taking inspired action

choose your own adventure





your words are powerful

Notice what you are saying everyday. What stories are you telling? Pick a day to just have awareness: don’t try to change it, just observe. At the end of the day write down what you noticed or keep a running log. Are you diminishing, worrying, fearful, talking about problems in your conversations; using words like trying and can’t? Can you shift and speak from a power position, not as a victim. Can you focus on and speak about possibilities, about what you are creating.

Choose to use abundant words rather than ones that amplify lack. Notice I say to choose to because it is a choice to recognize and choose again which is something I’m always working with (see Stay Engaged 🤣). It’s why it’s called a practice. We are changing habits and rewiring old patterns. Be gentle with yourself. And patient.

These are some of my favorites from Jen Sincero’s book You Are A Badass At Making Money:

I have I enjoy
I’m grateful for I can
I create I love
I choose

Try replacing I have to with I get to.

stay engaged

One of the main things I do when intentionally aligning is to stay engaged. I check in daily with practices; obviously the time varies depending on the day. This also includes things like watching my thoughts and shifting my narrative, staying mindful of what I’m creating with my energy, thoughts, words, beliefs and constantly course correcting. I use EFT often to shift my mood if I’m feeling in a funk. I also love this from Abraham Hicks which is reaching for the next best feeling rather than trying to force yourself to feel ‘positive’.

This also includes following people who inspire me. Check your envy as well… we can always reframe this as seeing and more clearly identifying what we want rather than its low vibration. (see below)

Listening to inspiring content. I am constantly listening to books that inspire me so as to stay connected to and excited about what I am creating. Notice I didn’t say “trying to create”. It’s because I caught it and edited it. 🙃 This is a process and one of intentional mindfulness to continually make more aligned choices.

Check in with The Collective daily. Find a practice, prompt, meditation to focus on for the day.

Keep your word

It’s also important that you keep your word. Enter into things correctly through your Strategy + Authority and then keep your word. When you set actionable steps for your monthly goals, follow through on them. These are energetic contracts.


Practice gratitude

This is super powerful!!!! I can’t say enough how powerful this practice is and how easily it can shift our vibration. No matter what is going on there is always something to be grateful for and this is your quickest path toward creating more of what you want in you life. Don’t just think about what your grateful for but WHY to anchor it deeper into your body whether you are writing it down or not.

Celebrate your wins! Do you acknowledge when you align with something you’ve been wanting or do you just skim over it and move on to what’s next. Show the Universe some love for bringing you what you wanted.

Be grateful for all you have. And take what you’re calling in and look at ways in your life you already have it as well as ways you can cultivate it in small ways. I think this is the way to get to that place of “feeling like you already have it”. You do. If you’re calling in love, look for all ways you already experience love in your life. If it’s money, think about a time when you were really supported financially or ways in your life now that you’re experiencing abundance (see abundance journaling -> - one of my favorite practices and one I do often!). If you’re looking for more freedom or to travel more what can you do right now; visit a place in the city you’ve never been, try a new restaurant/cuisine, listen to an album from the place you’d like to visit. We have access to so much more than we think. Start to hunt for the ways you have what you’re seeking, even if it’s just the hint of and amplify that feeling.

Experience it as sensation in your body rather than just aa concept in your mind. Smile. Notice how when you focus on gratitude close your eyes and smile it automatically helps you get into that space. It opens your heart. Even if it’s a fake smile, your body doesn’t know the difference.

When we look for things to be grateful for (for what’s right) we activate reticular activation. By looking for what is right right now we set a course for our brains to seek, observe and locate more of what’s right and we get into a gratitude loop.

It’s like when we decide to buy a certain car and then start seeing them everywhere.

If you need/like, get an accountability buddy… someone you check in with every day to share something you are grateful for and why.

Practice Receiving

  • Abundance Journaling

    Every night write a list of all the ways you felt abundant in what you are calling in. For example:

    Suzie bought me coffee, I got a free trial of a streaming service. My flight was covered by miles. The dentist gave me free floss. I received sweet feedback. I was emailed a free e-cookbook. Someone shared my writing. That guy held the door for me. My partner ran me a bath.

Where did you feel supported, valued, abundant, loved, free, spacious?

Take inventory.

  • Practice receiving compliments

    When someone offers to buy something for you, say thank you and receive. When someone pays you a compliment, say thank you with grace, and receive. Meaning receive it into your body. Feel it. No dismissing, denying or shirking it off. Take it all in and really receive it. Take a couple of breaths inhaling it in and exhaling to let it settle into your tissues and bones. Re-ceive.

  • Trust the Universe.

    This also means not being attached to how things show up or in what timing. When I write my lists, this is why I always write at the end: “This or something greater now manifest for the highest good of all concerned in the most satisfying and harmonious of ways”. Sometimes you don’t get what you want because it’s not in your highest good or because something better is coming or it’s not right timing. Trust. Stay open to receiving from infinite possibilities.


strengthen your container

Strengthen your system, your radiance, your container through the energetic bodies + the chakra system.


Like my Daily Check In prompts this is a great way to start your morning. Begin your day actually setting the clear intention to co-create it.

Answer these questions:

  • How do I want to feel today?

  • What do I want to accomplish/create/manifest?

  • How do I want to feel supported?

  • What do I want to offer to the world?

Take your time to really get into this. To feel into the energy of what you’re writing. Envision yourself accomplishing something you’ve been putting off, finding a little unexpected spaciousness in your day, feeling held by the universe, supported by your partner/business/friend, calling in more abundance, feeling at ease, etc..

ask for signs

When we send little prayers out asking for signs, the Universe delivers. I have done this many times when trying to make decisions about something in my life. I’ve literally asked to see a pink bug if I should do something (thinking insect) and watched as a pink Volkswagen Beetle drove across my path.

Ask for guidance. And be prepared to listen.

Don’t get the sign and then ask again because you didn’t like the answer though feel free to ask your higher guidance for clarity.

Also write it down if you’re asking. I had a client ask to see a snake if she was meant to do one thing and a fox another and then forget which was which when she received the sign. 🤦🏻‍♀️

You can do this when you’re trying to make a decision, looking for clarity on what’s right for you or just need to know the Universe has your back. Maybe you see a lot of 11:11 or 3:33. This is a little wink for me as well as seeing feathers. Like everywhere. Even indoors. On my path, or drifting down onto my computer when I’m working outside. When we open ourselves up we can really tap into the magic that is all around us.

listen to the nudges

Depending on your design you may get these in different ways. A Sacral being may get a gut urge, someone with splenic authority may get an intuitive hit. If you feel a nudge to do something, follow it. If you feel like you should work from the coffee shop for some reason today, follow that feeling. The more you trust these hits from the Universe the more you will build that trust and strengthen your intuitive muscles. And the Universe likes it when we honor and follow through so the more you do, the more magic you’ll experience.

Check in with your strategy and authority about everything. Should you send the email now or wait? Plan the event now? Are you following your Strategy? Are you listening to your Authority?

check your fears

Where are you attached to your past or worrying about the future? Fear around manifestation is not usually about the now. It’s attachment to the old or to an idea or story we have around it. Focus on the here and now rather than what happened in the past or worrying about what hasn’t happened or could potentially happen in the future.

Take a judgement detox to shift your vibe

One of the main tools for healing is simply shifting your perspective. It’s a simple thing but it takes time to be mindful and make it a new habit.

Remember that it is possible to look out on the world and not condemn it, to be discerning but non-reactive. This is ESPECIALLY true for those with an open Mind/Ajna center. It is not your job to be a part of the polarization. You are literally meant to have an open mind. It’s a waste of your time and energy to form strong opinions and try to convince people of your rightness.

That being said. Some people have judgement written into your chart. If you are one of these people then it is actually healthy for your brain to make judgements. However, it does’t mean sharing them and spreading low vibe energy.  

Play the game of finding at least one thing to love about every person you encounter.  It doesn’t have to be major, just something- a gesture, a tone, a smile, a style- something to shift your internal dialogue from judgment and comparison to appreciation and approval. 

When we judge, gossip, compare we leak energy.


Find an organization that you want to support and donate a monthly sum. It doesn’t have to be large, do what you can. Maybe it’s 5$/month but it can be so healthy for us and the collective to give and support something that matters to each of us.

Take care of yourself.

Clean/clear out your space. Make room. Holding space gently for what you’re calling in as sometimes our nervous system can start to freak out a bit around change and sabotage us in a way. I heard someone once compare our big leaps in manifestation to being a hermit crab moving between shells. We are out there in the in between looking for a bigger container for what we’re creating. And in this space we can get fearful and self-sabotage.  

Cultivate mental, emotional and physical strength so you can call in and hold space for the things you desire. Breathwork, meditation, self love and worth work, clearing limiting beliefs and old negative thought forms, rewiring neural pathways, exercise, eating good food, learning, nourishing your self and listening to what you need. What would feel good in this moment? Listen to your Strategy + Authority. Do you need a nap? Do you need to eat? Do you need to carve out a day off or 10 minutes?  Do you need to veg out and watch movies for a day? 

For those who have trouble taking time for yourself or feel indulgent taking a bath mid day - I can’t emphasize enough that you are a better person, healer, worker, friend, lover, in the world when you are well, balanced, nourished and cared for. When you are vibrating at your highest, you can be of the best service from this place. 


Spend the last 5-30 minutes before drifting off feeling gratitude and visualizing all that you want already existing in you life. Get very specific if you have the left facing arrow and tap into the feelings if you have the right. Use as many senses as possible to truly flesh out these visualizations. 

We can do some deep reprogramming when we are falling asleep and shifting from beta to alpha to theta. This is the same state we get into for the Deconditoning Nidra. And you have access to this every night before you go to sleep. You can use it as a time to visualize what you deeply desire and create new patterns; you can also intend to sleep well, remember your dreams, wake restored at a certain time, etc... You are powerful.


Whether it’s a job offer, a new space to live, a friendship that you know isn’t positive for you, or a dating experience that you know isn’t the one you’ve been wanting, or that necklace you’ve been wanting but its silver instead of gold you are more magnetic when you do not settle. And you shouldn’t, you can have exactly what you want.


Take time each day to empty out. See Deconditioning.

Spending some time each day 5 -10- 20 minutes deliberately setting forth powerful thoughts that evoke great, passionate, positive emotion in order to attract circumstances and events into your life and experiences that you want. 

Also approaching the world with curiosity. Be observant. What do you want to bring in more of? Look for it everyday in the events, moments, circumstances throughout your day. How different would your day look if you went around collecting beautiful things you want to bring into your life? 

It is also a beautiful creative journal practice to write them down. Photograph them or take a mental picture.

And, let’s not forget about our thoughts. What thoughts are you running on repeat? What vibration are they creating in the world? What are they attracting more of?

Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged, chronic way of thinking, they’re in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts... and so you end up attracting to you the predominant thoughts that you’re holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious
— Rev. Michael Beckwith


  1. Watch your thoughts. Notice when you have one that is negative… out of alignment with your highest good.

  2. Don’t judge or shame yourself for thinking that way. In fact, be grateful to that thought for showing you where you’re off. When you know what you don’t want, you can get clarity around what you do.

  3. Choose again. Choose the best feeling thought you can get to from where you are. Don’t bullshit yourself or reach for something that’s unattainable. I often choose a thought that is something like “I am open to the possibility of finding ease”, “I choose love instead”, “I choose to be happy instead”, “I am open to the possibility of creative solutions”, “I surrender this to my higher guidance and choose peace”. Whatever works for you.

    Maybe you just shift your perspective to something you’re grateful for, do something that brings you joy to realign, chant Om in your mind, notice where you already have (however small) a part of what you’re seeking, think of a moment in your life when you felt the way you want to feel, celebrate someone else’s success as your own, etc..

Make happiness your priority over needing to be right or figure it out in yoru mind. Seek ease instead of how to fix whatever you’re worried about. When you settle into the relief, solutions will find you. Follow what lights you up.

Choose to see the light as often as possible. This method is from the book Super Attractor and one of the other major things that Gabby says in the book is that the body heals when we’re not looking. This goes for all the things we obsess about negatively. When we keep identifying with our pain or our struggle we are drawing more of that energy to us. Shift your focus to the part of you not ‘going through it’. The part that feels free, abundant, supported, at ease, etc..

This is a simple practice but one we may need to do 100’s of times a day. We have ALOT of thoughts. Be a ninja. And, be gentle with yourself when you forget.

Share for empowerment

Pay attention to who you share your tender desires and wishes with and make sure they are someone you can trust with your energy and fledgelings plans. The folks you shared your manifestation intentions with should be cheerleaders, people who support your and your vision.

fact or feeling

A lot of friction in our lives can come from assumptions. So practicing mindfulness around this and asking yourself this question when you’re feeling low vibe about a situation can be extremely helpful in helping us shift. Check in when you’er feeling upset or uncomfortable; is this something I know as fact or is this a feeling I have. Focus on the facts this and stay away from assuming, presuming, deducing or expecting things to be a certain way.


The energetic signature of creation energy is comprised of a light-hearted, childlike, carefree energy. The energy of “PLAY.” 

It’s a wide-eyed energy of wonder, imagining, playful exploration, curiosity and experiential delight... (It is entirely free of any ulterior motives or pressure to making things happen or get things done.) 

The destination is the play. In the imaginng. Instead of problem solving and trying to figure it out.. dance with the energy. What would it be like if fill in whatever you desire. Maybe the opposite of what you’re feeling or worried about in that moment. 

The brain cannot tell the difference between something that happened in the physical body and something simply imagined. Even the same muscles fire when activity is visualized rather than acted out. This is the same science that is now documenting the brains ability to grow new neurons; growing and expanding = neuroplasticity. 

Science has shown over and over that we can change our body through thought itself. People who imagined doing strength training exercises increased muscle strength by 22 % where as those who did the exercise by 30%. I’m not saying to stop exercising and just imagine it but you get the point. It’s also true that when you focus on a muscle while exercising you work that muscle 22% harder. I highly recommend checking out this book if you like to geek out on experiments. She speaks about housekeepers in New York who were informed that what they were doing for work was in fact exercising. Their bodies toned up, they lost weight, decreased blood pressure, lowered their body mass index just by telling their brains that they were working out. Our minds are powerful.

I love this method… Play with thinking of manifesting in these terms:

Wouldn’t it be nice if ___________________________________.

And then let go of the attachment to any particular outcome. The key is the willingness to not attache or tighten your grip and just imagine, “Hmmm... Wouldn’t THAT be nice.”

What would I experience if…. (It all worked out, I got that vacation, I had a full schedule) actually feel into the energy. Let go of the need to figure out the details and move into trust.


Get into the habit of recognizing “there is plenty more where that came from.”  Anytime you purchase ANYTHING, tell yourself there is plenty more where that came from and feel the vibration of those words throughout your entire being.  Even when you are buying the least expensive item, it automatically imprints your subconscious, through repetition, causing it to become more dominant than fear, lack or scarcity mentalities.


When we recognize in someone what we want and envy it or resent them etc.. we are actually recognizing denied or unmet aspects of ourselves and they are inviting us to grow into. What we envy is illustrating to us what we desire.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you. IG - curate.

Exercise: Next time you are scrolling through Instagram and feel triggered - get quiet and get out your journal and free form answers to these questions.

What is it about what they have that is triggering? The first superficial answer is probably going to be that you want that in some way. Keep spelunking. Get to what is at the core. What are the feelings that thing would offer you? Recognition, freedom, safety, luxury, security? Add it to your list. And then see how you can bring more of that into your life even on a micro level (see Gratitude above.) And what actionable steps you can take toward you goal.

Also see if you can begin to celebrate others wins as your own. Get into the we are all connected energy. There is enough for everyone. If they can have it so can I. If someone gets a promotion at work, feel into the feelings of getting a promotion.


I do think it’s powerful. I like to create mine on my computer with canva and Pinterest images and keep it as my screensaver or just have Pinterest boards that are inspiring to me. You can also hang it somewhere you will see it everyday. I don’t think you can just hang a vision board and get what you want but I think it’s a lovely tool for reminding us where we’re headed. I think the main goal is that it should make you feel lit up and inspired when you look at it.


When we have mentors and people who inspire us in the ways we want to grow it can help us see to believe. It’s great to have in person folks but can also be through social media, watching documentaries, movies, books, etc… 

Through our retina and mirror neurons we grow our idea of what is possible. Our brain cannot distinguish between reality and a book or movie so if you’re watching a film that includes something you want to attract it shows your brain you can do that too. This is also why visualizing can be so powerful.

Research people online who’ve done what you want to do. My Instagram is curated and is like one big vision board! The minute someone isn’t inspiring me or lighting me up anymore I delete them. It’s a place for me of staying engaged with good vibes.


Set intentions. If you’re going to put it on your list then be sure that you’re willing to do the work for it. Not in a DOING stressful way but in aligning and taking steps. Create your own sense of urgency to propel you forward and also let it be easeful. The Universe is going to start aligning you toward your intention as well as put circumstances in your path to prepare you for it. 

I read in someones newsletter about a client who wanted to be able to do the splits and she asked her if she practiced. She looked at her bewildered and she asked her ya know do you stretch? This woman didn’t really make the connection. We can absolutely trust that the universe will provide for us and open doors and guide us but we have to also make steps toward what we want, set manageable goals and follow our intuition and align. 

stay in curiosity

Take some to regularly sit with yourself and tune in. We can get so caught up in going and doing and moving along our path that sometimes we forget to stop and see if this path is still the one we want to truly be on.

Find some space to sit with questions, to have curiosity. What do you want your unique contribution to be in the world? How do you want to express yourself creatively, what do you want to offer? Explore your purpose through Human Design and your direction through your North Node.

What do you want to do with your one precious sacred life? Are you doing it?


Find some way at the end of every day to marinate in the joy, bliss, unconditional love, awe, beauty, kindness you experienced during the day. Write it in a journal, share it over pillow talk, make it fun and buy those story fridge magnets and have everyone in the house write one out on the fridge every evening.

taking steps

I invite you to utilize this course in whatever way serves you to get the most value. I would read through everything a couple of times and see what jumps out at you. You will get the most out of it if you are visiting daily and committing to daily practice and actionable steps for alignment. Maybe you know exactly what you want to dive into or you visit a piece of it everyday working your way through. Another option is grabbing a tool or a few and work with them for 30 days noticing what shifts or doesn’t and then try a new one.

If you’d like to inject some whimsy + have some daily guidance. Here is a 30 Days to more alignment deck. You can print the pages and cut them into cards; fold them and put them in a bowl, and then draw a card each day to offer you a focus. ❤️

You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.

— Deepak Chopra