how you stay well + radiant
your unconscious sun
The last two modules we’ve been looking at some patterns in our conscious structure whether that’s on the physical plane in our outwardly manifested hologram, or our mental loops and/or emotional patterns. We covered your Conscious Sun, Moon + Earth energies which represent your outer world. These next two weeks we dive deeper into your subconscious, those unconscious forces that motivate and drive the qualities and patterns in your outer two gifts. Because these are unconscious energies they may not yet be known or clear to your conscious mind.
Your Unconscious Sun is a programming partner with your Unconscious Earth. These two are about a quality of consciousness that can bring breakthroughs. They are bonded together and form a feedback loop, reinforcing each other either at a high or low vibration.
As with all of these energies, unpacking them is an ongoing process that ebbs and flows. There will be moments we move forward, times of contemplation, sudden realizations, lots of tiny steps of breaking through that add up to a quantum leap. Elements within may open wounds, feel confronting or trigger emotions and it’s important to take care of yourself, move through and be gentle through the process of self study and radiant embodiment.
When we bring this energy into our consciousness and explore it, we start to turn lights on inside our cells and this is one of my favorite energies to explore because our Unconscious Sun is how we STAY WELL + RADIANT. It is the light locked away deep inside. It is your health, vitality, the power of your aura; it is your intuition and how you radiate at your highest level of well being.
This can be found in the left red column of your chart, at the very top, the Sun Symbol (circle w/ a dot at the center). The number before the decimal point is the gate of your Unconscious Sun. The number after the decimal point is the line. You can read about below as well as associated with your specific gate. The lines add flavor and context in your life. Read about your Gate here and read the key in the Gene Keys book (if you have it).
I also REALLY recommend with this one that you pull your Free Profile on the Gene Keys, which is good for all of the Incarnation Cross placements, but I especially like the way he speaks to the Unconscious Sun through the lens of well-being + radiance.
The SUN in your chart has to do with your personality, your life force, how you express yourself, first impressions, ego, leadership and ultimately how + where you shine. It is a big part of our self individuation + finding self and we express our Sun when we are creative whether that is through art or our unique self expression in the ordinary.
“Our fear of death grows in direct proportion to the absence of a life fully lived. If we do not express the Sun we pass into the future looking back over our shoulder, regretting what we have not done and who we have not been.”
- Liz Greene
The Shadow of your Unconscious Sun can have an incredibly powerful influence in your life.
It can live under the surface as a motivation we may be fairly unaware of. When it’s driving the bus you will find yourself off with the natural rhythms of your life and the natural flow of life around you, even with the Schumann Resonance of Mother Earth which can create disharmony in our bodies as it weakens our immunity, stresses our system, and creates an undercurrent of worry, of not quite trusting or feeling hurried vibes.
These shadows reveal the inner work we will repeat over and over until we have fully integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA.
This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. These are the challenges we face over and over in our life. The healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to reach.
This is the the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality.
“When you understand who and what you are, your radiance projects into the universal radiance and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity.
As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and Highest Vibration) in the same container.
The more you align with the Schumann Resonance/Earth energy, the easier your gifts will find their way to the surface. With awareness and integration we will automatically gravitate towards things and habits that are in line with our greater well being, we will feel healthier. And, when we are in harmony with the wider quantum environment we begin to unlock our purpose, we begin to experience synchronicity and magic.
The highest vibration is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not something we try to attain. When we reach for it, we are playing into Shadow.
Create an affirmation of the high vibration of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into and to check in with regularly so that you stay present with your Gifts.
The line for this energy is the number after the decimal point of the gate. So if the number in the first box of the red left column says 44.2, then your radiance is in gate 44, line 2. The corresponding line colors your inner narrative.
*This Line is also associated with your Profile so you can read more about it here.
1- Solitude
This energy requires solitude for the gift to break through. Not as an enforcement but as an act of deep love, as an enjoyment of being with yourself. An inner statue of solitude. Relax into your radiance, into yourself, into a deep connection with yourself. The measure of Radiance is about how close it makes you feel to others rather than how distant.
2- One to One
This is essentially one to one relationships with something or someone (could be a partner, nature or movement). Your radiance requires feedback. Follow what you love doing. Who do you love being with? Where do you want to dedicate your energy? Where do you wanna be exclusive?
3- Experiences
This energy needs variety and usually is nourished by being on the move. Maybe for you this about traveling around, maybe it’s about living in a city with lots to offer. Having interactions is important for you. It’s not necessarily about what comes of the interaction but about having the experience itself. These folks often end up helping others because they’ve developed a lot of compassion through all of their life experience and how they exchange with life.
4 - Connection
This is the path of the humanitarian. While there are roots in aloneness this person is meant to help others. They have a magnetic ability to draw people toward them which is so lovely and powerful unless you’re operating from shadow and therefore drawing people who do not serve your highest good. The purer your aspirations the farther you will go in life and the more people you will reach. You have the ability to open hearts and your body is deeply nourished by being around people you love and trust.
5- Impact
You are meant to have an impact but of all the energies this one is the most mysterious. There is something special about you that people can’t quite put their finger on. You are meant to stand in your power and embrace your born leadership through practicality. Always be super clear about what you are offering. This will keep you in integrity and with a clean reputation. Whatever talents you have to offer, consider how they can support greater transformation.
6- Nurture your Dreams
This has an element of the dreamer. When you listen in what is that dream you’ve been carrying inside since you were wee? Your dreams go through many changes and incarnations but they are meant to be nurtured and held with sacred tenderness. Don’t give up on your dreams, have patience that you will have all you need to alchemize your dream into reality with time. You will magnetize all you need to make it possible. But know that it’s most likely a long game. In the meantime continue to nurture your intention to be of service to the collective.
If you want to know the House you can get a membership to Genetic Matrix. This is the software I use. Or you can grab a snapshot here of all of your Unconscious Houses.
Get the lay of the land in Shadow Support inside if you haven’t already.
Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?
Get clear on your Shadows here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Shadow module.
Explore other potential Shadows in the center where this gate stems from in Shadow in Your Definition.
Bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.
What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish.
Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.
Take good care of yourself.
Get your body on the ground often, especially the soles of your bare feet and palms of your hands.
Meditate to brighten your radiance.
Kriya for Becoming Enchantingly Beautiful
Read The Radiance Sutras
Bring your energetics into balance through the Chakra Toolboxes (especially the Root).
For womxn, take 1-2 eleven minute naps/day. You don’t have to fall asleep, just calm down the active mind, let yourself rest, let yourself be.
Get out into and connect with nature often; even taking morning walks in your neighborhood noticing the flowers and trees, gardening, etc..
Prompt: Notice where your daily patterns (physical, mental, emotional) inhibit your radiance
Where are your SUN lines in your astro*carto chart. Bring in some influence from those energies to support you on your journey through your Sun + to amplify the qualities of your unique Life Force + Personality Expression in your life. Your IC is particularly tied to your health and vitality.
Explore the Sign and planets in your 6th House and what they have to tell you about the day to day decisions we make that impact our overall wellness. For instance Mercury in your 6th House may mean your mind is deeply tied to the wellbeing of your body.
Meditate on these energies. Sit and breathe. Let it roll around in your mind like a marble.
Get creative. Write a story or poem, collage, sing, choreograph, dance, cook, daydream, walk in nature, sit with the trees, start a convo, paint, create from this energetic space.
“I have been listening to the love songs of
Form longing for formless.
What are these energies
Undulating through our bodies,
Pulsing us into action?
And this “matter” out of which our forms are made—
What are these dancing particles
Of condensed radiance?”