Human Design | Let's Talk Type
When it comes to Human Design you probably see ALOT about type. And absolutely, your energy type, strategy and authority say so much about your design and give you a framework for moving forward with actionable steps to decondition, get back to your authentic self and create the life you desire. But just like you are not just your Sun Sign, you are not just your Aura. You are a complex living breathing being and your unique blueprint is holistic.
Reading only about your type without knowing the rest of your chart can be grossly overly simplified and deceiving. This can be especially true if you’re thinking it doesn’t really feel/sound like you. Or you’re still coming up against challenges or resistance. There can be a lot of reasons for this as well based on your chart but also your life thus far.
There are loads of elements at play in a bodygraph (not to mention transits, connections, etc…). While two generators both have defined Sacral Centers that may be where their similarities end; the rest of their body graphs can look completely different and therefore can present very differently. There are many other flavors at play.
One simple example of this are the Circuits and Channels.
Of the 36 channels in Human Design, a whopping 22 are Projected channels (see diagram below); meaning they carry with them Projector energy and optimally require the energy of the Projector Strategy: To Wait for the Invitation. They are also places in your chart where one may not feel seen or recognized.
While the Manifesting Generator came about to bridge the gap between Manifestors and Generators there is no such thing for additional Projector energy. Categorizing the entire population into 5 types (one of which only accounts for 1% of the population) can leave quite a few people feeling misunderstood or like they don’t resonate with their energy type.
It can be helpful to have awareness around how much Projector energy you have in your chart, or just the simple awareness that you do in fact have a lot of it. And also understand that there are sometimes other elements at play. Maybe you’re in the middle of your Uranus Opposition and have access to a different filter at the moment, the aura you’re living with is giving you consistent access to other energies, or maybe your sleep chart is very different than your waking chart.
I hear constantly that it is Projectors who need to sleep alone. One, that doesn’t account for the other two non-Sacral beings (Manifestors + Reflectors) and it doesn't account for the fact that charts change when we’re sleeping. I couldn’t figure out for the longest time why I had the most trouble as a Generator sleeping next to my Projector boyfriend until I looked at our sleep charts. I have a defined Root center and am a Projector when I sleep and he turns into a Reflector so we’re just bouncing adrenaline back and forth. No wonder I felt like I had taken a couple shots of espresso when he laid down.
Your uniqueness
There are many facets to your unique design. I think it’s important to take some time to look past your Type to the bigger picture. And I believe there is so much power in awareness and contemplation. Break it down into manageable bites. Pick a defined gate or open center and explore, journal, get acquainted, imbibe and marinate. Pull a thread and then another. Explore your Variables. Lean into your North Node.
You are a complex and limitless being.
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Human Design
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