the crown center



The Head or Crown Center is the triangle at the very top of your bodygraph. It is associated with your pineal gland. Our pineal gland regulates the flow of information. The Pineal Gland is also associated with our 7th Chakra. In Human Design this is our center for questions seeking answers, for doubt and confusion. This is where we attempt to make sense of the world around us. Because it’s not a motor center, as with the Ajna, we’re not meant to take action from this place. This is not our authority, our decision maker, and the more we can decondition from this idea the more we are able to use the energy of this center for creativity and better quality of life, not just for us, but for the evolution of humanity. When we get stuck in our heads, mulling things over, running loops, playing out ideas that aren’t even ours, we can succumb to intense pressure creating discomfort in the body like migraines or headaches. 


It is our center for the everyday mundane thoughts and also for inspiration. It is considered one of the pressure centers b/c we’re always under pressure here to have the answers. If this is defined then you have a more consistent mental pressure. You most likely have a very fixed way of thinking and you can entertain yourself with what’s going about in your head. You may feel like you are always asking questions, like all always, and it’s great to process through these questions in your mind but don’t rely on them for decision making in your life. When you have this defined but not connected to your Throat through your Ajna, it can feel frustrating to not be able to alchemize your thoughts directly to manifest. It’s about waiting for the right people to empower with the correct questions to put your ideas into action or finding ways like through art or writing to express yourself. It’s never about turning that frustration inward or forcing action. Find a way to be comfortable sitting with the pressure, knowing the right release valve will come when following your Strategy and Authority. You are a force when it comes to inspiration, with this defined you are always radiating energetic inspiration out into the world, and those of us with this center undefined (about 70% of the population), are often picking up what you’re putting down.


While this is one of the easier centers to have undefined, we can still actually feel intense pressure in a more amplified way when under defined influence. We are also taking our inspiration from literally everywhere. It’s all around us. Places, podcasts, books, Pinterest boards, fashion, nature, the person next to us at the coffee shop, etc.. When we’re feeling uninspired there is nothing better than spending time in a place associated with our desired inspiration. Maybe you have a Sagittarius NN but you can’t travel right now, go set up shop for a workday in a hotel lobby. 

That being said those of us with this center open need to be more mindful of taking on inspiration that’s not ours to our detriment. Of spending all day pondering a question that seemingly plopped its way into our head out of nowhere and wasn’t even ours to begin with, something we picked up from someone in our aura. 

While we are inspired by those around us and should go out and be in environments that stir inspiration whether it’s a coffee shop, or hanging out at galleries if you want to be more inspired around art, we also have to be cautious of going down paths that we’re not actually that inspired by. Often we’re feeding off someone else or feeling inspired by too many things at once and as a result either doing nothing or diving down rabbit holes we shouldn’t be and wasting time. This is where Strategy and Authority comes in, listening to what’s really right for us. Otherwise we may find ourselves feeling pressured to act on all kinds of ideas. We can end up a bit all over the place chasing things. As we understand our Open Head Center we can find more clarity around what inspiration is right for us. This becomes a place of wisdom and power, where we can play around in ideas but we always know our center, not getting lost in our own mental monologue. Pay attention to how often you are spending time thinking about things that don’t actually matter. This is where a mindfulness practice can be very handy. Empty out + nourish.

While we take in the inspiration of the world we also amplify it. We with this center open get to play in the full spectrum of consciousness and possibility. We want to stay open and practice curiosity. We also take in the questions of the world and that can be overwhelming especially in the current times. But we can take in, learn, reflect without becoming solid, or whole. We can make the choice to know more without being overwhelmed by it. And when we experience confusion, we can sit with it, knowing that like all things, it is impermanent. 

We can’t figure out our problems with the same mind that created them. We’re not going to think our way into solutions. Practice critical thinking and keep listening to your Strategy + Authority to know what’s truly right for you, not your partner, or the influence of the persons sitting around you at a restaurant. Watch the monkey mind. Refuse to act on the mental pressure and look for embodied clarity. What do you want? What really lights you up? What do you really want to spend your time doing? Deep down we know what’s right for us. What is truly inspiring. 

And then find the ways that work for you to stay open to the beauty, mystery and the unknown. To let it be.


What specific inspiration (whether logical, abstract or personal) you have more consistent access to, your particular fuel and the questions answered here for you will depend on your activated gates from this center. This is a unique center with only 3 potential hanging gates or channels.


  • Do I feel the pressure to have all the answers?

  • What inspires me? 

  • Am I actually inspired by this *fill in the blank*?

  • Do I feel like I have to explain myself to everyone? 

  • Do I feel pressure to alchemize my ideas into something? 

  • Can I find a way to be ok in groundlessness? To not know it all?

  • Can I release the ideas not meant for me? 

    additional prompts



Sourcing alignment and nourishment through the vibrational toolboxes.

Monologue on reconciling chakras + centers in DISPATCH.

— Byron Katie

EFT support

Clearing mental patterns, limiting beliefs and default settings.



  • Mindfulness + meditation

  • Skull Shining Breath

  • Sound Baths

  • Time in silence + solitude

  • Chanting OM

  • Alternate Nostril Breath

  • Clear low thoughts forms. Don’t believe everything you think.

  • Stream of consciousness writing, brain dump.

  • Reduce clutter in your outer world to reduce clutter in your inner world.


  • Mindfulness + meditation

  • Practice gratitude.

  • Seek out inspiring environments, people + situations.

  • Find ways to unify your inner life with your outer life. Find your joy. Assume its energy. Take yourself on dates, get dressed up for no reason, take a class in something your passionate about, learn something new, find ways to bring your purpose and your passion into your day to day. Find the fun in your own healing. 

  • Bibliotherapy

  • Eagle Pose + Baby Eagle Pose

  • Have a warm cup of Gotu Kola tea.