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Virgo Season Playlist +

Georgia O’Keeffe by John Loengaard, 1966

Virgo Season brings us to the bodymind and I just recorded this podcast with a Collective member speaking to some of the traps we can fall into, so I wanted to discuss some solutions in relationship to the season we’re in. In its highest expression the archetype of Virgo is organized, there is a healthy attention to detail, there is ritual to one’s day and life, there is a focus on being of service, of being in integrity, of responsibility, reverence + purification. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, moves between Heaven and Earth, carrying messages between our two worlds. Virgo is the physical manifestation of the Divine on the Earth plane.

Below is some bodymind support in line with the season of The Hermit (rules Virgo) and the Magician (rules Mercury).

Image: Georgia O’Keeffe was a woman of ritual + routine. She has Mars, which offers us insight into what is good for our body, in Virgo.

Getting caught up in comparison

  • Contemplate: where you are seeking approval outside of yourself. How can you offer yourself recognition and support?

  • What information does this comparison offer you? What do you want that that person has? What is the core want underneath that want?

    Comparison and envy can be tools to greater understanding + clarity around what we desire. Use it as a practice for your own inspiration (rather than the low vibration of comparison) + then set action steps toward your goals.

  • Make a list of all of your accomplishments. As you do this get back into the feels of how you felt. Did you celebrate your wins or simply move on to the next goal? Take the time to really marinate in the energy of all you have done, overcome + created. Reflect back on it when you need to remember.

  • Notice the accounts you follow, emails you read, that make you feel bad about yourself. Delete them. When are you reading what others are doing and trying to do the same? Disconnect, knowing you are here to walk your own path.

  • Stop the stories. Create or work with a mantra and/or mindfulness to disconnect you from the mental loops of comparison. De-story it by refusing to participate in that narrative in your mind. Be diligent.

  • Comparison is often tied to imposter syndrome +/or self doubt. Transmute these energies so that you are standing fully in your power.

Release the criticism

  • Contemplate: where do you have impossibly high standards for yourself and/or others? Where do you nitpick?

  • Contemplate: where do you judge others to avoid judgment?

  • Turn your gaze inward + focus on cleaning up your side of the street: focus on yourself rather than what everyone else is doing. Control what you can control. Release comparison, perfectionism, victimhood + blame. Release the Martyr.

  • Take accountability and responsibility for the life you are creating where needed with compassion.

  • Practice random acts of kindness, acceptance + encouragement. Hunt for what you love about everyone you meet + tell them so.

  • Recognize the magic that comes with imperfection. Read about Kintsugi.

  • Focus on being of service.

  • Only offer advice when you are invited.

  • Recognize your “mistakes” as information. What can you repair? What did they teach you? How might this guide you moving forward?

Clear the clutter

  • Clear the mental static causing confusion. Create routine.

  • Chanel anxiety or nervousness into action.

  • Make lists and cross things off.

  • Focus on solutions, not problems.

  • Bring order to your physical environment. Create a bag for trash, a bag to sell, a bag for gifting, and a bag for donating. Clear out the clutter, the things gathering dust, the junk drawer, the items in your closet you haven’t worn in over a year, the crystals you never pay attention to, the 3 jars of moisturizer you tried but don’t absolutely love. Let trash be your last resort, try to find people in your life you can give these things to who will love and appreciate them, sell them to make some money, or donate them to an organization that will distribute or repurpose them.

  • Work with your Heavenly, Human + Earth luck.

  • Be present to each moment.

PLaylist for collective Members

Play it straight through, skip, shuffle, or go deep with one track. ;)



I love working with the incredible power of a morning Sadhana and I also really enjoy creating one for clients based on their charts and current needs as part of our work together. This is the one I’m working with in the season I’m in. Sometimes I add things depending on time but this is the bones I do every day.

Adi Mantra

Aad Guray Nameh

Drop a grounding cord + put my shield up.

Sit with myself to tune in to the current feels for a few minutes.

11 minutes Ganapti Kriya (linked above)

Followed by 3-5 minutes each:

  • loving kindness

  • gratitude practice

  • future self projecting

  • segmenting my day

Close out w/ Blessing + Sat Nam

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