your strategy
sandra bullock
Reflector // Lunar
“Auras are a full expression of the being, and a controlling agent of the way the form is going to work Auras are the way we connect to and are experienced by the other.
To express our uniqueness with compassion, appreciating and respecting the uniqueness of others, is the consequence of coming to deeply know and love ourselves. Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following one’s Strategy.”
In Human Design, your Strategy is linked to your Energy Type. I love that HD is called an experiment, and in addition to understanding and implementing your Authority as well as honoring your energy; following your Strategy is one of the most impactful doing's in the Human Design System. HD doesn't ask for blind faith, it asks that you experiment and build your own evidence.
Our Strategy is how we best and most fruitfully take advantage of and maximize our energetic potential. It is how we align with the world to create the most ease in our life and it supports us to step into our most authentic self. It has great influence on everything in our life from our health to whether or not we tap into our potential, magnetism + purpose
What does your Strategy mean to you?
Do those words trigger a response in your body, mind, emotional body, spirit?
Do you feel you can tune into your Strategy?
When I first started trying to respond in the small areas of my life I realized how disconnected I often was from what lit me up in the moment. It wasn't always clear what direction to take from an embodied place rather than trying to figure it out with my mind. I now take time to follow my impulses, to respond moment by moment to what life is putting in front of me. And, often that means standing still until the right option presents itself. As with anything, we build evidence over time. With mindfulness and awareness even in small moments we create shifts that add up cumulatively until its second nature.
What challenges does your Strategy present?
What permission does it offer you?
Generators + Manifesting Generators - To Respond
*Also the micro-strategy for the other Types.
Generators and Manifesting Generators are meant to constantly follow what lights them up in the moment as much as possible. They can initiate only in Response when living their Design.
We are waiting for something in our outer authority to respond to. If you have a defined Spleen then you may get more in the moment intuitive hits. Your Sacral and your Spleen will work together.
The important thing to remember is that we are never not responding to life. If you feel confused ask yourself: By taking action, am I addressing a need? Am I responding to something I saw that inspired me to take this action? By taking action am I answering a question? If you answer yes then you’re responding. Check in with your Authority to know if this is a thing you should be responding to as a yes or no. Does it feel expansive or constricting?
Get folks to ask you yes or no questions when you’re unsure so that you can feel into your response using your Authority.
Manifesting Generators are a hybrid that carry elements of both of their “parent type’s” DNA, so their strategy is a theme and variation of that of a true Manifestor and a true Generator. Therefore, in addition to the Sacral response you also want to visualize yourself doing it/trying it on to see how your Authority responds. If it’s a yes then you will want to inform (the strategy of the Manifestor) those around you before you move forward on a big decision that will affect them (see more on informing below).
Manifesting Generators differ from Generators also in the way they can pivot if something isn’t working mid stride which is different than Generators who stay the course once committed. That being said, it’s especially important for Generators to be sure based on their Authority before committing. If they’re Pure Sacral then it should be a hell yes, or it’s a no. If they’re Emotional then they should have slept on it and feel about 80% sure it’s the right decision based on the expansive, good feels in their body.
When am I doing something because I think I should or am stuck in people pleasing?
Generators… You are an Alchemist and you are CONSTANTLY responding to life. The question to keep asking yourself is: does this light me up? Do I feel excited, expanded, passionate about this? This means you see something outside of yourself and it makes you feel excited, only then do you move forward. It does not mean, acting on all the tiny mad "should do" ideas in your head. The answers are not in your head; your Sacral (gut/body) is your compass.
Manifesting Generators… You lucky duck, you get some extra steps to help you really hone in. First and foremost, you wait to respond, to feel lit up by something in your outer environment. Then you wait for a moment of truth. And what can be key for MG's here is visualizing. You get to try it on and see how it feels. This gives you the time you need to see if it's really for you before taking action. Then you inform those who will be affected, to create ease. And, finally, move forward.
Only make a move when you are genuinely excited to do so (or have an adult obligation that can't be helped - but then see where you can bring joy to this space, focusing on what elements within that light you up).
Get options. Have folks ask you yes and no question so you can respond.
Clear any limiting beliefs around not doing enough, fear of waiting + the unknown.
MG’s visualize and try it on to see how it feels.
“A walk, following your intuitive promptings, down the streets of a foreign city holds rewards far beyond a planned tour of the tried and tested. Such a walk is totally different from random drifting. Leaving your eyes and ears wide open, you allow your likes and dislikes, your conscious and unconscious desires and irritations, your irrational hunches, to guide you whenever there is a choice of turning right or left. You cut a path through the city that is yours alone, which brings you face to face with surprises destined for you alone. You discover conversations and friendships, meetings with remarkable people. When you travel this way you are free.”
Manifestors (+ Manifesting Generators especially those with 34/20 channel) - To Inform
You are the initiators. You can get the idea and move forward. However, you should inform others who will be impacted by your decision BEFORE you make it. It is not about asking permission so much as clearing the way to step into your greatness without anyone standing in your way. It slows things down a bit and preemptively clears the path of resistance. This is a heads up, not for discussing or getting their opinion, but a courtesy/formality to create ease.
You basically get to do you and then just let folx know what you're going to be up to. Simple, no? The other big thing for you is actually "doing you", rather than getting lost in what others want, how you feel you should be, dimming your light, playing small, getting caught up in fear, etc.. You have to own the fact that you're not going to please everyone and that is totally ok. And, remember, you are here to initiate + create AND DELEGATE. You're not meant to do all the things. You're meant to light the match (but ya know, tell them before you strike it).
When am I withholding information out of fear of rejection, fear of someone trying to control me, fear of confrontation or dimming my light/not standing in my power?
Share what you're thinking, feeling, about to do.
Take steps toward more freedom in your life, whatever that mean to you.
Clear any limiting beliefs around standing in your power + taking up space, and then take it.
Projectors: To Prepare for the Invitation
You are essentially waiting for someone to recognize your talents (and you should cultivate recognizing them yourself) and invite you to the party/business negotiation/relationship etc.. It’s through the relationships you curate as a part of your life that the invitations come. You ultimately channel and harness the energy of others to make things happen. But in order to share your gifts, your talents must be recognized first. This comes in the most meaningful way from those close to you. The better you curate the folks in your life, the better chance you have to receive the right invitations. When in doubt ask: Does this invitation seek my involvement?
These invitation are only for the oh so big decisions in life. Getting married, changing careers, going back to school, a big move, etc.. For invitation it is mostly about what involves the other. This means when it comes to sharing your wisdom, gifts, guidance, product, you need an invitation, otherwise you risk it not having an impact or being received well, or at all. This does not mean you need an invitation to leave a job, invite a friend to lunch, or start a business. This is all you.
For the moment to moment minutia just focus on doing what feels good in each moment and following your passions as well as making sure you have a way for people to find you. If you’re an artist, don’t push or cold visit galleries. Cultivate your craft, explore, learn, do the things you love and put them out there on social media, a website, show them to your friends so that you are ‘recognizable’, so that your gifts can in fact be seen. Pay attention to the feelings of those close to you and the energy of your closed centers/definition to point you in the right direction.
Do I believe in and recognize my own gifts?
Are there outlets for people to find and recognize/invite me?
Am I preparing for the invitation? Am I leaning into the energies + archetypes I want to create/cultivate in my life?
Spend time nourishing your passions, honing your skills, learning, etc..
Wait to share your guidance till you are invited.
Honor your needs, take care of you and resource yourself so you have the energy when you are extended the right invitations. Clear any limiting beliefs around taking care of your unique energy.
Reflectors: To wait a full turn of the moon’s cycle
It’s important to give yourself one full cycle of the moon (28 days ) to take action on big decisions due to being conditioned by the gates that come through the moon’s energy. Doing so will enable you to operate as your best self. It’s not just about taking the time to contemplate but also about sounding it out, workshopping the ideas with those closest to you so you can hear how you sound.
Your micro strategy is the same as a projector - do what feels good in the moment. It’s most important for you to figure out how to process out the energy you’re around and taking in.. be a filter not a sponge. Boundaries would be especially good for you if you’d like to pick up some tools.
Be a selective and mindful curator of those around you not a collector. Those closest to you should be VIPs and the kind of energy you want to cultivate when making big decisions because their energy is directly affecting yours. These are the folx to have as a sounding board to process and flush it out so you can ultimately make a decision. Find inspiring, loving , generous, good vibed and general badass folks to surround yourself with.
You are your environment. If you’re feeling off, look to the company you’re keeping.
When am I acting impulsively?
Pick something (a big something: love, career, location, etc..) to evaluate for the next moon cycle (28 days). This means talking it through with those around you so you can hear how it sounds (not to get advice).
Take alone time to empty out and be in your own energy + spend time cultivating resonant community.
Clear any limiting beliefs around inflexibility or trying to be something you are not. You are your environment, which can vary from day to day, therefore, so can you.
Get tight with the Moon.