as mentioned above, give us a lot of information about what we’re here to share consistently. If you have this center defined it simply means you have a reliable way of expressing yourself. You can have direct connections to a few centers. I mentioned the Ajna and the Self above. If you have connection to your Will Center you are speaking from your perspective of “I”, from Ego. If from your Solar Plexus you are sharing around emotion, acting from a place of feeling. If you have a direct connection to the Spleen then you are speaking from those intuitive hits, from an inner knowing. And, if connected to the Sacral then you are speaking from a place of responding, from your gut.
Below are the Voices of the Throat. Each of these Gates represent a voice. And we can really lean into our authentic voice by working to adjust our language to operate according to the Voices we carry in our definition. Even if you do not use these exact words, maybe they don’t roll off your tongue (though experiment). you can come from their intention, their energy when you speak. More on this inside The Collective.
Even if you have a connection from this center to a Motor center and can just share, it doesn't mean you always should. Rely on your Strategy + Authority, recognize that your words have power, speak with responsibility and allow others to have a voice as well.
If the Throat is white then it is open or undefined. This means you do not have consistent access to this energy. It doesn’t mean you do not have a voice. Many great speakers have had open Throat centers. It’s important to note whether you have definition here or not we all have access to all of the energy and all of the archetypes within the bodygraph. When it’s not defined in our chart it just means we can experience it in a more amplified way when in particular auras. We also transit through all of these energies and when we do we can often experience that flavor in our lives. And if you have any definition, spend time getting to know the hanging gates you have here.
About 28% of the population has this center undefined. With this Center open people can feel pressure to be seen, heard, to get attention, to make an impression. They can fear that they somehow go unnoticed. Oddly, they are most recognized when really honoring their Strategy + Authority. This is also very important for your throat and thyroid health. Going to a party and being mindful to only speak when responding (Generator/MG) or when recognized/invited (Projector) will actually make them more magnetic.
If you have this Center open pay attention to when you’re feeling pressured to speak or how often you might blurt something out and then regret it. Experiment with speaking less and see how it feels, not from a place of shutting yourself down, but just exploring. I love the saying “the most interesting person in the room is the most interested one”, and I think it’s good advice for everyone regardless of definition. How can we approach the world with more curiosity?
And, I will say, while we definitely need to follow our Strategy + Authority here, and we will find this creates much more ease in our life, it’s also about acceptance. If you have this center open, take the pressure off of yourself as much as you can, you have nothing to prove and probably, sometimes, you’re going to say things you weren’t expecting. You are literally designed to speak spontaneously, it’s part of who you are. Accept that part. Roll with it. Be willing to laugh at yourself. And do get to know your own mechanics. What are the themes of your particular voices?
Prompts for unpacking:
Are you trying to get noticed in some way?
Do you feel pressured to speak or fill silence?
Do you feel manifestation pressure? Attachment/grasping?
How can you explore your Strategy + Authority when it comes to your voice?
What are the themes of the gates, channels or connections to other centers you have here? How have they served you? How can you utilize them?
Do you respect the power of your word? Do you honor it/follow through?
Do you respect the power of language and the words you use? Spelling literally translates to cast spells. What spells are you casting?
What stories are you regularly telling about yourself and your life? Are they ones you want to be telling? Do they serve the direction you want to go?
SING! Singing and chanting are great for clearing throat stagnation.
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