the self


carl jung

Emotional Generator


The Self or “G” Center is the Diamond shape (fourth center down from the top). It is where your magnetic monopole lives. It establishes your direction and identity and is the center for love in our chart. It is our connection to the Universe. It magnetizes experiences, life, to us. It is also how we uniquely tap into our abundance.

We have access to all the energy at times but we have consistent access to those that are defined in our chart (either black or red or a combination of both). Look to the defined energies here to see where you want to focus on calling in abundance.

If we are out of alignment in any of these energies; the Universe will draw experiences to us to help us grow and evolve:

Gate 10 - Self love
Gate 7 - Leadership and empowerment
Gate 1 - Being authentic
Gate 13 - Your ability to let go. To forgive. To take the lesson and move forward.
Gate 25 - Your ability to trust in the Universe/Source
Gate 46 - Are you grounded? Are you embodied? Is there vitality?
Gate 2 - Do you believe you are worthy of what you desire? Are you able to receive?
Gate 15 - Are your choices in the Highest Good of All? Are you making a contribution?

If you’re feeling challenged in any of these areas the Universe is calling in lessons around these experiences to help you. See any patterns? Get clear on what they’re here to teach you so you can move forward.

Read more about The Self here.

deep dive into the energetics

Explore the definition in your chart.


Do you take responsibility and accountability?
Do you feel empowered? What actions make you feel empowered? Take a step.
Do you play the victim or are you stuck in victim mentality? What old stories can you release?
Write yourself a love note.
What does self love look like to you?
Implement a daily (or weekly) action that represents self love to you.

Potential Shadow: Self Obsession through Self-Denying or Narcissism


Are you waiting to recognized and put into leadership or are you forcing it?
Where are you playing small?
Where can you increase your light?
Sing, dance, laugh, sit by a fire, take a walk in the sunshine.
Mantra: I do enough. I am more than enough.

Potential Shadow: Division through hiding/staying small or abuse of power.


Are you expressing yourself creatively?
Are you standing in your fullest, unique, most you expression?
What do you want to leave behind?
Are there any blocks or old patterns you need to reprogram that are stopping you from fully expressing yourself?

Potential Shadow: Entropy through depression or escapism.


Do you listen more than you speak? Are you honoring/keeping the secrets you hear?
Are you listening or just hearing?
Do you feel a need to prove something or be outwardly validated for your contributions?
Do you see the truth of your past? Are you able to see the lessons? Have you let go? Does someone or something need forgiving? Do you?
If you feel energetically tied or anchored try this Cord Cutting Meditation.
I LOVE this Hawaiian prayer/mantra: “I am sorry. Forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”

Potential Shadow: Discord through being permissive or narrow-minded.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner was you.
— Lewis Smedes


Do you trust the Universe to have your back?
Are you open to all fo the abundance the Universe has to offer?
Do you ask for what’s in your highest good, knowing that Source knows better than you?
Do you lead with love?
Mantra: I choose love instead.

Potential Shadow: Constriction through ignorance for being unwilling to take accountability and instead project their pain.


Do you honor and respect your body?
Is your body cranky? What is it trying to tell you?
Are your intentions and actions in line with your truth? With love?
Check out this breath practice for embodiment.
Dance one song everyday. Let your body move how it wants to.

Potential Shadow: Seriousness. Staying frozen. Being frivolous.


Are you responsible with your spending and resources?
Do you have a solid foundation so you can support your dreams?
Do you have any limiting beliefs around your worth? Take them through EFT.
Read the bit about Receiving in the Clarity module. Listen to the audio book if you need some extra support.
Check our this post on Financial Literacy.

Potential Shadow: Dislocation - feeling lost or imposing too much structure/being overly regimented.


Do you embrace and own your big loving aura?
Do you have rhythm in your life?
Can you adjust any rhythms in your life to be more in alignment/in flow?
Are you contributing the greater good? Being of service in some way that feels good to you?
Spend time in nature.

Potential Shadow: Dullness through a feeling of emptiness/numbness or being reactive, having extremist tendencies.


Also visit the prompts for the Defined + Undefined Self Center!