the harvest
summer of prosperity / a 40 day container
or anytime you want to take an intentional journey to greater abundance
Manifesting with the moon
Honoring and working with the cycles of nature in your process of co-creation.
We will begin with the Dark Moon phase on the 15th of July but you can explore and play in these container now, especially based on current phase.
amplifying prosperity
A 40 day Daily Sadhana is an incredibly powerful practice and I will record a guided Prosperity Kriya for us to each do daily inside the container.
Support Videos Below:
Intro to Kundalini + Sadhana and how to work with Kriya to be most expansive.
The Moves - Subagh Kriya
The Daily Practice
book club
the daily practice
SUBAGH KRIYA description
Mantra within:
HAR HARAY HAREE, WHAA-HAY GUROO in a deep monotone with one repetition of the mantra approximately every 4 seconds. Chant from your navel.
You can include a 40 day chanting practice with any of these (11 recitations). You can also play them in the background while you work and/or on super low volume (you don’t need to hear it) while you sleep, while you cook, while you do just about anything. Saturate yourself in the vibrations of prosperity.
this is my favorite work playlist with all of the suggestions and then some. Put on repeat.
another playlist for songs to lean into during this time.
if you decide you don’t want to do Subagh, another option is Gyan Chakra, though I HIGHLY recommend Subagh. You can also play Ajai Alai in the background.
Bahota Karam is the 25th Pauri of Japji and is said to bring prosperity and money from unexpected places.
the 26th is specifically for clearing blocks around business. It is an alchemizer, “transforming nothing into everything”.
Mul is one I sometimes work with the karma, the “fated” aspects of my chart that are challenging.
supportive frequency programs
For those with a Healy, you may want to pick one of these expert programs to work with during the 40 day container.
Attracting Abundance, Self Love + Manifesting Miracles from Brid Hanlon
Quantum Leap from Derek Nakamura
Other supportive programs
Coherence (getting in heart coherence with your desires), Heart Chakra (opening your heart to receiving), Root Chakra (abundance moving from survival to thriving) + Solar Plexus Chakra (growing your capacity for prosperity), Release (letting go of limiting beliefs and obstacles), Activation (transmitting your intentions), all nervous system support on the personal Healy.
Prosperity, Energy Clearing, Chakra Clearing, Heart Opening (water), Vagus Harmony (McMakin + Water) on the MAG