// 21 days…

of deconditioning, emptying out, getting clarity, and aligning with your truth.

video intro


This video is a great intro. Please watch it before getting started especially if you are new to Breathwork. It is from a previous collective Breathwork journey so disregard dates and phases. Breathwork is an absolutely foundational practice for me.

*I also mention holding rocks but often I breathe with my hands on my body which is another alternative or on the floor palms down to ground or facing up to open yourself up to receiving guidance and insights. See what feels right for you.

click to download + print habit tracker!

This is an invitation. To empty + align. To lay down some weight. To release the old and make room for the new. To let go of outdated beliefs and obstacles along your path through cumulative action. To support yourself through the season you’re in and prepare to grease new grooves. To reconnect to your truth. To listen for the wisdom within, it’s there. To feel into your unique energetic signature. To make a commitment and honor your word. To show up for yourself and intentionally construct your desired future.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

-The Guesthouse by Rumi


My personal journey with Breathwork + tips for the experience

Tools + practices for taking care of you while deconditioning

added support

You can gain some additional support by facing the CROWN (top) of your head in your personal direction for Self Development while laying down for Breathwork (and sleeping ;). You may also find, depending on your intentions, that you want to utilize the energy of one of your other directions. For instance if you are working on cultivating more abundance then you may want to face Success, etc…

guided breathwork

You can breathe for 21 days with the same intention every day or you may feel after a day, several, a week that your intention changes shape. This Breathwork will serve you for any intention + as I always say, let the breath go where it wants. Hold the intention always to do what’s most helpful for you in each moment.

Why 11 minutes? Seven minutes is kind of the minimum for getting into the sweet spot and really moving some energy. This gives you that in active breath plus some time to ease in and marinate in the energy following.

11 min. playlists: vol i, vol ii, vol iii, vol iv, short lyric free

bonus breathwork

After recording this one for The Collective and doing it myself, I felt called to share with everyone. Enjoy! I recommend trying this one in silence, or at least lyric free.

somatic bonus

This is a great introduction video to Fascia Unwinding. We tend to hold trauma (capital and lowercase “t”) in our fascia and in the waters of our bodies. Working with the water element any time of year is great for general deconditioning, releasing what does not serve us, as well as releasing fear since the Water element in TCM is tied to fear. You can utilize this video during this time to support your Breathwork. Members can find many other class themes and somatic supports inside This Is The SPC.

frequency support

I am somewhat of a purist when it comes to Breathwork in the sense that I like to let the breath be the guide rather than trying to force it into any places I think I “should” be addressing or working on. There are many tools for deconditioning and Breathwork is most helpful in the realms of the subconscious, where we don’t know what we don’t know. So rather than guide the journey too much, I go along for the ride. That being said there are a few Healy programs (my favorite self care tool) which I’ve found have allowed me to go even deeper while still not influencing my journey, as well as support me through the process.

  • Release in the Gold programs on the Healy with the intention to let go of what does not serve your highest good with ease, including trapped trauma, limiting beliefs and emotions, etc…

  • Energy Clearing on the Mag while doing Breathwork. Typically if I’m leading groups in person I am burning herbs to continually cleanse the energy and this takes the place. You can also light an incense stick of Juniper, Sage or your favorite to burn if you like.

  • with the Inner Truth Breathwork you could run Being or Coherence on the Healy or Coherence on the Mag.

  • if you struggle to stay grounded I would work with Earth on the Mag. I also often place a heavy pillow over my root to sort of anchor me in and help me feel my body.

  • I also like the new program Cosmic Growth b/c it’s connected to the Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio and therefore pineal gland where we do a lot of rewiring.

Collective Members

…will find additional guided Breathwork audios of varying lengths and themes + holistic deconditioning support linked below.


If you are not a member of The Collective and would like to make a donation for the journey you can do so at PayPal: @barneyandflow or Venmo: @amanda-barnett or contact me for other avenues.

working with moon cycles