sleep charts

and the dreamrave

There is a force so powerful that the program is limited in its ability to deal with it. It is this revealed knowledge. It’s Strategy + Authority. It’s the only thing that keeps you to your purpose. You lose your purpose when you look at a DreamRave.
— Ra Uru Hu


There are other activation that emerged that you do not or may not have in your Design when you’re awake. It’s quite something; a whole different aspect of you that is your Not-Self in your waking state is where you are being imprinted while you’re asleep and how much that will turn the Not-Self to being easily influenced in that area.
— Ra Uru Hu

the planes


The Light Field is where we experience programming in our Personality crystal or conscious mind. These crystal bundles floating around in consciousness are made up of the godheads, of variations of the primary forces, perspectives and agendas.

The way that we work with the lower vibrations of these energies is through self-love.

The light field gates

Gate 62: This is referred to as a bridge gate. It carries the vibe of cosmic love. It is very influential to the personality and offers us insights into the future by way of glimpses and an abrupt delivery of information. It may even be delivered through a dream ally and may include premonitions or prophetic dreams. You may not remember these dreams but they may slowly come up to the surface to be processed or revealed.

There may be a sound/music quality to your dreams, you may wake up with that playing in your head, or you may find during the day a certain frequency brings the dream up to the surface.

Gate 20: This is referred to as existential Sight, and it’s all about the future. Folks with this gate can have very vivid visual dreams. You may not be able to make sense of what it all means (and you shouldn’t try to) and it can be helpful to focus on what meaning comes through visually rather than what actually occurred. Just having the dream is more important than interpreting it. Don’t get caught up in the drama.

*Especially when in Line 6 this can be a really gift to see what may come and/or what has yet to be seen.

Gate 57: As this is the most intuitive gate in our waking bodygraph, this energy in dreams is tied to attunement, and can be extremely homogenizing. Much like the Akashic Records this is access to a storehouse of Universal information and archetypes. And like Keaun Reaves in Waking Life you may have an awareness in your dream that you are in fact dreaming.

Gate 8: This gate carries a dark energy in our dreams, bringing forward DEEP fears and feelings of hopelessness. The dreams can literally (and figuratively) be dark in nature, like placing a dark cloud over everything. We may more harshly judge the “demon realm” b/c of its name but the Light Field can bring the darkness as well and it exists here. It comes back to the idea that light cannot exist without dark and conditions you to seek out the light.

Gate 1: This gate is about straight joy, although you may have to overcome some dark vibrations to step into the light. Joy is typically experienced through something like a being, creature, etc…


The Demon Realm is where we experience programming at the Unconscious or Design/Body level and is directly tied to how we maintain overall well-being. That is its purpose. It is a feeling, an energy and it influences the quality of our day, essentially what side of the bed we wake up on. The Demon Realm programs by feeding all of the projections around kind of the darker side of life and is of Earthly influence.

Correct digestion + physical stewardship (including lots of good sleep) are key here. This energy is literally a vulnerability in your physical body. When you’re having a lot of “bad” dreams associated with these gates, it means your container needs tending.

The Demon Realm Gates

Gate 19: This is also a bridge gate. It has to do with physical environments, which are not familiar but you may find yourself having lots of dreams that exist in the same spaces. The actual physical environment is important. You don’t know where it is but you have an experience of the space. It could also be being in another body in your dream.

Gate 53: This is that energy of flying or calling through space, a lack of identity with, and freedom from, physical form. It can be about not accepting your bodies limitations. It actually helps to align your body with what’s to come in the day and invites you to surrender to limitations. It offers you a kind of “flight plan” for your day and you can tap into that preparation.

Gate 42: As a Sacral gate it needs to be emptied out to function properly, if not it create sleep disturbances that influence your waking physical life. These are the dreams of dying. It is actually a form of protection, your subconscious saving your from overwhelm, your immune system keeping your from a problem.

Gate 38: These dreams can feel quite violent and aggressive, either at you, or from you, but they are functioning as a cleansing process. In cleaning out what does not serve they bring you closer to clarity around what’s in your highest good + light.

Gate 28: These dreams can also feel quite violent and fear based (often in a physical way) but they are draining off that fear. In cleaning out what does not serve they bring you closer to clarity around what’s in your highest good + light.

*38/28 is tied to pursuit of purpose (and the struggle/fight to get there). When these dreams are intense there is a block to purpose. You don’t yet have the capacity because your vehicle is not functioning optimally.


While it may sound less daunting than the Demon Realm, the Earth plane can actually feel like the most challenging as this is where we are homogenized by the collective consciousness/unconscious meaning the Not Self thoughts, feelings, energetics of the waking people on Earth, essentially the “madness” of the world while we’re sleeping. It is also where we can dream for others. We take it all in DEEPLY and it impacts our intelligence.

Working with these energies means sharing these dreams, not for interpretation sake but to simply share.

The earth plane gates

Gate 12: This is a bridge gate. It is the energy of mutation and from these dreams you may find new ideas, solutions + insights in your waking life as a result, even if you can’t recall the details of the dream. This is where the ideas collective consciousness energy resides. You may find you just find a solution through the day, this may be tied to your dreams, even if you can’t remember.

Gate 27: These are dreams around yearning (and greed) + may create that feeling of always wanting, of never enough, of needing to climb higher and higher on the success ladder + can cause issues in maintaining energy. It is literally a burning desire to have, get, achieve more as a society. It is a channel of herding, programming us in greed.

Gate 50: These are dreams around sexual themes and themes of lust and can result in inconstancies in sex drive. The dreams can be disturbing as we are, in general, a very sexually repressed society. It may be actual sex dreams but not necessarily. You are actually being sexually rejuvenated while you sleep but in doing so you are also taking in the consciousness that goes with that.

Gate 5: These dreams can be around the distortion of time. You may find people from your past in your dreams whether still alive or transitioned or that you have dreams that are premonition in nature? The energy of the time traveler with a sci-fi leaning, not necessarily that you go back in time but that you have a dream which combines various timelines or planes of existence.

Gate 15: This is the most chaotic and potentially disturbing of the dream gates. It may feel unsettling as things are incongruent, jumbles, mismatched, a spectrum of extremes. The kind of energy where you wake up and it takes you a minute to figure out where you are. It is uncomfortable as you are tapped into the discomfort of the waking collective.

the three portals

Gates 49, 22 and 17 are portals. They appear to float in space but can be activated by the Transits and will be particularly impactful from longer outer planet transits (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

The lines

Line 1: secrets, data, truths that are seeded and then you have a sense of inner knowing in your waking life. Love is in the details.

Line 2: the energy of possession, drama in our sleeping life, something has a hold on you or of holding on to something or being afraid of losing something.

Line 3: there is an energy of turmoil, of a need to shake things up to create future change, of waking up and feeling a flood of the dreams.

Line 4: obsession around the new or “better”, investing in the right people and experiences. That opportunist energy but in our sleep.

Line 5: this line carries an element of fantasy or delusion around potentials + expectations. It is driven to dream, hope, imagine. The energy of beautiful fairytales and also the bizarre sci-fi vibes.

Line 6: the line of vision, a new way of seeing. What comes of the dream is more important than getting caught up in the drama. Includes the 6 line vibes of making a contribution and being present in the now.

But when you understand the dream state, actually the only thing worth understanding is that when you wake up your first responsibility is to maintain your experiment, because otherwise you’re lost in the conditioning. And it is a process of every day. And it is what aligns you in the waking state to your correctness.
— Ra Uru Hu